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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. The PS2's complicated architecture was difficult to program for. The first generation PS2 titles looked worse than the first gen DC titles from 1998. It also had a pretty lackluster launch lineup compared to the DC. PS2's online capabilities also failed to deliver. DC came with online support right out of the box, something that wouldn't be standard until this generation.

    Tech-wise the DC had a slightly larger resolution support than the PS2, and more memory allowing for higher resolution textures which was one of the PS2's main problems. Sony did a really nice job overhyping the shit out of their hardware.

  2. Looks like they decided to bite back instead of settling.


    As of right now, Mobigames has enlisted legal help to settle the Edge dispute. The conclusion of the suit could have vast implications for Edge Games, as Mobigames is seeking to have Edge Games abandon its monopoly over the Edge trademark in North America. Edge Games has reportedly told Mobigames it has abandoned its application for the Edgy trademark and would hand it over to Mobigames at no cost.
  3. http://cultofmac.com/edge-for-iphone-controversy-rumbles-on-game-again-pulled-from-app-store/13115


    Recently the popular iPhone indie game Edge was pulled away due to a lawsuit from Tim Langdell of Edge Games. This guy was previously a relatively obscure figure but the event sparked some interest in his history in the industry. Turns out that around the early 90's, he switched focus from developing games to suing anyone using the word edge in their titles.

    Edge Games has not released any game since 1994 and has supposedly staid afloat purely from lawsuits and forcing people into licensing fees. He's the reason Soul Edge was renamed to Soul Blade/Calibur outside Japan for example.

    The devs for the iPhone Edge suggested renaming it to Edgy, promptly after that Tim decided to trademark Edgy as well. Sounds like a great guy, huh?

  4. www.wowwiki.com is the place to go for info on the Warcraft universe. They retconned the shit out of everything for WC3, so the first 2 games are hardly valid sources today.

    Then there is of course the awfully trashy comic book, which they seem to use to conjure up plots for future game contentt.

  5. I liked what Shnabubula had been doing so I felt inspired to try and make my own Starcraft music.


    Haven't really bothered with production yet, most sounds are from cheap soundfonts (though I want to keep it somewhat close to that so it fits with the original sound). I started off by just composing some mostly disjointed themes and now I'm trying to make the transitions between them smoother.

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