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Joshua Morse

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Nashville, Tennessee
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer, Music Composer, Sound Designer


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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. After listening to the album multiple times and looping this particular arrangement for about an hour straight, I think it's safe to say this is my favorite out of them all. Loving the use of the Chrono Trigger string samples, too.
  2. Pay what you want for the OST! Check out the trailer: Released via Ubiktune: http://ubiktune.org/releases/ubi040-joshua-morse-onslaught-ost Game created by Lost Decade Games: http://lostdecadegames.com Lost Decade Games has also released the game for free on iPad! Download it from your iPad in the app store!
  3. Yes! That game scared the living crap out of me!
  4. Always good to see a fellow Bad Dude put out a project! I've yet to play the game, but I've been listening to the soundtrack for a while now (as is the case with most games out there) and definitely enjoy it! Congrats, Kunal!
  5. Sounds great! Always nice to hear a latin arrangement on OCR. Definitely one of the most impressive first submissions I've heard.
  6. This is in my top 3 fav Mattias tracks. This could very well be at number 1; can't decide! Sounds great!
  7. Hell yeah. This is great. For some reason, it seems longer than 2:04 to me.
  8. Completely forgot to mention the fact that the *pimp* vocal FX were recorded by myself. Not sure how audible it is on everyone's setup, but there's some beat-boxing sprinkled on the mix, as well. Mission accomplished!
  9. I started listening before reading the write-up and had to do a double-take at the artist; quite surprised when I saw it wasn't zircon. Don't get me wrong, I still think the mix has its own unique sound, but I can definitely hear its inner zircon. Loving the synth brass at 0:48 and on.
  10. I forgot how much I loved the source until I heard this. Loving the meld of the rice krispies crunch with the laid back vibe; not something you hear very often!
  11. Loving this, WillRock. The atmosphere is a wonderful compliment to the original.
  12. Do I hear Shreddage? This is great work. Loving the synth work and the stutters at 1:37.
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