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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. If anyone is curious as to how the halloween items work here's a breakdown:

    -Hats (masks) are found in the randomly spawning gift boxes.

    -The pumpkin head hat is recieved after killing the headless horseman

    -The unusual metal is recieved if you melee the headless horseman right as he's about to die.

    -The Headless Horseman's Axe is crafted with: Unusual Metal + 2x Refined Metals + Scotman's Skullcutter.

    -The axe is a permanent item, the rest are halloween only.



  2. this also sounds like the argument of most players who never got denying down in general. it just sounds like laziness mostly. it is important to the game, and sound not be removed.

  3. Besides the need of variation on notes volumes and tempo, I think you could do something about those chords that go BAM BAM TCHAM TCHAM, specially during 1:03-08. Whatever makes it easier to differentiate the notes on those parts would be good, but that could be just me :D

    reposting because it's relevent.

    harpsichord has no dynamics, just fyi...

    meaning it can't get loud and soft.

  4. The movie wasn't initially what I expected, by no means was it bad; it was really good. Initially it seemed very very fast pace, but eventually I got in the rhythm of the movie. I just thought the final boss... er 7th ex should have had more than one form. I definitely wanna check out the graphic novel

    if you've seen Edgar Wright's other films you'd know that's his style.

    his editing is very rapid and goes through exposition very quickly. i do enjoy how he handles it very much.

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