Icy Guy
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Everything posted by Icy Guy
Holy crap! VGF's still running? You da man, whoever's running it now.
Boobbagging! Lazy, Marius, and I somehow got on the discussion of a certain annoying member (his name is based on that of a certain red echidna) and his supposed teabagging habits. This turned into a discussion about teabagging. Something came up about Lazy teabagging people, and I said that since it was physically impossible for Lazy to teabag someone (unless there's something about her she's not telling us), she could try "boobbagging" ("boobagging"?) them. They said "Boobagging" would be quote of the day, but neither of them posted.
The service switch will be happening anywhere from later tonight to the next few days. I just thought I'd get a message off to everyone while I could. Perhaps... But I haven't lost my ability to PWN!!!!
Simple: hard copy, the rendered cinematic thingy, and the mini-documentary. Same reasons for me. That's why I have to hold off until tomorrow, since EB Games isn't getting the disc in until then. Ironic, considering that EB Games Australia released the damn thing a week early. *shuffles out* EDIT: To heck with that. Download time!
"SATANS TOILET...you bastard." - WesPip Yes, it's official. I've finally left. The reason is that although we had a lot of fun in custom games, I felt that I yelled at you guys a bit too much in matchmaking, so I decided to go back to a reworked version of my old Clan. GG, guys.
I did indeed see Marius (and most everyone else) take a lot of sniper and Battle Rifle rounds in the head, so I knew what was going on. I was PO'ed because, after I died and switched my view to my teammates (just a quick hit of the A button during the respawn countdown gives you some nice shots of your teammates), a couple of people were just standing there in front of the flag stand. *coughSpleencough* After seeing that (and getting frickin' sick of being pounded by the frickin' Battle Rifle), I just quit and went to play some Team Preview. However, the reason I get so nuts sometimes is because I care: I often hate seeing you guys make the same mistakes I've made. Also, clan level isn't everything. The fact that we've faced off against 25+'s in a level 1 clan is proof of that.
Match of the Day for 6/4: Deimos gets served. After the match was halfway over, Deimos had 15 kills, and I had 8. Obviously, he thought he had the match in the bag. What he didn't count on was a 17-9 killing run. Match of the Day for 6/5: Deimos serves everyone else. Apparently, Deimos has some talent for holding on to the Oddball when under fire from four other rocket launchers. Also, he showed that he could beat WesPip. Runner-up for MotD 6/5: Chaotic King on Midship. Check the medals, and hope that you can figure out how the hell I got a Killtacular against three opponents.
Tsk. You guys complain when CTF lasts almost 10 rounds, yet you also complain when I take advantage of a map's layout so that it lasts less than 2 minutes. Well, the former was Lazy's fault.
Man, yesterday was nuts. We got slaughtered a couple of different times in Team Slayer BR on Beaver Creek, got trash-talked in Assault BR on Burial Mounds, won on Team Pistols on Lockout, played several Fiesta-esque custom games, and brought our clan record up (down?) to 2-34. Not to mention that I made Marius "sick to [his] stomach," thanks to a "cheap" CTF Classic match on Lockout. I mean, in multi-flag matches on Lockout, someone has to pick the Red team. It's *cough* not my fault that the Red team can grab the Blue flag and make a few jumps that lead to victory. That strategy is just there to be exploited. Mwahaha.
Well, we certainly had some interesting matches last night. QotD: "I know! I'll run at them while screaming; they'll be confused. I'll grab the bomb and win! Here I go! WOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOOWOO!" *our team pwns the guy with most of the power weapons on Zanzibar* Match of the Day: CTF Classic on Warlock. The match started off with a fairly quick capture by the Red team, and I overheard one of them saying that they were "owning" us. A couple of runs and returns later, we scored our first capture. During this flag run (or the second; I forget which), the enemy had our flag, but while they were running to their base, I (or someone else; all I know is I ended up with the flag) stole their flag and, naturally, ran back to ours. Since it was CTF Classic, we couldn't score unless our flag was at our base. So I went up the steam vent and parked myself in the darkness separating the vent landing chamber and our base. I saw a red dot on the Motion Tracker, and thought it was all over. The Blue guy jumped into our base and looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever had their flag. While looking around, he stared right at me, but apparently didn't see me. "I dunno where our flag's at." He hopped away. Shortly after, Lazy (I think) went to town on the opposing team's flag carrier and the carrier's bodyguard, and returned our flag. Then it was just a quick 15-foot run to our flagstand. Not long after that, we scored the remaning number of flag caps we needed to win. So much for them "owning" us. Hahahaha.
