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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. David Jones is the brainchild behind concepts like Lemmings and Grand Theft Auto.

    Basicly what Jones said at the show was that MMOs have become synonymous with World of Warcraft and the mechanics behind it, and he doesn't like that. So he's taking the core idea of a persistent world and building something new around it.

    APB is basicly an online version of cops and robbers. It's not an RPG in the sense that it's based on building your character's stats and skills, but there should still be that sense of progression. It will also have unprecedented customization features, but within reasonable limits so you don't end up with a heap of disjointed turd (and furries) like in Second Life.

    To show off just how versatile the character creation process is, they create a poser gang of high-profile game developers: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17691

    Here's a gameplay segment of an experienced Shaft-lookalike taking on a group of n00bs trying to steal some TVs: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17694

  2. Screenshots:




    Not exactly mind-boggling visuals, but they are going for a decidedly comical style so you can't exactly stuff it full of speculars and HDR. The info I got was poorly translated from a Russian magazine, so I can't make any real sense out of the plot summary. What I can make sense of however, is that there will be a third faction and it's none other than the Empire of Japan. Live action FMVs will still be there.


    Leading Platform for PC Games Building Phenomenal Annual Growth

    February 7, 2008 - Valve® today announced that Steam®, a leading platform for PC games and digital entertainment, has surpassed 15 million accounts and realized year-over-year sales growth of 158% through the holiday season.

    The year also marked the debut of the Steam Community and launch of several best-selling and critically-acclaimed titles such as Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, and The Orange Box.

    Throughout 2008 more Community features will be introduced to support existing games as well as new titles such as Valve's Left 4 Dead.

    Also new for Steam in 2008 is Steamworks, giving game developers access to game features and services available on Steam ranging from product key authentication and copy protection to auto-updating, social networking and matchmaking. Most importantly, the game features and services available in Steamworks are free of charge and can be used for both electronic and tangible versions of games.

    "PC gaming is thriving, and has evolved into an era of constant connectivity," said Gabe Newell, president of Valve. "That connectivity gives us the ability to have a much better relationship with customers, not just for delivering our games, but across all aspects of our business - including the design, development, and support of our games. Features like Guest Passes, Free Weekends, Gifting, and the Steam Community have been very well received both by customers and the developers who are using Steam. We are accelerating our release of new functionality in the next year as well as finding new ways to work with our partners such as the release of Steamworks, which allows them to bring the many benefits of Steam to their packaged products."

    Visit Valve during GDC at Expo Suite 362. For more information, please visit www.steamgames.com

    Hey guys I heard PC gaming is dying.

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