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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. Back in the days of the SNES (what I started playing), they couldn't make things all that pretty, so they focused on gameplay.

    Do I ever get tired of hearing this argument. This is nothing but nostalgia-goggles horsecrap. Focusing on pushing the graphics have been at the forefront since the dawn of the industry. You may look at the hardware as outdated now, but when they were new it was impressive as hell, and people focused on the new possibilities they could achieve, not what they couldn't do yet. The bloom and pixel-shaders of the 16-bit era were motion-capture ala Mortal Kombat, Mode7 or plastic pre-rendered 3D sprites.

    It's the same today. We just look at all this cool new stuff we can do, thinking we have nearly peaked, but if you get some actual perspective there's still a long, long way to go.

  2. WIP of Leaf Forest from Sonic Advance 2:


    Slowed down the tempo and did some slight re-arrangement, toning down the electronica stuff and giving it a more classic style. Just imagine it's Sonic the Hedgehog 4 or something.

    VOPM gets kinda volatile (ie, crashes randomly) when I have many instances of it, so for this I'm using a temporary solution of FM7 loaded with old Yamaha banks. I'll replace them with proper patches once it's done.

  3. Well, I wouldn't say it's not possible on the actual hardware. The only real touch-up is a bit of compression since VOPM is pretty quiet. They have 5 monophonic FM channels, 1 PCM sample channel and 4 PSG channels, which is precisely what the hardware specs allow. The sound is mostly inspired by Battle Mania Gaiginjou and

    which have similiar quality. Most of the Genesis' best-sounding titles were real obscurities and this is why so many people think that it was inherently inferior to the SNES soundchip.
  4. This is just a little fun idea I had of re-sequencing SNES SPC music as Genesis/MD YM2612 music. I've finished the introduction stage and Blast Hornet. I might do more later, or move on to other SNES games.

    I used the VOPM VSTi, a 4op FM softsynth identical to the YM2612 chip, loaded with sound banks I ripped from various Genesis games, sampled the drums from Shinobi 3 and Mega Turrican. Used 3xOsc squarewaves and sampled white noise to simulate the 4 PSG channels.



    Here are the originals for reference:

  5. Screwed around casually with trackers since around 1996, started doing stuff "seriously" in 1999. I wrote stuff in trackers then mixed it in external tools. By 2001 I switched to Fruity Loops and stuck with it ever since. My growth technically has felt pretty stagnant since 2005. Some people like zircon started out much later than I did and have already surpassed my technical prowess IMO, so it's clearly not something set in stone. Though I've never been able to see myself sticking to one type of music and putting it out on a label. I suppose I lack that kind of focus. Like Jaxx, I'm just having fun and won't let the OCR guidelines dictate what I want to do with my remixes.

  6. Here's another thing, since we're talking about pirating games:

    Used games. The original developer/publisher/whatever doesn't see one red cent from buying a used game. How is that ethical? Sure, you're PAYING for it, but the intended recipient of the money is completely cut out.

    Can it be considered transferring the license to play the software from one person to another (given that it involves a physical media)? The original party will no longer be able to play the game.

    Are we pirating if we grab a few titles from the used section of the local GameStop and plunk down cash for that?

    The industry hates the used games market even more than piracy. This is what all the draconian DRM with limited installs has mainly been directed towards.

    I'm sorry analoq, if I am a poor bastard guy from Brazil who can't afford anything at all. I should stop making music, doing animated gifs and signatures for people and I should stop learning how to program. That then I must stop doing what I am doing, go back to my hard life and deal with it.

    There are completely free alternatives for pretty much all of the hobbies you listed.

  7. Maximum Carnage had some pretty bad pacing problems, most stages just kept droning on and on with throwing the same shit at you making it unbearably repetitive. Pretty mediocre for a brawler.

    There are numerous good Spider-Man games. Aside from Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate Spider-Man, the one for Sega CD was great for its time (hasn't aged too well though), both PS1 games from Activision were quite solid as well. There was also a 2D arcade game from Sega which I haven't played.

  8. UT3 is dirt cheap today, goes for about 10 dollars in most places. It's also rumored to be the next Steam weekend deal to coincide with the patch.

    All the eye-gouging effects were a problem, but in the latest version the video settings have a lot more options to choose from. You can turn off the bloom while keeping everything else on max.

    eh, it's still the same gameplay as it was way back when with slightly updated visuals

    I always find this a redundant argument for sequels. You're basically asking for a different game if you don't want Unreal Tournament to play like Unreal Tournament.

  9. DLC on PC games seems mostly confined to Bethesda products and Games for Windows Live in general. Microsoft controls content through both GFWL and Xbox Live with an iron fist. Epic couldn't get Microsoft to authorize mod support for the 360 version of UT3, and the Titan Pack probably isn't showing up for the same reason. Guess it's hard to compete with price-tagged multiplayer maps if the fans can release their own maps for free.

  10. Today a bigass patch 2.0 was released for Unreal Tournament 3. Among a plethora of small fixes it also improves the interface, integrates the game with Steam and adds achievements. After that there's a content pack which adds new maps, weapons and vehicles, player models and game modes. It all clocks in at around 1.2gb and you can download them here:


    It will also come out for the PS3 version in two weeks or so.

    Epic knows how it's done. I absolutely loathe this new era of DLC where companies expect you to pay for something as trivial as a few extra multiplayer maps. Had this been released by Microsoft or Activision they would probably have charged as much as a full price game for it.

  11. It's been a while since I listened to Harmony of Dissonance. Is this Juste's theme? I liked this soundtrack and the game, unlike most people it seems.

    Anyway, I quite enjoy this. It sounds a bit barren, though it might be the production more than anything else. Maybe try adding some sustained strings in the background?

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