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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. So it's been a little while. Most of our lists look quite a bit different, I imagine. Post your updated remixing to-do list!

    sephfire's list (as of 3/1/07)

    In Progress:

    Pokemon - "Indigo Plateau" (feat. zyko)

    Shadow of the Colossus - "Intro" (feat. Ceili)

    Psychonauts - "Black Velvetopia"

    To-Do: (not necessarily in order)

    Okami - "Giving Kushinada a Ride" or "Northern Country Kamui II"

    Katamari Damacy - "Katamari on the Rocks" or "You Are Smart"

    God of War - "The Vengeful Spartan" or "The Great Sword Bridge of Athens"

    Kingdom Hearts 2 - "Passion/Sanctuary"

    Possibilities for the future:

    Escape from Monkey Island

    Perfect Dark

    Indigo Prophecy

    Metroid Prime - "Data Selection Screen"

    Original Post:

    I tend to keep a long list of games that I intend to remix in the future. To satisfy everyone's curiosity (and give remix fans a special glimpse of what they can look forward to) post your remixing To-Do lists here! I'll go first:

  2. Compression can do it. But I think the problem is that some frequencies are making it harder to max out the perceived loudness. You tend to use ridiculous amounts of rumbling bass/drums (from what I've heard) and so that's taking up all your headroom. Some selective EQ will really fix that, or different timbral choices.

    Ain't that the truth. :oops: I'm getting better about that. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Well, the actual volume (db) is pushed as high as possible in Reason/Ableton without clipping. But when I render it out, the perceived volume is much lower than almost every other music file in my library. I did have some success with a track today that came out louder than usual, but it's compressed pretty thoroughly.

    I just can't figure out how to boost the perceived volume without touching the actual volume. I know I can just crank up my own speakers, but there has a to be a real way to fix this in the file itself.

  4. I've had this problem since I first started remixing. I thought it was a problem with Reason, but now it's doing it in Ableton as well.

    Whenever I render out a wav of a mix, the volume is usually extremely low and I can't find a way to fix it. If I push the master level any higher, it'll clip or just get butchered by my master limiter. But when I take the track into iTunes, my mix is half the volume of every other track in my library. Even when I turn the volume up 100% for that particular track, sometimes it's STILL too quiet.

    SGX gave me some good ideas to help with this, but I still can't find any complete solutions to this problem. Please help. :(

  5. Can anyone recommend some good assorted vocal samples? Not the standard choir, more like the random phrases/interjections/whatever that techno and electronica love to use so much. I think I've heard such samples in Rellik and bLiNd's work. You know, the kind of thing that made up like 70% of Jet Set Radio Future's soundtrack.


  6. Ok, it's time we took care of a particular shortage in this thread: book recommendations.

    I was browsing the very limited selection at Borders today and found three potential purchases:

    1). Digital Recording, Software & Plug-Ins by Bill Gibson

    2). The Art of Mixing, 2nd Ed. by David Gibson

    3). The Mixing Engineer's Handbook, 2nd Ed. by Bobby Owsinski

    I didn't purchase any of these so I could get some recommendations from you experienced guys first. Can anyone vouch for the quality of these resources or perhaps recommend better alternatives?

  7. I've been reading up a bit on sidechaining, which may end up being the solution here. I'm using Ableton at this stage which (from what I can tell) has a pretty simple sidechaining setup.

    I'd usually opt to make the kick override the bass as well, but I've heard the opposite in a few hip-hop tracks that sounded rather cool. I'll try both ways.

    Thanks for the tips. :)

  8. Ok, I've got my own question.

    When dealing with hip-hop tracks and the like, you tend to get a lot of heavy bass sounds. Having them all hit at once would easily take things beyond clipping range, but putting them all through a compressor may not get the desired results. Is there a way to compress a set of instruments, but only so a specific instrument gets reduced in volume. For instance, if you have a heavy bass kick drum but also a loud bass guitar. Say you want the bass drum's bass levels to decrease when the bass guitar is there. Is there a good compression tactic for that or is it better to EQ paint that by hand?

  9. Software:

    Reason 3

    Ableton Live 5

    Sound Studio


    G5 PowerMac

    Oxygen 8 MIDI controller

    American DJ Q-MX1 Mixer

    American DJ PSX CD Player/turntables (x2)

    Stanton STR8-30 Turntable


    Reason Library

    DoruMalai SuperDrums 8000

    Big Fish's Electric Ghetto

    (sorry to ditch the "Reason 2.5 club," EazyP) :oops:

  10. I know not everyone functions like this, but I can't just force myself to sit down and start writing music if I don't have any ideas to start with. The harder I try to force inspiration, the less I accomplish. Pressuring myself to be inspired has always been counter-productive 100% of the time.

    Don't worry too hard about it. It'll come back. It always does.


    Well.. I spent pretty much my whole night so far on this track, and I came up with the following;


    Pretty generic chord progression, mixing's not too great, but more importantly I don't know what to do with it. I feel like this would be the ideal time to get vocals - unfortunately, I don't have any.

    If this is your idea of a slump, I really need to go buy your CD. :lol: This is a fine concept WIP. The melody carries some great emotional tones.

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