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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Sorry Mark, we haven't do anything with badge customization (yet). Can look into it though. Welcome back though! Nice to see you. I actually was just listening to Star Orion (Airplay Edit) the other day while hanging out with my wife and son. Wife was like "what is this!? this is great!!" and we threw on Shattered Time on your bandcamp page and had that playing all day.
  2. NO Override for the reasons Brad stated above. Not a remix at all. This is a playlist of tracks from the OST.
  3. Voting Guidelines Teams were tasked with writing three mashup arrangements of two songs each, one from a Metroid game and the other from a Castlevania game. In order to make your vote, listen to the remixes and, for each pair, choose the remix that fulfills the following criteria (listed in order of importance): The remix arranges both source tunes in an interesting and identifiable way into one cohesive piece of music. The remix is well-produced within the conventions of the genre. The remix is enjoyable to listen to. Stream the remixes via Soundcloud or Download the Round 2 Remix Pack (MP3). For your reference, here are the source tunes for each matchup: Super Metroid vs. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Maridia (Rocky Underwater Area) Purification Metroid Prime vs. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Tallon Overworld Depths Overture Metroid Fusion vs. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Environmental Mystery Marble Gallery You can also use this thread to leave comments about the tracks. Remember to be kind and constructive. Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting!
  4. The skill pages referenced a specific database view that broke after we made some changes to the user's profile fields. I've rebuilt the view to ignore those fields. The skill pages now work again.
  5. Skill pages on the Workshop dashboard are broken and returning a blank page. https://ocremix.org/workshop/skill/bitwig-studio
  6. Remixes are due in 16-bit, 44.1khz WAV format by the end of this event. Use the provided form to submit your tracks. Here are our matchups for Round 2! First up is Super Metroid vs. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow! You're combining Maridia (Rocky Underwater Area) Purification Next is Metroid Prime vs. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse! You're combining Tallon Overworld Depths Overture Last but not least is Metroid Fusion vs. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! You're combining Environmental Mystery Marble Gallery Your team is responsible for writing three remixes, one for for each match-up. Each remix should aim to combine both tracks into a single, cohesive piece of music. Remember, you're not writing two separate remixes and sticking them end-to-end, but writing a track that captures both sources as a piece of music that stands on its own. Remixes should be at least 1 minute in length. Every remix you submit is worth 2 points just for submitting, so make sure your team submits all three remixes or you risk falling behind. Here's a YouTube playlist of the sources.
  7. Voting Guidelines Teams were tasked with writing three mashup arrangements of two songs each, one from a Metroid game and the other from a Castlevania game. In order to make your vote, listen to the remixes and, for each pair, choose the remix that fulfills the following criteria (listed in order of importance): The remix arranges both source tunes in an interesting and identifiable way into one cohesive piece of music. The remix is well-produced within the conventions of the genre. The remix is enjoyable to listen to. Stream the remixes via Soundcloud or Download the Round 1 Remix Pack (MP3). For your reference, here are the source tunes for each matchup: Super Metroid vs. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse Brinstar (Red Soil Swampy Area) Beginning Metroid Prime vs. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Phendrana Drifts Lost Painting Metroid Fusion vs. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow Sector 4 (AQA) Heart of Fire You can also use this thread to leave comments about the tracks. Remember to be kind and constructive. Thanks for listening, and thanks for voting!
  8. Submission Instructions Remixes are due by 11:59PM ET on Monday, February 5. Remixes should be at least 1 minute long. Use the submission form to send me your remix. Make sure you submit a 16-bit, 44.1KHz WAV file. I will encode MP3s myself. Follow the filename conventions laid out in the form
  9. You can always download DRM-free MP3s from Amazon. This album is also not an indie-album, there were very specific terms we had to abide by because this album was done in collaboration with Capcom. Bandcamp doesn’t support region restrictions, which was one of their requirements, so we could not put it on Bandcamp, despite it being one of the first things we investigated.
  10. Check the description of that YouTube video for the download. :)
  11. Here are our matchups for Round 1! First up is Super Metroid vs. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse! You're combining Brinstar (Red Soil Swampy Area) Beginning Next is Metroid Prime vs. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night! You're combining Phendrana Drifts Lost Painting Last but not least is Metroid Fusion vs. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow! You're combining Sector 4 (AQA) Heart of Fire Your team is responsible for writing three remixes, one for for each match-up. Each remix should aim to combine both tracks into a single, cohesive piece of music. Remember, you're not writing two separate remixes and sticking them end-to-end, but writing a track that captures both sources as a piece of music that stands on its own. Remixes should be at least 1 minute in length. Every remix you submit is worth 2 points just for submitting, so make sure your team submits all three remixes or you risk falling behind.
  12. This is a thoughtful blend of middle-eastern aesthetics with a jazzier piano. Really pensive work. Incredibly relaxing. Absolute masterpiece.
  13. Used to listen to this one constantly. Just a classic. Love the filtered lead and that iconic string. A personal favorite.
  14. Really great contrast here between the smooth and crushed textures. Really strong here. The contour of the energy in this track is really good. There's a lightness you're playing with here. Really nice.
  15. You know how I love a time signature adaptation. This is such a killer track. That bassline just moves. Incredible sound design all around too. Not a single sound feels out of place; really well put together.
  16. TBH I'm not sure how I feel about the more relaxed energy on this one. There's a lightness to the source that I really liked, but there's a bit more heaviness on this one in texture. Some nice sounds though.
  17. Just really solid guitar work on display here. Fantastic dynamics on this one. Love that part in the middle where the energy comes down a bit. Guitar solo is killer, tasteful use of vox. Really great.
  18. Haven't heard this one in a really long time, TBH I actually really love how much the texture of this sounds like it's the OST of a Neo Geo game, especially with that announcer at the beginning. Super high energy. Really fun.
  19. Saw plenty of instances back in the day where the tribalism was real. People got super weird about unmod vs. gendisc stuff.
  20. It's a solid, by-the-book trance mix that I think really leans into the strengths of the source. Really enjoyed the panning in that breakbeat section. Nothing groundbreaking but if you're in the mood for trance you can't go wrong here. :)
  21. That arpeggiator is doing the work, damn. Great use of panning and stereo space. Love the textures here. The half time section HITS. Really glad to rediscover this one. :)
  22. An old school track in texture for sure. Synthy sitar noodles a bit but that filtered breakbeat is killer. Really liked the groove here. CLASSIC!!
  23. It was extremely weird and, TBH cringey, how tribal people got about that shit back then.
  24. Do you have OPINIONS about REMIXES? Join us this Thursday at 8:30PM EST on Discord where we run the first-of-hopefully-many Review Bombs! We're going to get a listening party going for OC ReMixes that have gone the longest without having any reviews and rectify the situation. OPEN TO ALL!
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