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Icy Guy

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Everything posted by Icy Guy

  1. So I just spent a bit of time reading through the first pages of this topic, and it occurred to me that we don't spend nearly as much time together as a clan as we used to. Sure, we still have good times, but we don't have the stories, the awards, the same amount of people, and WINGLESS. Which has led me to the following conclusion: WE NEED TO RE-INSTATE THE CLAN MEET DAY/TIME. Wednesdays at 9 CDT/CST?
  2. It was South Park's fault. They were re-airing the 24 parody episode, and I couldn't miss it. Nor could I find my blank VHS tape anywhere, so taping it was out of the question. "just" you guys? It sounds like I missed out. Anyone gonna be on over the weekend?
  3. C'MON, TEAM OCR. DON'T YOU DIE ON ME. In other news, the beta ends in 9 hours.
  4. I finally got my Rule of Three code sorted out yesterday, so I'm able to play the beta now. Maybe I'll join you sometime. ANYWAY, more videos, hosted on a different server. The first of these features WesPip's now-famous "SWATAWATATAA": "Special Weapons and Tactics, as Well as the Ability to Appraise Antiques." http://files.filefront.com/Backwash_SWATAWATATAAwmv/;7552843;/fileinfo.html Fiesta Slayer on Warlock, the highlight of which was WesPip's mournful, voice-masked rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody." (We all had voice masks on.) http://rapidshare.com/files/32257026/Warlock_FiestaSlayer.wmv.html On another note, that atrocious match on Containment was my 4000th match of Halo 2 on Live.
  5. http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/5/26/37476/Warlock_SWATCarbines.wmv I recorded a couple of matches Deimos and I played. Unfortunately, the second video I recorded is 7 MB too big for FileDen, so I can't upload it. Yet. (I'll lower the bitrate, or something.) EDIT: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/5/26/37476/BurialMounds_TeamSlayerBR.wmv After four years, I finally get my 200th post. Wow.
  6. So, yeah. Deimos and Strykr helped me out with my video production class final project. Thanks for that, guys. Deimos asked if I would post it when I was done, and so I've done just that: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/5/26/37476/Media_77_Final_Project.wmv He also asked if I would post the first take from the Halo shot. And so I have: http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/5/26/37476/M77FP_1sttake.wmv Sorry I missed you guys last night. My friend's fragile ego couldn't take being beaten in Command & Conquer 3, so he whined until I agreed to play another game. (The last time I told him I wouldn't play, he spammed me with invites until it became quite clear that, no, I wasn't going to play.)
  7. ... The time differential was only 5 minutes? Damn, I really need to start checking my message times. I assumed you had sent it a long time before that. Also, I appeared offline because I had to go right after sending that. See you guys in a couple of hours. Don't forget to re-download the new maps. Because I almost did.
  8. Good stuff. Just one thing, though: if you want to play, please send an invite instead of a message telling me Command & Conquer 3/DOA/Splinter Cell is bad for me. Messages sent from original Xbox games don't bring up a 360 notification, but invites always bring up a notification.
  9. At Deimos' request: "Your momma's so fat, she walked in front of the TV during a commercial and I missed three seasons!" "Your momma's like a bowling ball: picked up, fingered, and thrown in the gutter." "Your momma's like a rifle: one cock and she's loaded."
  10. Wingless is back? Hell yes! Also, it seems that Bungie's going to re-issue the new maps, thus fixing the invisible barrier glitch. The re-issue will also fix high-altitude invisible barrier holes, although it's only a matter of time before people find new ways out of the levels. And GGs. After Reed and Wes left, we played a few games of SWAT, one of which featured me repeatedly whispering "Deimos" for half the game.
  11. ...DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN! You know how the 360 doesn't pop up a notification if you get a message from an original Xbox game? Btw: I won't be buying the new maps until June 6th (the day the Halo 3 beta ends, not coincidentally), so you guys will have a head start on me there. And speaking of the new maps, are we going to do Rocketball on Tombstone? I've heard that there's an invisible barrier next to one of the ramps that lets you camp with impunity, and I've been wondering if we're going to agree not to exploit that, or simply not play it at all.
  12. But you were online last Saturday! And since it was St. Paddy's Day, you were probably blitzed. <3 drunken WesPip.
  13. So how many of you are still alive and fraggin'? I think I've figured out that playing Rainbow Six: Vegas, Halo 2, and then Vegas again is the FPS equivalent of being drunk. Yeah.
  14. Last night was just...odd. From Reed's 2-hour rants to me making $53 in a Vegas-scored Solitaire game (you start at -$53) to Wes's "I can't talk to you face-to-face, because I'm on the FUCKING INTERNET!"... ...it was quite the night.
  15. "Who's got more than 20 kills? My hand's raised." "Whose accuracy was higher than 30 percent? My hand, too, is raised." Jeff = pwnt.
  16. Problem is, the only way you'll be able to download them is with a 360. So Wes, you need to jump on the bandwagon and buy a 360.
  17. Your mom's broken!
  18. Ewwww! Battlefield 2: Modern Combat FTW. Y'know, we should make a list of the Live-compatible games each person owns.
  19. Like WesPip's mom. OH SNAP. You know, it's kind of annoying that DOA Ultimate isn't backwards-compatible. DAMN YOU AND YOUR ARROGANCE, ITAGAKI! (Of course, it'd help if I actually bought it. And it'd also help if my DOA friends didn't fuckin' scream bloody murder every time I said the words "Halo 2.")
  20. Guess what I wanted to eat for breakfast this morning? Pancakes. But I couldn't - I had to eat waffles instead. WesPip gets NO POINTS for the image of "anal sperm pancakes." Played a lot of BTB Slayer and Team Carnage - I'm totally surprised Monosnipe (Neutral Flag, snipers, no shields) isn't in this one - last night, and in a match of Team Slayer BR on Terminal, we were on the same team as YerMahm. Strangely enough, no one made any "your mom" jokes. Instead, half of the people in the game lagged out.
  21. So I'm about to sign off at 3 A.M. PDT, and I see that there's a message. Turns out, that message was an invite. Turns out, that invite contained a message from WesPip. Turns out, I still had notifications off from when my friend bombarded me with invites to Enchanted Arms (he spams me with invites to a game I don't own whenever he wants me to buy a certain game - I usually don't end up buying it after that), so I never saw it. Turns out, I felt really bad after hearing that message. Fuck.
  22. OFF-TOPIC OFF-TOPIC! ... Who else has Conker L&R? Ahh, so NOW you get Conker. Yes, the one game that you didn't say was bad for me. Unlike Splinter Cell. And DOA4, with "Kasumi boobies."
  23. Y'know, it just isn't an OCR meetup without a rockets-only game. Apologies to WesPip, who I think I offended by making some crack about how Canadians like beating me in video games. But it was true - some of the high-ranking contenders (read: people who outscored me) in my Battlefield 2 sessions today were Canadian, and WesPip almost outscored me in that Snipes 'n' Swords match on Coagulation. In any event, I apologize for coming across as a jerk. Well, more of a jerk than usual.
  24. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=535154334 I don't know how understandable I was in the lobby, but I said that I was leaving (and couldn't concentrate) because my computer's CPU cooling fan is going a bit too fast for my liking, obviously meaning that it's a bit too hot. For my liking. 8:15 in the evening, and 101 F out? Yuck.
  25. Marius, what did you say in your invite last night? It sounded like it had something to do with the clan, but I couldn't make it out, thanks to the 360's tendency to have its way with messages sent from Xbox games.
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