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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. I know about the plethora of expansion chips for the SNES. In the end I'm not a fan of them (though I can understand developers' frustration at the time with the lackluster native CPU. AFAIK this was because Nintendo initially planned backwards-compability for NES but scrapped the idea after the specs had been locked). Mainly because it jacked up the prices for the games themselves at that time, but also because I enjoy the craftmanship aspect of just making the most of what you have. I love watching tech demos for old computers and the coders constantly outdoing eachother with all kinds of crazy shit that's "not possible" on the hardware.

    The MD/Genesis took the dedicated add-on route (save for some real rare cases like Virtua Racing), but thankfully none of them ever really reached a "must-have" status and the most impressive titles remained on the native hardware. On the SNES such titles are harder to find due to the widespread adoption of these chips which feels a bit like "cheating" in my mind.

  2. You don't need to buy expensive state-of-the-art cards every time you upgrade. You can get a mid-range card for less than $100 that is perfectly capable of handling pretty much all games from 2009 and below. The overblown myth about PC upgrade costs, coupled with the fact that console games cost more and you need to pay a subscription fee for Xbox Live, makes me think the cost argument isn't as true as most people make it appear.

  3. The premise of MDK is kinda similiar to Mega Man. A scientist creates an advanced armor suit, and lets his janitor use it to save the world from the bad guys. Complete with his dog sidekick. In the sequel you could also play as the scientist or the dog.

  4. I've bitched about this for years. The Japanese used to be the biggest culprits (probably still are) with their Xenosagas and Metal Gear Solids. But now that western developers are setting their sights on more or less competing directly Michael Bay and Roland Emmerich it's becoming more of a universal problem.

    Single player games/campaigns in the vein of Modern Warfare are becoming so strictly linear and guided it feels more like you're playing a rail shooter. I absolutely loathe the new standard FPS narrative where you always have some NPC/dude on the radio hand-walking you through every objective, telling you exactly what to do and where to go, with invisible walls galore along the way to give you the illusion of the game world being larger than it really is. Compare this to levels of old school FPS'es like Quake or Duke Nukem 3D, they seem to be built up with the same philosophy as a platformer like Super Mario World, and I think that is inherently more fun.

    I don't want a cinematic experience. I want a great game experience and if you can't deliver on one without compromising the other, then stop kidding yourself and make a fucking movie.

  5. Battle.net has poor sportsmanship because it is so ridiculously easy to just create a new account in Starcraft. Since people only care about their win-loss ratio, they'll keep preying on "n00bs only" games and if they get as much as a single loss on their record, they'll abandon their account for another.

    Dedicated server communities generally do a good job of discouraging asshattery.

  6. You can get mods here:


    Gonna take a while before everyone gets accustomed to the toolset. For now you can find some good stuff like camp storage chests, respec potions, and new armor sets. After wading through the hundreds of inevitable nudity mods, that is.

    I read that BioWare are petitioning Sony to enable mod support for the PS3 version. We'll see how that goes, if it hasn't been shot down already.

  7. Never saw a single episode of the new cartoon. Nostalgia for the 80's series is what got me interested. Luckily the whole thing is up on YouTube for those of us who can't watch American broadcasts.

    Overall, it was OK. The tribute to the original comic was really awesome.

  8. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/61407

    Update: Our community member JobivanHiob, who is a Facebook friend of Scott, has confirmed that Miller created the fan page, and that he shared a viewing of an unknown trailer with former 3D Realms employee Jeron Moore. Scott also posted a message on his Facebook saying that "the trailer rocks"--we don't know what trailer he's is talking about, and we still have no information on the origin of the "D-Day" image, but we'll update this news item with details as/if they become available. In the meantime, we're wondering if this might have anything to do with the "big and unexpected" announcement.

    Always bet on Duke.

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