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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. I do it using the peak controller as you describe. Like having that extra amount of control by programming it instead of using a mod wheel. Not as convenient as tracker-style editing (I'd really like to see something like that in FL as opposed to the automation/event editing which just feels clumsy in comparison)

  2. They can't do it. It would take too long. Every single art asset would need to be approved by their fashion committee to make sure it looks fabulous enough and meets their minimum belt quota. Oh, and they'd have to remove all the towns as well because it's too much work these days.

  3. Yeah, same problems there. The same synth brass patch on everything, bar the bass. And the PSG squares are just tasked with playing chords over and over. The arrangement is the same.

    I made this Genesis-style remix of Sonic Advance 2 a year ago:


    PSG channels are constantly switching between being used for chord progressions (I looked at Green Grove from Sonic 3D for some ideas there), backing the lead melody or playing arpeggios. By having the channels switch tasks every once in a while you make sure things are kept interesting and varied, which is a common trick for chiptune arrangements in general. Synth brass plays the normal full note chords, a glockenspiel-like sound for lead melody which is filled out by the PSG, etc etc.

  4. This track was not too impressive to me. The writing isn't bad, but the production is confusing. It's too lo-fi to sound modern (very plain synths + sounds) but not lo-fi enough to really be Genesis or SNES-style. So to me, it's in a sort of valley usually inhabited by rejected OCR subs.

    The only "lo-fi" parts are the drums sampled directly from the original games. It's dull as hell because seemingly the same patch sound is used for every instrument. The old games had a richer sonic (no pun intended) palette than that to work with. I don't like the arrangement of it either. There is not much at all that really feels "Sonic" in it to me. If it wasn't labeled as Sonic 4 music I would probably have guessed some random wannabe-chiptune hipster on 8bitcollective made it.

  5. I really like Wynne in Dragon Age, if only because she is actually old. When you think about it, the amount of female video characters that aren't in their 20's is just absurd. There are plenty of old wise men to be found but never any women.

  6. don't get me wrong, it's really close. the difference on a computer monitor is almost unnoticable. blow it up to a 47" flatscreen, though, and it DOES become noticable. particularly when you're a snob like me.

    also, i can't really bring myself to put a FF disc into the 360. it'd be like loading a copy of halo into my PS3, or something. just too weird.

    Dude, where's your sense of integrity? FF should have stayed on Nintendo were it belongs. Oh, and those tratior bastards at Konami should never have ported Metal Gear to NES or made the sequels for PS1. Metal Gear is like an MSX flagship title, man.

  7. http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/702911/Security-Appears-Unannounced-At-Infinity-Ward-Studio-Heads-Missing-Staff-Freaked-Out-.html

    Jason West and Vince Zampella were recently sacked from Infinity Ward by Activision due to "insubordination", allegedly just before they were about to get their royalty payments as promised by their contract for Modern Warfare 2. Legal shitstorm ensues, Activision's image as a "big bad evil corporation" is reaching really cartoonish levels.


    Kotaku has the court documents on display which has some interesting information. VergessenHeld put together his own summary in the comments section:

    Wow that's a lot of Legalese. Okay, in case anyone doesn't feel like reading all that stuff:

    WHAT HAPPENED: The two developers were promised royalties as part of their contract for Modern Warfare 2. They're claiming Activision fired them under false pretenses in order to avoid paying those royalties.

    The lawsuit then gives background about the company, including alleging that Activision purposely gave Infinity Ward a small budget for Call of Duty in order to buy 30% of its stock for cheap since the small budget would keep them from fighting it.

    It also states some things we all know; sales figures, revenue numbers, etc. West and Zampella (the two developers and plaintiffs) had only one year on their contract before MW2 started. They were reluctant to get an extension on their contract, but did so anyway because Activision promised complete control of IW AND creative control over any post-Vietnam Call of Duty and MW games that might be developed.

    Blah, blah, blah; more sales figures and talks of how MW2 was praised upon release. Activision then launched the investigation of Zampella and West about a week after the release of MW2. They hired outside lawyers and investigators to question other employees (some of whom cried from anxiety) and threatened insubordination charges if the two plaintiffs tried to console the other employees.

    West and Zampella then said they were going to talk to their lawyers, at which point they were told Activision would make things worse if they did. The two men were also never told what exactly they had done wrong at any given point during the investigation. Activision strung the investigation along, then gave the two IW guys about six hours to respond to the accusations. A couple days later, Activision announced the new Call of Duty games they want to make (which were posted in another article).

    WHAT THEY WANT: The first claim is to about US$36 million in damages. Second, they also want control of the Modern Warfare franchise back, since that was what was promised. Third, they also say Activision cannot make any further MW games OR post-Vietnam Call of Duties set in the present, near future, or far future. Fourth, they feel that Activision owes them their royalties and bonuses regardless of whether or not their termination from IW was legitimate. And obviously, they want their attorney fees covered.

    And that's about it. I may have misread the complaint a bit, so feel free to correct me.

  8. The music isn't bad, but it isn't up to par with what I expect from an 8-bit Mega Man. If I play an 8-bit MM I expect to hear music more reminiscent of the classic soundtracks. Is that so strange?

    There's plenty of chiptune music coming out these days, but very few succeed in recreating the old Capcom style in terms of arrangement and production, so I appreciate what little I can get. MM9 pulled it off for the most part, this game doesn't.

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