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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. That news is being twisted around a bit. 3D Realms never got any money from them, the $12 million went to buying out Apogee and the publishing rights to DNF were part of that package. The 2007 deal was that 3DR would get a bonus if they finished DNF early.

  2. If all the bits and pieces mentioned in various places (true or not) were put together it would go something like this:

    1. George and Scott own equal parts of 3D Realms.

    2. DNF taking forever to make costs tons of money.

    3. Scott who is arguably the smarter businessman gets tired of this over time and doesn't want to dump his money into it anymore.

    4. Scott looks to other things like Radar Group and newly launched Apogee Software LLC and leaves 3D Realms in Georges hands.

    5. Scott is still technically a manager at 3D Realms but is effectively done with 3D Realms at that point.

    6. Scott is now free to run companies as he sees fit without dealing with a 50% partner.

    7. A year or so later George wasn't able to handle it, especially with lack of Scott's personal and financial cooperation.

    8. Eventually funds begin to run low.

    9. Since Scott is out, and so is money, George drives out to California to show Take 2 the game in an attempt to wow them into funding development to finish DNF.

    10. Vague references were made to Take 2 possibly having (verbally) promising money, but didn't deliver.

    11. When George requested the $5 million from Take 2 so DNF development could be funded.

    12. Take 2 counter-offered with giving 3D Realms $30 million instead.... *IF*3D Realms sells all rights to the Duke IP. (currently Take2's only has publishing rights)

    13. George\They refuse this and keep the Duke IP, instead shutting down the company and going on life support.

    14. The purpose of not selling the IP is because the Duke IP still has the potential to make money, and it is their trademark. It would be like iD selling the Doom IP.

    15. George is said to have previously went to iD Software and Epic in an attempt to make a deal with funding for them, but is turned down.

    16. ..was also said to still have plans to contact other companies to make similar requests.

    17. A company in a better position to spend $5 million, such as EA or Microsoft are seen as the most likely candidates for possibly investing in saving DNF.

    Alegged DNF screens from a designer

  3. I could swear there was some Duke Nukem-related thing last year that was little else besides 3 Duke Nukem titles flying all over the screen for around 3 minutes.

    That's Duke Nukem Trilogy, which is a set of spinoff titles for the DS and PSP made by a separate developer.

  4. Downloadable content existed, mostly for free, long before corporations reinvented it with a new catchphrase. Once online functionality for consoles became advanced enough, downloading stuff for your games became possible, and since the console owners can control any content that goes through their services with an iron fist, they will squeeze out every penny possible out of you. We can clearly see this with how Valve and Epic are constantly releasing extra free stuff for their PC games, while with the console equivalents you either have to pay for it or get nothing at all.

    This is also getting to the point now where developers like Bethesda instead choose to release several lackluster DLC packs instead of a full-fledged expansion pack.

  5. For some reason, there was an epidemic among American boxart designers throughout the early 90's which caused characters to have that "I just fucked your wife" smirk applied to their face.

    Classic example, the americanized Sonic 1 boxart:


    Once Capcom were done having well-built men in their 30s figure as Mega Man, they decided to give him the same treatment:


    Wonderboy in Monster World appears to have the same mischievous tone mixed with a healthy dose of cocaine:


  6. stats.png

    Yeah, I was already making this some time in 2007, it was about 60% done but the HD with the project file died and only now did I muster the motivation to start working on it again from scratch.

    The source is really sparse, I had pretty much one riff and one lead melody to pull from, so I expanded it with a bunch of harmonies of my own. Drums haven't gotten much attention yet, more elaborate fills are needed, more rhythmic SFX which is typical for the genre, some timbres I want to change, and I can probably fit in another short breakdown somewhere if it feels appropriate. Not to mention that it needs a proper ending.


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