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Posts posted by Hemophiliac

  1. The melody is reminiscent of a few of the themes from The Incredibles.

    Man you gotta spice up those chords, they're mostly plain vanilla stuffs.

    Rhythms are pretty straight, but sometimes that's way jazz is. (i hate it when people assume that all jazz is swung or dotted rhythms).

    A couple interesting ideas, but could be much more colorful imo.

  2. https://sites.google.com/site/hemophiliac/thatplaceweknewpiano.mp3?attredirects=0

    ^mp3 of piano reduction


    ^sheet music

    This is going to eventually be read through in about a month. The mp3 is piano because clearly this has yet to be sung and recorded.

    Things to note:

    -I wrote the poetry

    -The fermatas and breath marks will allow for more time in between notes so there will be more breaks/pauses in there.

    -I consider this finished, aside from possible dynamics tweaks that I may make after hearing it live.

    I'm open to any comments. :)

  3. Yeah, this is definitely the case. I think he may have also redid the lyrics with another choir? (The Soweto Gospel Choir was credited in Calling All Dawns, but not in Civ4). The song was really revamped since (I'd say) he repurposed it for use in an overall album rather than for the opening of Civ4. Which incidentally is why Christopher Tin is pretty awesome--he knows how to fit the song to the medium he's using to convey something.

    But anyway! This is great news. I can't remember the last time I actually cared about a Grammy win. KF

    Yes, all of the songs were recorded anew for this album.

  4. I'm actually pretty certain that the arrangement of Baba Yetu on Calling All Dawns is different then the track found in Civilization. Calling All Dawns is a song cycle and has something of a common motif/theme in a few of the tracks...this appears for the first time in Baba Yetu. So it's kinda a new track because of it.

    Not to mention that Calling All Dawns came out this last year.

    If you like this kind of choral music you should get this album, it's fantastic. I gotta thank BardicKnowledge for getting for me :)

    Huge congratulations to Christopher Tin!

  5. my initial thought is that there needs to be an increase in the overall volume of the project.

    the arrangement is fantastic, you've got your own spin on the melody in there as well as enough of the original to pass by here...

    the delay usage seems weird to me. i feel this way because if it's a "live" solo piano mix there isn't going to be that kind of delay. i know there was some used in the original song, but it just feels weird to have that many echoes when it's supposed to be a live track. maybe take it down to just one or two softer echoes. i can see one or two being actually playable in there.

    i'm not sure how i like the unresolved ending.

    also because this song doesn't go very much into the low end of things, maybe bring this out to have a stronger effect (especially at the end).

    these are pretty nitpicky comments to be honest, the main thing you need to address is volume.

  6. I stopped listening to what i was already listening to when i saw "impressionist". a lot of my favorite composers/music comes from that time period.

    after listening i do believe that there isn't enough source usage in this. there is usage of the source, but not enough to pass the panel. it gets very interpretive at parts and while still bearing some resemblance to the original, i don't think it's enough.

    on a second listening even the source comes out more, but i think those specific lines that have the melody or fragments of the melody could be brought out more.

    i'm coming up with something like less then half of the arrangement is derived from the source.

    gorgeous arrangement, and very impressive work. i'd die to see more of this kind of work around (albeit with a little more source) :)

    don't give up on it yet!

  7. So i had a crazy idea...

    server event: buried treasure hunt.

    someone goes out and buries a chest of some kinda goodies. one person would hide/bury a chest somewhere and create a means of getting there. what i mean by that is clues. create a way that other people can figure out where it is hidden, but not easily of course. the person who finds it keeps the contents.


  8. I was over at Disneyland recently and they have a huge deal going on where they're promoting this with an event called "ElectTRONica" a recreation of Flynn's arcade and live music and other events are there...

    to the point...

    there's a theater playing a 9 minute preview of the movie, needless to say I got to watch this.


    I can't wait to see this movie now, every aspect of this movie is going to be amazing.

    The preview even shows that there's a cameo by daft punk.


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