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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. You guys wait till I have a level 21 pally on Illidan to decide you want to play on ANOTHER server? I even convinced my brother to reroll there. What the hell!?!?!

    Blizzard's offering free server transfers for a limited time. Beats re-rolling, that's for sure.

  2. Phew. Our poor Illidan server is packed. Anyone else considered taking advantage of that free server transfer? Perhaps our scattered OCR "clan" should relocate.

    Also, characters:

    Sephfire (Orc Hunter)

    Kirithem (Blood Elf Paladin)

  3. For fuck's sake stop acting like you're some goddamn scholar by telling me to get out. I present a counterargument, and suddenly I'm the bottom of the fucking barrel. I guess thats what I get for having an opinion. I have tried to argue this as calmly as I could trying not to resort to personal attacks but I won't tolerate these kinds of attacks against me. Next time read all of my posts and realize that our opinions aren't that far from each other's before making a post that makes you look like an elitist asshole.I'm not a tool, I don't need to get the fuck out, and I'm not as stupid as you guys are making me out to be. I got (or had least had) massive respect for all of you but fuck, if this is how differing opinions are treated then there goes your idea of community.

    Chill. Ignore EazyP's post, he clearly didn't read yours. And while most people's replies to you may have been unnecessarily personal, most have featured valid rebuttals.

    Don't get your panties in a bunch over a heated topic. We've seen many people claim OCR music as their own over the years and it annoys us more every time. Seeing the same thing done to someone else doesn't make us any happier.

  4. Also, its worth noting I even spotted a piece of Intense Colour on SGX's Coactive album (I forgot which song) which was definately the melody line from the Mario Paint song, but I haven't seen him in court yet.

    Take the word "definitely" and swap in the phrase "very loosely based upon" and you'll be a bit closer. I should know, I wrote that cello part. Besides which, that very subtle, filtered addition to Coactive lasts all of ten seconds of the entire five minute track, which is completely original. Then recall that the melody which "definitely" was from Mario Paint is a mere eight notes from the whole source tune.

    So SGX used a very liberal note progression I wrote which was very loosely based on eight notes from a Mario Paint tune for ten seconds in his five minute remix? That doesn't even compare to the current discussion. I understand what you're trying to communicate, but seriously, this whole example was a senseless reach.

  5. I've actually wished on several occasions that we had a nice downloadable folder with a collection of OCR site art. The headphone/controller combo, the site name, the soundwaves behind the katakana, the silver bar thing behind it all ... all as one big downloadable kit that we could use to OCR-ify anything we wanted. I've seen other sites do this sort of thing (usually musician homepages trying to use their fans to generate more publicity).

    Just wishful thinking.

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