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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. Cut to random black guy getting beat up...wtf ROFL.

    "Additional Bonus music: Jake Kaufman" <-catch that?

    movie wasn't terrible, i was more irritated with the inconsistency in audio recording...switching between on-set and post often horrendous and sometimes inaudible.

    also when link kills the 2nd guard with the flaming stick thing, did anyone else find this really cruel? link's a murderer in this movie.

  2. I got a chance to use forsaken archer.


    -she builds very much like valkyrie might, in terms of items.

    -her snare is great for ganks

    -split shot should never be touched, go stats instead.

    -skeletons are amazing early (especially if you're good at last hitting)

    -her ult is ok early, but the problem is trying to hit more then one person with arrows is difficult.

    tensei and i both had thought originally that she could be a potential jungler...the answer to this is yes and no.

    if you get something like helm of black legion or the agi shield you can...but just with the skeletons you cannot. creeps don't attack the skeletons they always go straight for you. also the skeletons aren't controlled, they're automatically controlled and will attack whatever the closest target is (they also manaburn :D)

  3. Now, i've been a part of secret santas before, but nothing like this...i don't know any of you and only have vague ideas about who you are from posts (if any at all). Maybe we should all answer a couple questions about ourselves to help our potential secret santa know what to get us.



    Honestly it could be whatever there though. Does this sound at all appealing to people participating?

  4. Anyway, the new Enrage numbers could be changed, including the mana, but the CONCEPT of it is almost objectively superior to the old one, which was simply useless. Again, competitive Behe guides don't recommend leveling it past one EVER or until way late in the game. That's not good design.

    I can think of another hero that only keeps a skill at level one for a long time.

    zeus does that make the skill useless? no it's synergistic with his other one, just like behemoth.

    both heroes gotta have a little downside.

  5. ...most of the HoN community just doesn't understand the metagame thinking and does extremely stupid shit. Even though differences are clear between the games the DotA metagame is far superior in strategy.

    quoted for emphasis.

    i'd like to see -cm implemented, and am up for playing it.

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