Well, it looks like (almost?) everything's back to normal on my end, so if all goes well, I should be able to sign on Live tonight. I can't believe you guys could live for two whole weeks without me. Also, I didn't know that we won a clanmatch on Tuesday. Congrats to WesPip, Wingless, Lazy, and Marius for doing what we've failed to do in literally 20 other matches (according to the stats reader on my site) since the stats reset. EDIT: Xbox hooked up to video card, power supply. Looks like I'll definitely be on Live tonight. Knock on wood.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Icy Guy replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Shit. I finally get a chance to update my WIP (I've been grounded. The reason? Windows died. Yes, I've been grounded because Windows died.), and then I find out that, in spite of what it apparently says on the front page, I've been cut. To boot, Gray gets Desert Palace, which means that I shouldn't even post what I have so far, since it's obvious anything he'll make will beat what I've made. In the forgotten words of online gaming: Good game, guys, and good luck. -
I think I can speak for those of us who don't have a router (and thus no way to connect to our PC and Xbox at the same time) and/or already have Live: We're fine! Prepubescents? Playing Halo 2 on Live? You're joking! Btw: which match are you referring to? We've played many matches against annoying players (or players who just want to come into our base and chat), so I'm not sure which one you're talking about. As for the level 8 clan, I think we would've pwned those nubs if I was there to help you guys out. What kind of match was it? Was it close? Sounds like I've missed out on some fun times, but when hasn't playing with Team OCR involved times of funness? Update: I sent my HDD off to the guy who built my PC, and he said that when he booted it as a slave drive on his PC, Windows said the drive had errors. In its usual, helpful way, it fixed the errors. I'll be getting the drive back tonight, and I'm going reinstall it into my case. If those errors were the problem (instead of Windows), then I should be able to see you guys again sooner than I expected. Problem is, I'll be grounded for a week, starting on the day I get everything up and running again. This is apparently some sort of punishment for not reinstalling Windows when I was told it would be a good idea to do so. I'll see if I can cut the sentence down a bit, because I'm suffering from withdrawal. Imagine not playing Rocketball on Midship or Warlock for a whole 5 days. The horror!
As some of you may know, I have to run the Xbox's video and audio signal through my video card in order to play on Live, as I need to be near my modem. Obviously, this means I need a sound computer. Windows died yesterday. At least, I hope it's only Windows, and not my HDD or any other hardware. So, in other words, I'll hopefully see you guys again sometime next week, providing my mom doesn't end up grounding me for not reinstalling Windows as soon as I got my new motherboard. If she does... ...then I'll see you guys again in June. At least we had some good CTF strategy sessions the other night, so I managed to (temporarily) go out on a high note. And Lazy, I'm sorry to hear about your family.
Yes, I was only showing you guys that glitch for fun. There's no way I'd ever use that in a matchmade game, mainly because 1) it is very cheat-like (even more than my trick jumps and hiding spots on Lockout, which are only "cheats" if Wingless is watching) and 2) you'd have to get someone to stand in the appropriate place, and stay there. Speaking of that glitch, here's the video of it I mentioned last night. After watching it, let me know if the videographer's armor color looks familiar. But any strategy practicing we do would involve perfectly legitimate...um...strategies. Even strategies that include tossing flags in and out of the base windows on Beaver Creek, since, surprisingly, the flag DOES fit through those openings. And strategies that include Warthogs, since on levels like Zanzibar and Coagulation, having a getaway strategy/driver for the flag carrier can be an integral part of winning.
When I started yelling, "Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout! Lockout!" you should've known something was up. But at least I only used one of my jumps from the upper level to the Sword level, the side of the bridge, the jump onto the spiral ramp, and the ledge on the side of the tower. You should be thankful that I haven't mastered grenade jumping after the autoupdate yet, or I might've gotten to the top of the spiral tower. It's also a good thing that Swordball match didn't take place on Ivory Tower. I've never done this in a match before, but if I can set someone up in a certain spot, I can take advantage of a map glitch to fall below the level... Some other things: 1) More Warthog demolition derbies! 2) Team OCR has reached the 25 member mark! 3) Lazy's comment during that one match, about how the opposing team won because they knew Zanzibar better, got me thinking: what if we were to devote a portion of the meeting time to practicing strategies? If we did, we might be able to play more efficiently during objective games, and win. We could be UNSTOPPABLE! Well, if I don't play like I did last night. I need to turn down the suck.
Where were you guys last night? At around 7-ish PDT, I set my status to "online," and kept it there for an hour or so. When none of the usual crowd showed, I set it to "offline" and played some Team Preview. I thought about trying to get a party going with the members who were on, but it just wouldn't be the same as one of the higher-ups getting a party together. So which of you bums are actually gonna be on tonight?
