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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Whether or not the blogs get that much attention, the site will have gotten some additional funding, which is always good. And they may turn out more useful and popular than you think. Perhaps not for newer remixers or members, but I could see veterans getting some decent traffic.

    And if not, OCR still gets some extra funding. Which is good.

  2. Apologies for missing yesterday's update. To make up for it, two rounds today!

    ******* Round Eight: *******

    Pilotwings 64

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Paradigm Entertainment

    Release: Sept 29, 1996

    Ape Escape

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SCEA

    Developer: SCEI

    Release: May 31, 1999


    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: THQ

    Developer: Taito Corp.

    Release: Mar 31, 1998

    DonPachi *

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Atlus Co.

    Developer: Cave

    Release: Apr 26, 1996 (JP)


    Console: PC

    Publisher: 2K Games

    Developer: 2K Boston, 2K Australia

    Release: Aug 21, 2007

    Commander Keen II: The Earth Explodes

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Apogee Software, Ltd.

    Developer: Id Software

    Release: 1991


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Interplay

    Developer: Xatrix

    Release: 1994

    Dungeon Keeper

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Electronic Arts

    Developer: Bullfrog Prod.

    Release: 1997

    Grim Fandango

    Console: PC

    Publisher: LucasArts

    Developer: LucasArts

    Release: Sept 30, 1998

    Metroid Fusion

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Nintendo

    Release: Nov 17, 2002

    ****** Round Nine: ******

    WCW vs NWO: World Tour

    Console: N64

    Publisher: THQ

    Developer: Asmik Ace Entertainment

    Release: Nov 30, 1997

    Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Working Designs

    Developer: Game Arts

    Release: Feb 6, 2002

    Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Activision

    Developer: Acquire

    Release: Aug 31, 1998

    Duke Nukem 3D

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Lobotomy Software

    Release: 1997

    Half-Life: Counter-Strike

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Sierra Entertainment

    Developer: CounterStrike Team

    Release: Nov 8, 2000

    Populous: The Beginning

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Electronic Arts

    Developer: Bullfrog Productions

    Release: Nov 30, 1998

    Neverwinter Nights

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Atari

    Developer: BioWare

    Release: June 16, 2002

    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Interplay

    Developer: Interplay

    Release: Aug 31, 1997

    Kirby & the Amazing Mirror

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Flagship

    Release: Oct 18, 2004

    Sonic Advance

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Sonic Team

    Release: Feb 3, 2002


    I've got some voting to catch up on too, so here goes.

    Paper Mario -- YES

    Charming, funny and fun to play. Somehow Mario just seems to ace whatever game genre he leaps into. This may have been a late-comer to the N64, but it deserved more attention than it got. Must-have for sure.

    Final Fantasy VII -- YES

    Though its hordes of rabid fans may put some people off of the game, there's no denying its quality. Between that gameplay, the story and the score, something about this game just clicks together perfectly. The graphics haven't aged well, but a game doesn't get to be this popular without doing something right, and this game is well worth owning a playstation for.

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -- NO

    This is a really good game. It's a solid RPG and a Star Wars game that was actually good (there are too few of them). We got to see a completely different era in the Star Wars universe (thank god), and the voice acting was spot-on as well, which really helped given how much dialogue you'd be listening to. Still, this game just doesn't scream "Must-Have" to me, particularly on the PC, where you have so many amazing RPGs to choose from.

    Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls -- NO

    Another fun game that allows gamers the opprotunity to experience the franchise's roots. It's a solid port of two old games, but nothing the GBA owner will die without.

    Pilotwings 64 -- NO

    Another good game that just barely falls short of must-have status. If you have the opprotunity to play it, please do, because it really is fun and a pretty unique game for the 64. But a game collection can survive without this game.

    Bioshock -- YES

    While this game may not break new ground in the gameplay area, Bioshock is a story-telling triumph. Fantastically written dialogue and amazing plot twists set this game far apart from your standard FPS. And the city of Rapture is a wonder to behold. The artistry behind this game is top-notch.

    Grim Fandango -- YES

    I wish LucasArts would take a break from milking Star Wars into the ground and use that time to revive the Adventure genre they used to dominate. Though the transition to 3D didn't work especially well for this game and the controls are clunky at best, the writing, humor and wonderful adventure puzzle-solving is all there and better than ever. Long live Tim Schafer.

