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Everything posted by Night10194

  1. I'd be very interested in it, if I had a PS2 to play it.
  2. The key to pipe-smashing appears to be timing. And I can't help but use it...I like blunt trauma weapons and I'm also somewhat of an ammo maniac, as in I conserve it like crazy. After a bit of practice, I've figured out the timing on base-ball batting Dogs and those bird demons, even... The kitchen knife is utterly useless, no? Anyhow, anyone else wonder what the hell that red liquid you find in Alchemia is? And why it does what it does (trying to avoid spoilers...)?
  3. Oh, I need no help with the plot. Though any tips on hitting things with my nifty pipe until they stop moving would be appreciated...
  4. I was just wondering if any of the others of the OCR community have played this fascinating game. The plot, while a BIT arcane, hasn't been as hard to understand as I'd thought it would be, the gameplay has been much more puzzle and exploration oriented than combative, and the atmosphere, imagery, and setting are strokes of genius that I as a horror writer am jealous as hell of. I just wanted to know opinions on it etc by my fellows here at OCR, and sought to perhaps start a minor discussion of it. I know it's an old game, but I had a heck of a hunt to find it and am only now playing it.
  5. Agreed about the speech. It is a good song. And a good speech. But together, the speech ruins the song completely. My apologies if this offends, but it is my candid opinion. Please, for the love of GOD, stop putting speeches in the mixes...!
  6. My friend, your instrumentals are excellent, and I highly doubt I could sing better. However, I am a poor singer. The vocals...they are just not good. The song, she is just suffering terribly from the vocals existing...but she has such excellent instrumentals...
  7. Excellent work! Bringing already wonderful music to a beautiful orchestral arrangement is always a good thing. And the sound and musical qualities are fantastic. A wonderful piece. Congratulations to the mixer!
  8. It's too harsh...but than again, I just don't like guitars.
  9. I've been a fan of Mr. Hudson's work for quite a while now (If you haven't already done so, visit his MP3.com page. There's more evidence of his talents there), but I must say that this and Pilot the Yggsdrasil vie for position as my favorites of his work. You've done a splendid job with this piece, Mr. Hudson...if you can keep up this level of quality (and I'm sure you can), than you'll continue to leave us amazed. Thank you for your spectacular music.
  10. As a great fan of the source game, I would also like to say that this mix is wonderful work.
  11. All I have to say is that this is a fantastic mood piece. Thank you for your excellent work.
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