Does this have anything to do with the "trial by phallus" you mentioned a few days ago? Anyway, I might be on tonight. I may be stuck trying to edit a movie at super-speed (when I told someone I could edit 20 to 30 minutes of footage in three days, I was basically kidding myself; I'll have to tell them I need more time), but I'll try and make it.
Sarcasm? Or are you referring to your 'Hog fetish? *runs* The guy who was pissing Lazy off was most likely DarkDestroyer...who, for the record, doesn't even have an account here. OMGWTFBBQ.
Hehe, nope, especially since Dark was trying to convince her to let me stay on Live longer, which is a bit of an extension of the running joke that his name carries a lot of weight with my parents. Of course, if my mom let me, I would've stayed on longer, since playing chicken with Warthogs on the Headlong jump ramp is always fun. I especially liked the part where I sniped Dark out of the 'Hog's driver seat. In spite of the fact that he pretended he didn't, I think he did. See, Dark and I tend to make a point of killing each other in matches where we're on opposing teams (or if it's a battle royale), and he sometimes makes a point of trying to kill me even if we're on the SAME team. Also, while on the subject of Dark, I think our sessions of Rocketball on small levels have done something to him. Namely, he'll sometimes suggest playing that. It's very much unlike him, because, normally, he isn't big on playing Oddball. Anyway, 15 minutes, guys. And I don't mean this in the same way they used it in the movie Grease.
PWNT! We need to try that on Lockout (or Warlock?) next. Like with the Midship match, I'll need to be the last to enter the game, so I can pull off a totally sweet come-from-behind victory. Again. Alternatively, we could try a Team Ball match tonight, and you and I could be on the same team. Maybe a 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 vs. 2?
Yeah, that "Prblmaticpunkid" guy was hilarious. Even funnier than mopper us, who indeed got a Rampage. Oh, and in response to your comment about my babbling: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=154843116 I need not say more. Yep. I mean, if the opposing team is dumb enough to let us control both our Wraith and theirs... EDIT: We need to do some more Elimination matches, 'cause that one on Ivory Tower was great. I think we could probably do without me yell-singing "Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive! Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' alive!" again, though.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Icy Guy replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Yes, I'm still alive. However, my activity (or lack thereof) over the past two weeks may lead you guys to think otherwise. I have a perfectly reasonable explanation (read: not "I'm lazy") as to why I was absent: computer problems. My motherboard thought it would be amusing to die on me, so, short of using "school" computers (I only recently discovered that OCR and some other places I visit aren't blocked), I've been without a computer since April 5th. If all goes well, I should be back by next Saturday (the 23rd). Just thought I'd pop in and let you guys (mainly sith; you have no idea how glad I am that I got my WIP off to him a day or two before my comp died) know that I'll be back in action soon. Hopefully. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Icy Guy replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Good WIPs so far, everyone. Yes, I'm aware I haven't made any comments yet, but I'm going to save that for April 9th or 10th. As for my mix... I've still got plenty of ideas, but I haven't gotten around to throwing anything down in FL yet. Instead, I'm reading Sytrus' manual (this thing is un-frickin'-believable), because I'm planning on buying it. Now why am I saying this? Simple: I want to find some way to incorporate Sytrus into my mix, and I want to buy it first. I have one day to make up my mind on whether or not I want to buy it, and after that, its price goes flying out of my range. Again. In other words, I'm just making sure that it doesn't appear that I'm going to pull off a spectacular "OMG U BURNED OUT" trick, thus reassuring aku that I'm not going to be the first to drop off the project. I will have something done by April 9th. Now will it be as poorly-accepted by the remixing community as Cavern Escape? At this point, I can't say. -
Sonic 3 & Knuckles: Project Chaos - History
Icy Guy replied to k u n g f u c h i c k e n's topic in Projects
Sweet jibbly giblets! An S3K project already?! Anyway, I'm trying to decide what to take. I can't make up my mind between the Special Stage (This is the 3D one with the spheres, NOT the gumball machine or glowing orbs and bumpers, right?), Desert Palace, Chrome Gadget, and Marble Garden. Of course, I'm not so masochistic that I'd want to handle all four of those. I'm not asking to be randomly signed up for one or all of those at the moment, either - I'm just putting my thoughts down on paper (HTML?) so I can see them, and hopefully organize them, allowing me to make my decision. Also, that's some good stuff in the WIP department, guys. Keep it up. Btw: Hadyn, I've noticed you've gone back to using your guitar, like you did in some of your earlier mixes (yes, I remember your DKC2 mines remix, as well as your Ice Cap mix). As with those earlier mixes, is it live? I suspect it is, but I'm just curious.