    WCW vs NWO: World Tour -- NO

    I spent many hours playing this game with friends. I don't even like wrestling, but it was a fun multiplayer experience. Still, I can't think of any good reason to call this a must-have.

    Half-Life: Counter-Strike -- YES

    If this isn't a must-have, I don't know what is. If you don't have the de_dust map memorized by heart yet, it's a sign you have not played enough and should get back to work. This game/mod is exceptional.

  3. I can't believe in all my time here, the existence of the ClanOCR database never registered in my mind. We should combine our efforts. That interface is far cleaner than the topic post will ever be.


    I may ask the mods to delete the thread so I can coordinate with ClanOCR and start this over in a more organized fashion.

  4. Welcome to the OCR Gaming Contact List

    We are a community that revolves around gaming. With that in mind, I though it would be handy to have a one-stop place in this forum to collect everybody's gamer tags, Wii numbers and other gaming handles. This way, we can all see who else is playing the same games we are and act accordingly. I, for one, don't have many gaming friends and would love the opprotunity to play with OCR folk.

    So come on in and share your info. Share it for every game or system you still use and see who else is playing the same thing. I'll be keeping this top post updated.

    For an example, here is my info.


    Xbox Live: cAtf00d

    Wii number: (getting repaired)

    World of Warcraft:


    Uehru (42 Draenei Shaman)

    Willella (31 Night Elf Druid)

    Hexu (15 Draenei Priest)


    Kirithem (40 Blood Elf Paladin)

    Sephfire (16 Orc Hunter)

    Final Fantasy XI:


    Sephfire (Hume: WHM 60 / BLM 32 / RDM 26 / WAR 24 / NIN 19 / BLU 12)

    Come on, people. There are games to be played. :)

    The List

    Xbox Live

    Bahamut: ilovepsi

    Bigfoot: Bigfoot Kevin

    sephfire: cAtf00d

    WesPip: WesPip

    Wii Numbers

    Bahamut: 1146 3760 7639 0241

    dsx100: 5754 7707 5824

    Geoffrey Taucer: 6524 4817 4596 4790

    sephfire: (getting repaired)

    supremespleen: 2571 3401 5963 9253

    WesPip: 4338 6037 7470 1168

    Nintendo DS

    Mario Kart DS

    FiremanJoe: 244875-164158

    Metroid Prime Hunters

    dsx100: 1847-8315-3156

    FiremanJoe: 1718-7117-5892

    Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

    FiremanJoe: 1633-1902-2115

    Steam ID

    Azul v2 = amcoolio

    dsx100 = DSX100

    FiremanJoe = Fireman_Joe

    supremespleen = supremespleen


    Azul v2 = amcoolio

    supremespleen = supremespleen

    World of Warcraft



    Macrona (70 Night Elf Priest)

    Nieka (26 Draenei Mage)



    Ramaniscence (70 Undead Priest)

    LockofLove (20s Blood Elf Warlock)



    Uehru (42 Draenei Shaman)

    Willella (31 Night Elf Druid)

    Hexu (15 Draenei Priest)


    Karthantos (48 Human Paladin)

    Mahktal (23 Draenei Mage)

    Shemhar (10 Night Elf Druid)



    Kirithem (40 Blood Elf Paladin)

    Sephfire (16 Orc Hunter)



    Skrahl (6 Undead Warlock)

    Final Fantasy XI



    Sephfire (Hume: WHM 60 / BLM 32 / RDM 26 / WAR 24 / NIN 19 / BLU 12)


    Theory of Nonexistence

    Arcolyte (BLM 41 / WHM 20 / THF 17)


    Theory of Nonexistence = TheRealToN

    Unreal Tournament 2004

    dsx100 = DSX100

    Warcraft III

    dsx100 = DSX100

  5. It's RPG day!

    ******* Round Seven: *******

    Paper Mario

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Intelligent Systems

    Release: Feb 5, 2001

    Final Fantasy VII

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SCEA

    Developer: SquareSoft

    Release: Sept 3, 1997

    Star Ocean: The Second Story

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Enix Corporation

    Developer: Tri-Ace

    Release: May 31, 1999

    Dark Savior

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Climax Entertainment

    Release: Nov 30, 1996

    Deus Ex

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Eidos Interactive

    Developer: Ion Storm

    Release: June 26, 2000


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Sonly Online Entertainment

    Developer: Sony Online Entertainment

    Release: Mar 16, 1999


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

    Developer: Blizzard Entertainment

    Release: Nov 30, 1996

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

    Console: PC

    Publisher: LucasArts

    Developer: BioWare

    Release: Nov 18, 2003

    Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Square Enix

    Release: Nov 29, 2004

    Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Atlus Co.

