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Icy Guy

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Everything posted by Icy Guy

  1. Looks like I literally missed you guys by about a minute yesterday. "Deimos 0034: Last online 1 minute ago." "Lazy Leaf: Last online 8 minutes ago." Etc.
  2. Note to self: if you're going to play a game, pay more attention to your messages that don't show notifications. Furthermore, actually check your messages before the person who sent it signs off.
  3. I've been on, too. Actually, today was the first day I signed on Halo 2 in a week, but that's irrelevant.
  4. That's 'cause this forum doesn't allow Flash and HTML in signatures. It's a good stats reader, though, as I implemented it on my website about a year ago. However, I recently ditched it in favor of showing off my Gamercard, and promptly lost my password, so I can't tweak that.
  5. As promised, here are some screenshots of what happens when a piece of Banshee debris blocks the grav lift on Coagulation: Aya got stuck. And not in the Plasma Grenade sense. Same scene, different angle. Because two different angles aren't enough. I hopped up the grav lift, and Marius decided that he wanted in on the action. I'd tap that a-...nevermind. Marius' leg + WesPip.
  6. BXB, BXR, and the like are apparently the work of the devil: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=7068597&viewreplies=true&postRepeater1-p=2#end
  7. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=494755587 Stupidest. Teammates. Ever. "Pick up the ball!" "Pick up the damn ball!" "There...NO, DON'T THROW IT BACK! KEEP IT! KEEP I-ARGH!" Lazy and I were fit to burst, and not because of laughter. Our teammates would JUST NOT PICK UP THE DAMNED ODDBALL. Those 3 seconds our team had? We got those when there were only 8 left on the timer.
  8. Deimos: "Hey, you only live about two hours away. Maybe we could chill sometime." Me: "Maybe, but...*deep voice*...I AM A STALKER! Bwa ha ha!" I should write a book on what NOT to do if you want to make friends.
  9. I always knew I never mattered. :( :( :(
  10. Apologies to everyone for turning down invites, but I have an excuse: I was pwning in Burnout Revenge on the 360. In fact, I was pwning people so badly, I won a headset. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/community/news/2006/0224-burnoutrevenge.htm I kid you not. Exploding Bay, $20,434,500, 3/18.
  11. Maybe you need to increase your buffer length. Hit F10, and then go to Audio. Move the buffer length slider to the right a bit, and then play your song. If it still sounds screwy, move it to the right a bit more. You probably won't have to move it past the 100ms mark. Also, make sure the device you chose under the Output section (also on the Audio page) doesn't have "(emulated)" in the name. That can also make your audio sound yucky.
  12. For such failure as this, no punishment is too great. Heretic! Heretic! Heretic!
  13. Apparently, I am a "fucking fucker" for owning a 360. This has been yet another public service announcement by WesPip, from his book Splinter Cell is Bad for You.
  14. Try playing Halo PC online. I played a series of rockets matches today (on Blood Gulch, Prisoner, Derelict, Battle Creek, Wizard, and Hang 'Em High), and there was plenty of "proactive defense" to go around. Dangit. Looks like I missed the chance to harass you in real life. J/k. On another note, I have Doom 3 now, so I can bother Lazy and Marius if I see them sign on.
  15. That explains why you were able to beat me in that Rocketball match.
  16. I have one thing to say: Mwahahahaha!
  17. I don't know of any way to do that with the Formula Controller, but you can do it in the Function Channel Settings. 1) Open a channel's Channel Settings and go to "FUNC." 2) Make sure the switch next to "Tracking" is set to "KB" (keyboard). 3) Adjust the "MID" (middle value) until the desired note is selected. 4) Now spin the "PAN" knob to the right. This controls the degree to which lower-pitch notes are panned to the left, and higher-pitched notes are panned to the right. Play around with that a bit, but don't turn the panning knob to the left; otherwise, that will cause lower-pitch notes to be panned to the right, and vice-versa.
  18. No. It's more like, "Screw those money-grubbers who bought two and three Hard Drives so they could sell the extras on Ebay for 3 and-a-half times the normal price."
  19. Not if I get the Sniper Rifle. Actually, I could probably just...um...bring my Xbox downstairs and hook it back up to my video card. Yeah.
  20. *sigh* I wish I could play with you guys again, but... ...I don't have a Hard Drive for my 360.
  21. Awww, sounds like I missed an...interesting episode. But nothing shall ever top KOJIIIIIIII KONDOOOOOOOO!!
  22. To be honest, I have no idea. Or, should I say, I had no idea, because I left Satan's Toilet, too. Now it's Clan DKU, the unofficial Halo 2 clan of Donkey Kong Universe. (You may have heard of this site before it changed its name - it used to be Donkey Kong's Jungle Vine, or DK Vine, for short.) Interestingly enough, it looks like we picked an "abandoned" clan, because there are clan games listed that we never even played. Didn't know you could do that. Clan matches for us, though, are as annoying as ever, thanks to those level 39s who create a new, level 1 clan just to get off on kicking lower-level players' asses. But take their distance weapons away, and they're crap. And yes, it really has been a while since we played together. Well, it's been a while since I played with you guys, at least. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss those clan meets... ...and Rocketball on Warlock and Midship. And pissing Deimos off with evil comebacks. And the general, good-natured bickering.
  23. The last time I posted in this topic was August 6th, which may have also been the last time I played with you guys. (That was the day "boob bagging" was born.) I left the clan around... ...June 11th. I had no idea I left that long ago. Also, it looks like Wingles (old running joke) is still in the clan, but he hasn't played in 4 months.
  24. Thou may not be banned, but thou shalt be pwn'd at Oddball. "God damn you, Icy!"
  25. *shocked* *OMG SNAP'd* I thought Larry was done, since he left college and all. Guess not. Are people still telling Larry he looks like Gandhi?
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