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Posts posted by lazygecko

  1. On topic: The game is coming out for the PS3 too (It said PS3 at the end of the trailer);

    Nobody mentioned it either because nobody noticed or because nobody cared, but still Yay!

    I did say it will be distributed through XBLA and PSN, but it appears either no one noticed or no one owns a PS3.

    But wow. The bunch of Americans getting into the old game is really something. It reminds me of the dedication the Metroid Prime team had for the source material.

    The dev team is Swedish.

    Something that wasn't mentioned is that the co-op mode will only work offline, which is a bummer.

  2. Didn't they do that story already...? Hasn't tiberium always been valuable, coveted, and toxic?

    Yes, but they want to flesh things out and get non-RTS players interested in the plot. Which would naturally be through an FPS. It's set a decade or so after C&C3.

  3. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29781.html

    The game was uncovered about a month ago. Game Informer's january issue has an article with lots of info about it.

    Tiberium is a squad-based tactical shooter based on the Command & Conquer universe but not part of the actual franchise (however that works). Basicly, tiberium is the most valuable substance in the world which contains many hard-to-get minerals, the tradeoff being that it's highly toxic and fucks up the ecosystem.

    Now, I've always found the C&C story to be compelling and fascinating, but apart from the nice post-apoc environment I think this game presents it in a very uninspired manner.

  4. • they say there are people who won't be happy that this isn't going to provide the absolute fastest Sonic experience, as it's an RPG. But they say there are other Sonic games that do that, and their interest here is to still incorporate speed wherever it makes sense; they say it's really a combination of both BioWare and Sonic and they want to please fans of both.

    • they joked that they're looking to raise Big's IQ a few points

    • unlike most 2D RPGs, which use tile-based patterns for the environments, Sonic Chronicles' backgrounds are drawn entirely by hand. They did this because they wanted to try to bring back the series' "classic style."

    • shoes will be a big part of Sonic's equipment that you purchase via rings at shops. Examples given are shoes that increase his speed, or give him fire attacks.

    • the reason they have battle actions happen after you select actions for all party members is to give the battles a greater sense of speed as everything plays out. some characters will be able to perform multiple actions in a round, leading to "impressively frenetic battle sequences."

    • again, the idea with the battles is, you have strategic thinking by turn-based input, but it will be "presented very quickly." "You see Sonic moving the way he should be moving."

    • the reason they added real time active elements to the turn-based system is to keep the player engaged. They stated that Final Fantasy, even with its "speculator animations," disengages the play because there's no interaction.

    • as you improve your characters, you get new field map abilities as well as battle moves. This will allow you to access new areas on the maps. It will encourage you not just to stick to your favorite characters; each one has unique abilities to offer.

    • they don't just want to use preexisting Sonic story stuff. They want to leave the BioWare mark by creating new characters, new locations. But it will feel like it builds on the franchise rather than is tacked on.

    • Muzyka has a Genesis signed by Yuji Naka.

    • the project got started because Muzyka and Zeschuk knew Sega of America president Simon Jeffery from when he was at LucasArts and they were doing KotOR.

    • "most of the high-quality handheld stuff is coming out of Japan. There isn't a lot of North American AAA handheld development going on." They viewed this as an opportunity for them.

    • they think the DS is naturally attuned towards RPGs more. The two screens can show RPG stats that's appropriate for the genre. They say building on the DS is like when they were building on the PC years ago because you have a small, tight-knit team where each person is a key contributor.

    • they say they really want to make something that stays true to Sonic, but still surprises and surpasses fan expectations because it's something new and different.

    The director is Mark Darrah. Prior credits are:

    • Baldur's Gate (lead AI programming, additional programming team)

    • Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast (lead programming)

    • Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (lead programmer, Infinity Engine programming team)

    • Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (lead programmer)

    • Neverwinter Nights (programmer)

    • Neverwinter Nights Gold (programmer)

    • Jade Empire (lead programmer)

    • Mass Effect (special thanks)

    Lead artist is Joel MacMillan. Prior credits are:

    • Jade Empire (cutscene art/animation team)

    • Mass Effect (cinematics animator team)

    • Jade Empire Special Edition (cutscene art/animation team)

    The lead game designer is new to BioWare. His names is Miles O'Brien Prower Holmes; looks like he used to work at DICE, and his prior credits are:

    • Dracula's Secret (artist)

    • Shrek for Xbox (tester)

    • Jump Start: Dino Adventure (lead artist)

    • Diva Starz (lead artist)

    • Full Auto 2 (designer)

  5. http://www.zombiepanic.org/site/index.php

    This is a mod for HL2 that turns the game into a proper zombie game. There's been a mini-mod for Counter-Strike Source floating around called Zombie Survival which is buckets of fun, but this one is tenfolds more polished, slower-paced and more survival horror-centered.

    Basicly it's a variant of tag. When a human player is killed by a zombie, he is respawned as one and it keeps going like that until either all the humans are tagged as zombies, or enough zombies are killed so their respawn counter reaches 0. Weapons and ammo are scarce, and the more you carry the slower you'll get. It really emphasizes teamwork and your odds vastly improve if you stick together and share resources with eachother. I know there are lots of people in the OCR Steam group and we really ought to play this together.

    If the mirrors are too crowded you can also try downloading it here:


    Note that the installer is messed up, it will install to the default path even if you specify otherwise. Just move the directory to your SourceMods folder after installing it.

  6. If you only buy 2-3 console games per year I guess it's less expensive in the long run.

    I can't help but feel ripped off if I pay any more than that, especially if it's one of those games you play for a couple of weeks and then shelf, like Bioshock.

    Yes, I limit myself to bargain bin titles when shopping for console games. Not even that is fullfilling sometimes. A few months ago I was looking to buy Twilight Princess for my Gamecube, hoping it had dropped in price. Every retailer were still selling it an nearly full price. I got Neverwinter Nights 2 for $25 during the first quarter of the year and it was released roughly at the same time as TP.

    Today I got Unreal Tournament 3 for $35. The PS3 version was listed for nearly twice as much.

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