    Developer: Quest

    Release: May 11, 2002


    I'll vote later. On a side note, we clearly need more Sega Saturn owners in here. Coop is lonely.

  6. And on the Sixth Round, OCR voted.

    ******** Round Six: *******

    Mario Tennis

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Camelot Corp.

    Release: Aug 28, 2000

    Ace Combat 2

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Namco

    Developer: Namco

    Release: July 31, 1997

    Tekken 3

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Namco

    Developer: Namco

    Release: 1998

    Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter *

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Capcom

    Developer: Capcom

    Release: Oct 22, 1998 (JP)

    Battlefield 1942

    Console: PC

    Publisher: EA Games

    Developer: Digital Illusions

    Release: Sept 10, 2002

    Curse of Monkey Island

    Console: PC

    Publisher: LucasArts

    Developer: LucasArts

    Release: Oct 31, 1997


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Psygnosis

    Developer: DMA Design

    Release: 1991

    Star Wars: Dark Forces

    Console: PC

    Publisher: LucasArts

    Developer: LucasArts

    Release: Feb 28, 1995


    Console: PC

    Publisher: GT Interactive

    Developer: Epic Games

    Release: Apr 30, 1998

    Iridion 3-D

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Majesco Games

    Developer: Shin’en

    Release: May 29, 2001


    My votes:

    Mario Tennis -- YES

    Anyone who never tried this is missing out. As far as Mario sports titles go, it is second only to the Mario Kart series. The controls were simple, but the game was frantic fun. My whole family spent hours playing doubles against each other, which is something no other game has ever accomplished in my house. This is one of the N64's surprise gems.

    Lemmings -- YES

    Old, but still awesome. The basic gameplay was simple to learn, but you could find yourself re-doing levels over and over to refine your strategy. And the extra "nuke" tool to blow all of your lemmings to hell for their failures? Priceless. It made losing as fun as winning. :)

    Star Wars: Dark Forces -- YES

    For a Doom "copycat," it was surprisingly well-executed and fun to play. The weapons were varied, the levels were challenging and it was Star Wars. It all boiled down to a shooter that took everything great about Doom and added some Star Wars frosting to sweeten the deal.

  7. Keep in mind that you guys can check the main post daily to see which games are still short on votes. Make sure there aren't any you missed in there!

    ******* Round Five: *******

    Killer Instinct Gold

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Rare Ltd.

    Release: Nov 25, 1996


    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SCEA

    Developer: Game Arts

    Release: Sept 30, 1999

    Parasite Eve

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SquareSoft

    Developer: SquareSoft

    Release: 1998

    Mega Man 8 Anniversary Collector’s Edition

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Capcom

    Developer: Capcom

    Release: Feb 28, 1997

    Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Interplay

    Developer: BioWare

    Release: Sept 24, 2000


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Id Software

    Developer: Id Software

    Release: Dec 10, 1993

    The Journeyman Project Turbo

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Sanctuary Woods

    Developer: Presto Studios

    Release: 1994


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Dreamcatcher Interactive

    Developer: People Can Fly


    Rollercoaster Tycoon

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Atari

    Developer: Chris Sawyer

    Release: 1999

    Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Konami

    Developer: KCET

    Release: May 6, 2003


    I can't actually vote on any of these, sadly.:oops:

  8. ******** Round Four: *********

    Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes

    Console: N64

    Publisher: 3DO

    Developer: 3DO

    Release: Sept 30, 1999

    Crash Bandicoot

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SCEA

    Developer: Naughty Dog

    Release: Aug 31, 1996

    Silent Hill

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Konami

    Developer: KCET

    Release: Jan 31, 1999

    Dragon Force

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Working Designs

    Developer: Sega

    Release: Nov 30, 1996

    Sonic 3D Blast

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Traveller’s Tales

    Release: Nov 30, 1996

    Command & Conquer

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Virgin Interactive

    Developer: Westwood Studios

    Release: Aug 31, 1995


    Console: PC

    Publisher: Sierra Entertainment

    Developer: Valve Software

    Release: Oct 31, 1998

    Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Electronic Arts

    Developer: Firaxis Games

    Release: Jan 31, 1999

    Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

    Developer: Blizzard Entertainment

    Release: 1994

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: SquareSoft

    Release: Sept 8, 2003


    My votes:

    Army Men: Sarge's Heroes -- NO

    I'll admit to having a lot of fun with this game in multiplayer. I hadn't experienced shooters where you could actually hide in your environment and launch surprise attacks and snipe people from afar. Beyond that, though, it was nothing particularly special.

