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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. I'm not digging it, mostly. Conforms too much to the modern tropes of Hollywood composing.

    Today's film scores are basically Trance with the danceable elements taken out, and usually not even half as interesting. Repeating stacatto/arpeggio patterns all over the place.

  2. I was meh on it, but then again, I'm not a fan of the 80s cheese that is "Power of Love."

    Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

    In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself!

  3. There is also Nanoloop

    if you wanna go full hipster, get your old dot matrix gameboy and flash LSDJ onto a cartridge.

    then get an emo haircut and some tight clothes, neon sneakers and you're good to go. remember to fist pumps as they will make your music sound better too

    actually LSDJ is pretty fun to use you don't have to be a hipster to use it

    And don't forget to name your tracks stuff like "Dry-humping my Nintendo" or "Mario goes to a rave"

    Chiptunes more like hiptunes

  4. Yeah, let's just list our various gaming experiences that really made us jump out of our seats for whatever reason.

    In the first (quite massive) stage for Tomb Raider 2, near the end there is some chasm or something where you can climb down. I assume this was a bit of a secret area since it took me a few playthroughs before I noticed it. Anyway, once I made my way down there and ran around a bit I came across a couple of skeletons littered around the ground, and out of nowhere comes a bigass roaring T-Rex and scares the shit out of me.

    I hadn't played the original Tomb Raider far enough to know that dinosaurs were a recurring theme in the series so it really got me since it was so damn unexpected.

    Second is in World of Warcraft, it was just another day casting Astral Recall on my shaman (teleportation spell, is meant to take you back to whatever inn you assigned it to), only this time it teleported me into a random spot in the world, mid-air and rapidly flying in a random direction.

    So there I was stuck with my character, unable to do anything and flying in the same direction until I reached the boundaries of the game world, continuing out towards the endless void. Managed to bring myself back by having some friends summon me back via a summoning stone.

    Then I tried using astral recall again, and again appeared slightly outside the game world, this time falling down while I could see the ocean, and eventually the ocean floor disappearing in the distance. Kind of a creepy experience. Eventually I found out that this happened due to corrupt game files, because apparently your character movement is handled by your client instead of the world server. I'm guessing this is to reduce laggy experiences with higher latencies. Still, real WTF moment.

    And third is Advanced Daisenryuku for the Genesis. I picked the ROM randomly, expecting it to be a quirky Japanese shmup or something. So I wait through the Sega logo, and the expected bunch of Japanese text. And then... a full-screen photo of Hitler appears, and an audio sample playing "DAS DEUTSCHE REICH! SIEG HEIL! SIEG HEIL!". Turns out this was a turn-based WW2 strategy game, and I can see why it didn't make it outside Japan.

  5. Or if there's a history of tight deadlines, small budgets, or a bad game engine (if it wasn't made from scratch) that they were required to start from. Or any combination of those factors that can ruin the game. Bad games aren't always due to "shitty programmers". If there isn't enough time in the day to make a polished game and the budget doesn't allow for a larger development team, then it's not the programmers' fault that it was "bad".

    A little off-topic:

    I think that's one aspect that bugs me about a lot of gamers recently. They don't realize (or maybe care) that it costs a huge chunk of money to make a game, and in the end the business needs to make sure that they get a sizeable ROI. I think in the current state of the world, only Nintendo (maybe a couple others) really has the assets needed to be idealistic in their games and take a risk. Sonic 4 is a downloadable and I'm guessing that because it's going for what, ~$10 that the budget was pretty small.

    Gamers don't care about the business end at all. Sure, that's not their role in all of this, but it just bugs me that they feel they have to pick apart every game if it doesn't meet every expectation of the game they've been making in their mind.

    You start raising some eyebrows though when they get upstaged by a small team of hobbyists (or in some cases a single person) with a fraction of the same resources.

  6. On October 20th 1985, Sega's 8-bit system was released in Japan as the Sega Mark III, and later in the west as the Master System.



    Though it is arguably the least talked about Sega console, it has actually outsold the Game Gear, Saturn, and even the Dreamcast.

    It was the first console I had. One of the cool things about it is that each model had a different game built into the BIOS. The PAL model 1 which I had, pictured above, came with Hang On. Model 2 had Alex Kidd in Miracle World. There's even allegedly some secret BIOS games you can access with codes but it was never something I looked into.

    True to Sega tradition the system got a lot of very accurate ports of their arcade games, like Wonder Boy. Hudson got a license to port Wonder Boy over to the NES, but Sega still held the rights to the name and character, so they had to change it into Adventure Island. I still get a chuckle when someone sees Wonder Boy and claims it's an Adventure Island ripoff. AI did progress into its own franchise with the sequels though, while Wonder Boy took more of an adventure approach. My favorite game for the system is Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap (also ported by Hudson to the Turbografx-16 as The Dragon's Curse), and I find it to be the best 8-bit game overall.

    It never really took off in the US market where the NES brutally dominated, but found success in Europe and more importantly South America, with a library of games lasting well into the 90's.

    I know that the console holds a big place in djpretzel's heart, as is evident from looking at the first batch of OC ReMixes.

  7. Did anyone of you ever consider the fact that it isn't possible to emulate Sonic's genesis physics when the game isn't on the genesis? Just look at NSMBWii. Did Mario have his physics from the original SMB? No. Point me to a platformer that feels exactly the same as an old one, but uses a different game engine, different console, and different graphics.

    It may not be realistic to do a 300% carbon copy of the original engine down to the last bit of code, but it's sure possible to get a hell of a lot further than what Sega has mustered so far. It's pretty much tradition by now that disgruntled fans will outdo any of the official efforts, like the notorious GBA port of the first game.

  8. I really can not stress that one enough. I was vaguely familiar with SD3 until just recently when starla came over and was playing through it. I was absolutely blown away by every aspect of this game. To say it push the limits of that area of video games would be an extreme understatement. That game makes every other game made on the SNES and Genesis look like Super Mario Land.

    SD3 is a very nice game, including from a technical standpoint. But it's no

  9. Some of the comments in there are really amusing. Like "SNES could sound exactly like the Genesis if they actually wanted to". Some people need to do at least some basic research before making statements like that. It seems when it comes to music discussions, it's always those who are least knowledgable about a subject who act like they are such a high authority on it. Like people dismissing rap/hip hop as simply talking over a beat, or elecronic music being just pushing a couple of buttons and letting the machine do the work for you. It's all fine and dandy if you simply say you don't like the renditions.

    The SPC and YM2612 each have different weaknesses and strengths which they excel in. I didn't do all of the tracks necessarily to make them "better", just different, like The Super Metroid ones. I've been meaning to do some vice-versa conversions at some point, in fact I dabbled in making a Shinobi 3 song using Mega Man X samples once, but tuning the instruments right pissed me off as early Capcom SNES music have problems in that the loop points are set so fast, when the instruments begin looping they actually start playing in a slightly different frequency. I also need to pick up some other sequencing-related tricks to actually get it to feel like a MMX track.

    I think Genesis music gets a worse reputation overall because the cream of the crop sound-wise tend to be obscurities and hidden gems, which the mainstream aren't familiar with.

    Also neko you can relay my response to the thread if you feel like it.

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