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Posts posted by sephfire

  1. Sony definitely hasn't earned a win for this console war. I just want them to sell enough units to avoid tanking completely. With luck, they'll get their shit together for the following generation once they've had a good scare.

  2. Despite his increasingly busy schedule, he would always take the time to provide me feedback on my latest WIP whenever he could. For a guy with a demanding new job and judging duties, that's no small feat.

    Journey's End wouldn't have turned out half as awesome without you, Gray. If you couldn't tell already, you're gonna be missed around here.

  3. :mrgreen:

    Well, now that we're stickied, it's time I started adding content to this here thread. Zircon recently offered mastering services for CD releases at a nominal fee. Details pasted below:

    Hey, I just thought I'd put this out there for those in the community who plan on doing commercial releases of their music. I've been doing a lot of music production over the last few years and it's what I've been studying in school too. Recently, I've been doing mastering work for people and they have been happy with the results. So, I've decided to offer very low cost mastering services for anyone on OCR who would be interested. Here's some basic info.

    * What is mastering? Mastering is the final step in the recording process in which a completed song or series of songs are sonically prepared for distribution/duplication. It is very important especially for album releases so that all the tracks on the album have a similar overall sound. In short, mastering is that last polish and shine that makes the track ready for release.

    * Why can't I just do it myself? You might very well be able to. I'm not going to tell you that it's impossible to do your own mastering. However, many people do not have the experience, tools, or even the trained ears to objectively master their own music with the same results as an external service would deliver. Even many pro electronic artists who do all the production themselves will go elsewhere for mastering.

    * What will you do? Since every song is different, the same exact method can't be applied in each instance. Dance and rock music, for example, typically calls for a more "maxed out" sound - loudness is desirable. For a quiet acoustic guitar and voice track, on the other hand, finer details like the level of noise and balance between the parts would be examined. In any case, I will work with you in achieving the kind of sound you want, applying a wide range of software and hardware tools.

    * What if I don't like the results? I would be happy to do one track for you first so you can see how it sounds. If you don't like it, no problem - you haven't lost anything. If you like it, I can go ahead and do the rest of the project. Simple enough.

    * How much does it cost? It depends on the project (number of songs, length of the songs, and how quickly it must be completed). However, to give you an idea of the ballpark, we're talking $10-$15 a track. Since this is more of a side project for me, and I like the OCR community so much, I think this is a reasonable price. In comparison you can expect to pay 5 times that or more from a service such as XARC or Omni Mastering (also online studios). Of course, we can always negotiate if there is a special circumstance of some kind.

    As a bonus, if you're doing a CD project I'd be happy to work with you on finding the best methods of duplicating, promoting, and distributing your album. It's a process I've gone through numerous times myself and one that I've spent a great deal of time studying as well.

    There's a full equipment list on my site, at


    If you're interested or if you have any questions, feel free to post, PM me or send me an email at admin@zirconstudios.com . Thanks!


    And in other news, I will make an attempt to start browsing the Remxing forums more often in search of nuggets of production wisdom. When I find such pearls, I will quote them here for eternal preservation.

  4. I hate to break it to you, but he's right. Until you have some level of notoriety around here, organizing a remix project is ill-advised, if not impossible. Besides which ...

    If you wish to head up a Site Project, contact me via PM, and we can discuss your project and work out the details.

    Unless you've already done that, chances are this thread will be locked down anyway. Don't get me wrong, a Xenogears remix project has plenty of potential, but unless you've gone through all the proper channels, it just isn't going to happen. If you haven't already, familiarize yourself with OCR's Site Project Guidelines.

    Good luck.

  5. The fact that they were only used for twelve seconds of the song is troublesome, though; they would be much more effective if used throughout, such as the segment from 3:00 to 3:25.

    Good thinking. :)

    I'm not feeling the acoustic idea as much though. Not that it doesn't have potential, it's just not the direction I've had in mind thus far. Thanks for helping to inspire the remix title though. :)

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