    Half-Life -- YES

    The first entry in a brilliant franchise. The original may be a bit overshadowed graphically by the eye candy we have available today, but the game still stands as one of the greatest shooters out there.

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance -- YES

    At first, it's hard not to be disappointed by FFTA's story, especially after the (poorly translated) epic FF Tactics gave us. But after you got over that, the great gameplay was still there to be enjoyed, plus some new features. Races and new jobs gave us more to experiment with. It may not be the perfect FFTactics sequel, but it's still addicting and well worth your money.

  9. Conker’s Bad Fur Day - YES

    Although I agree in part with the complaints about this game, I have to tell that few games come close to this one in parody and humor levels. Can't even think of anything outside old sierra adventure games that are this fun and this hilarious, games aren't just like that anymore.

    At least Tim schafer is still with us.

  10. The success of Commander Keen as a shareware game led to the creation of id Software, who, at the timed, called themselves Ideas From the Deep.

    That alone puts it among the must-haves.

    Conkers Bad Fur Day


    Probably the best thing about it is the surprising transition for Conker ( I mean seriously, did you see him in Diddy Kong Racing, not exactly the most badass guy in my opinion). Count that as another good reason for DK racing to be yes, for first introducing us to Conker, (unless Fireman Joe can point out to me a game that featured him before it).

    Just an FYI for the future, but I don't think either of these reasons really qualify a game for must-have status. Just because a mediocre game: a). introduces a good character or B). was created by a developer who became great later doesn't make that mediocre game any better on its own.

    You gave other good reasons to vote YES on the games, so I'm certainly not throwing the votes out. Just wanted to say.

  11. I'm beginning to realize how few games I actually played back in the day. Shame on me.

    ************ Round Three: ************

    Conker’s Bad Fur Day

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Rare Ltd.

    Developer: Rare Ltd.

    Release: Mar 4, 2001

    Wave Race 64

    Console: N64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Nintendo

    Release: Nov 1, 1996

    Colony Wars

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Psygnosis

    Developer: SCEE

    Release: Oct 31, 1997

    The Legend of Dragoon

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SCEA

    Developer: SCEI

    Release: Jun 11, 2000

    Darius Gaiden

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Acclaim

    Developer: Taito Corporation

    Release: 1996

    Shining Force III

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Camelot Co. Ltd.

    Release: May 31, 1998

    Age of Empires

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios

    Developer: Ensemble Studios

    Release: Oct 26, 1997

    Call of Duty

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Activision

    Developer: Infinity Ward

    Release: Oct 29, 2003

    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

    Developer: Bethesda Softworks

    Release: May 2, 2002

    Fire Emblem

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Intelligent Systems

    Release: Nov 3, 2003


    My vote:

    Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind -- YES

    Having played the Xbox port and seen the PC version, I feel qualified to vote on this. All the great open-world gameplay we love Elder Scrolls for plus patches and mods? Sign me up. The world may be a bit more drab then Oblivion's, but it's still huge. Great, great game.

    Also, I'll be keeping the vote progress updated at the top of the main post, so keep an eye out.

  12. Hopefully more people will find something to vote on this round. :<

    ********* Round Two: *********

    Diddy Kong Racing

    Console: Nintendo 64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Rare Ltd.

