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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. tensei, come on man; i was only giving suggestion to what i thought worked well. i also did say that what you were going for was fine.

    also, am i not allowed to complain every once in a while, i haven't been bad about that in a while?

  2. first a rant:

    please do not call this barbershop, please call it acapella instead.

    this is not barbershop.


    scooping into the pitch for a tune like this doesn't fit. if it's intentional, it doesn't really feel fitting.

    some of the chords don't quite lock or take a second to lock.

    could you please link the source so i can compare the arrangement itself.

    some of the bass notes sound a little pushed...i'm assuming your not a baritone or bass here.

  3. But SS's best role in a team fight IS his ult. Sort of like Tempest. You might as well say Legionnaire, Behemoth and Tempest should all use Shroud also. The point is to get IN a fight, getting out is less important. But the best reason is what I said before. Invis can be COUNTERED easily. If they see your team is coming, you're obviously gonna be close too, and they'll activate dust or buy an eye.

    yes but legionnaire, behemoth and tempest won't benefit from the stats increase as much as SS would.

    i'd get portal key with the others.

    i have more thoughts on a soulstealer approach, but he's so easy to play that if you're up on kills it won't matter what you get.

  4. aside from the gold/xp deny/gain there is one other factor that i haven't seen mentioned.

    if you're denying your creeps you're also (more then likely) going to be pushing less, and early game this is good. it will help you tower-hug and be safer. the tower will be taking care of most of the creeps meanwhile keeping enemy heroes farther away.

  5. Sure. ;-)


    You know, something just occured to me. I used to work in an internet cafe with a focus on gaming (if you're curious). Dota was the most popular game by far, thanks in no small part to an incredibly dedicated group of 10-20 guys, at least some of which would show up every night without fail.

    All Random was their dominant game mode, and I remember asking them why. The answer was "Scourge wins every time in All Pick. Medusa's just too good."

    Medusa is the hero Arachna is mostly based on, fyi. So the problem has existed in the softcore/casual dota community for quite a while.

    incorrect, arachna is based on viper.

    electrician is loosely based on medusa, and medusa was never a high tier hero either.

    also, in All Pick both sides can pick from either side's heroes.

  6. Why am i not included in the serious players list?? lol

    also bans is retarded, none of the heroes are outright broken.

    what is happening is people are giving up easy early game deaths to heroes that are strong early game...those heroes get strong quick and roll everyone. if people try to survive longer and not give up quick early deaths then it won't be as bad.

    every hero can be killed, and every hero can get kills.

    and for heaven sakes, gank with your team :(

  7. Kraken is now Garbage tier. Sorry but this guy has just no redeeming qualities. He plays like an INT char, but has the gains of a STR char... making him entirely useless. Yeah, whirlpool shennanigans, but besides that he's garbage. I'd also like to upgrade Glacius to A. He's pretty outstanding as a babysitter and has massive lane control.

    is that all because of the game we played earlier?

  8. The lead/melody kinda feels weird off to the left. Bring it closer to the center, i just don't feel like it's strong enough by itself on the left like that. especially in comparison to the highly crunchy very strong rhythm backing.

    or bring it up in volume slightly.

    the synths are excellent, the arrangement is solid.

    as far as the arrangement goes, it's a little conservative in terms of treatment of the source itself, but there's probably enough new stuff in here to squeek past the judges (if you're submitting).

    the whole piece needs an ending now too.

    good work though, always in need of more bloodlines love.

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