    Released: Nov 24, 1997

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

    Console: Nintendo 64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: LucasArts

    Released: Nov 17, 1998

    Castlevania Chronicles

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Konami

    Developer: Konami

    Released: Oct 8, 2001

    Ridge Racer

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Namco

    Developer: Namco

    Released: Sept 9, 1995

    Battle Garegga *

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Electronic Arts

    Developer: Eighting/Raizing

    Released: 1996

    NiGHTS Into Dreams

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Sonic Team

    Released: Aug 31, 1996

    Civilization IV

    Console: PC

    Publisher: 2K Games

    Developer: Firaxis Games

    Released: Oct 25, 2005

    Eve Online

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Simon & Schuster

    Developer: CCP

    Released: May 6, 2003

    Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Sierra Entertainment

    Developer: Sierra Entertainment

    Released: 1991

    Advance Wars

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Intelligent Systems

    Released: Sept 9, 2001


    Diddy Kong Racing -- NO (borderline)

    Don't get me wrong, it was a fun game. The free-driving "lobby" to drive around between races was pretty fun and it's funny seeing rough draft versions of RARE's characters who later turned out to be quite different (Conker and Banjo, in particular). The racing was fun too. The standard battle mode was a bit lackluster, although the egg retrieval levels could get frantically fun with 4 people. It was a fun game, just not quite at Must-Have status. It didn't help that Mario Kart 64 was the closest game to compare it to.

    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron -- undecided

    Still deciding on this one. Will vote later.

  13. It begins.

    ********** Round 1 ***********


    Console: Nintendo 64

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Rare Ltd.

    Meta Score: 9.2

    Ogre Battle 64

    Console: Nintendo 64

    Publisher: Atlus Co.

    Developer: Quest

    Meta Score: 8.2

    Legend of Mana

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: SquareSoft

    Developer: SquareSoft

    Meta Score: 7.3

    Mega Man X4

    Console: Playstation

    Publisher: Capcom

    Developer: Capcom

    Meta Score: 7.4


    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Scavenger

    Developer: Lemon

    Meta Score: 5.6

    Panzer Dragoon

    Console: Saturn

    Publisher: Sega

    Developer: Team Andromeda

    Meta Score: 9.1

    Commander Keen I: Marooned on Mars

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Apogee Software, Ltd.

    Developer: Id Software

    Meta Score: 5.0

    Planescape: Torment

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Interplay

    Developer: Black Isle Studios

    Meta Score: 9.1

    System Shock

    Console: PC

    Publisher: Origin

    Developer: Looking Glass

    Meta Score: 9.3

    Mario Kart Super Circuit

    Console: GBA

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Developer: Intelligent Systems

    Meta Score: 9.3


    And now for my vote. On the only one of these games I actually played, heh. :oops:

    Banjo-Kazooie - YES

    Awesome, awesome platformer. The different worlds all looked great and the whole game just felt right. The soundtrack is still one of the best I've ever heard. This could almost give Mario 64 a run for its money as the N64's greatest platformer. Almost.


  14. Phase Two -- VOTING --

    We've had time to nominate games, so now it's time to start pruning the list.

    Here's how this part works. I will post a list of ten games every day, selected randomly. Once these games are posted, they are fair game for voting. I'll be keeping track of the vote count as we go and update this post weekly with voting progress.


    1). All votes must include a few sentences explaining your reasons.

    You can't just drop a "yes" or "no" on a game and call it a day. You have to tell us WHY you think each game does or does not belong on the list.

    2). You can still make nominations.

    I know that phase is "over," but there's really no reason I can't add a few more games to the voting cue. Especially since we're dealing with an enormous PC library.

    3). Late voting is totally fine.

    Just because you missed the day I posted a game and everyone else is voting on new stuff now, that doesn't mean you can't throw in a vote for a game I posted days ago.

    4). A game must have at least two YES votes to be eligible for the must-have list.

    If we can't get two people to agree that a game was great, then it probably doesn't belong on the list.

    5). Changing your vote is allowed.

    Because of this, debate and discussion are highly encouraged.

    The first ten games will be posted later today. GET READY TO VOTE!

  15. Sephfire, I'd like to make a request to split PC nominations into two categories: "old" and "new", if you will, with "new" being defined as everything after and including Unreal Tournament (Christmas season '99).

    That way it's easier to vote on things like the original Prince of Persia and Diablo 1 without having to consider a million newer and easily much better games.

    I might. Since I usually look up info on all the games during the voting stage, I may make a division like this at that time. Of course, when voting time comes around, there's no point in counting a game's age against it. Obviously newer games can offer experiences old school gaming couldn't, but they did great things with what they had, and that deserves credit. The first Mario Bros game may not offer a fraction of the experience that Mario 64 gave, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the greats in gaming history.

    We'll get to all that later though.

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