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Everything posted by jasonbrianmerrill

  1. this is interesting to me... what are the lyrics of a love song?? Arent confusion, pain and frustration as much love as other love songs?? but i understand your point of view.. I dont agree with it, but that is just the way it is thank you for not being a blind fan tho, and stating your opinion. I really appreciate that.
  2. systemaniac contd 2 yes, it is hard to work with these sampled drums... I wish I could just have a set in my bedroom of my apt. building, but its just not possible... the updated version may help this to each his own... sometimes we just have to face the fact that not everyone is the same, and certain things evoke certain responses from certain ppl, and nothing else. its my favorite as well, so I could understand your righteous indignation. snappleman wrote\ ummmm ok, that constructive what do you mean?
  3. systemaniac contd. youre totally wrong there, i want everyones advice, thats worth money to me, trust me. this isnt all i write about, but what if I am feeling these things and want to express them?? sorry, but i write what i feel nothing else, end of story. not in those words i didnt. I said, originally, I didnt mean for it to have ANYTHING to do with his story, but my friend pointed out some intresting paralells, and it seems to have alot in common. good point, but how much more complex were kurt cobains lyrics??? momma take me home, momma take me home im a stain.... im a stain.... Hey wait Ive got a new complaint ...... its the way he sang them.. if he sang without emotion, it would be the converse. the great words would mean nothing.
  4. lol why do ppl think this???? SysteManiac wrote: well, i didnt want to veer too much from the original melody, as i already had changed the chords a little, and wanted some real die hard fans to recognize it... and anyway, it changed at the end as far as unimaginative lyrics, i will give you but playing this game, it's always the same I agree, quite cliched. but its what i felt, and at the time i couldnt think of any other lyric that would fit better. if there would be something better , plz suggest it!!! All this pain and hatred, never knowing from whence it came dont remember hearing this one before, have you? As I look into your eyes..." ok, fine sure those words are cliched, but the context is more important "its more like looking at myself, through someone else..." sometimes looking at others that care about us can be like a mirror, cause they see things about you that you dont. that is what i was going through, and that is indeed what rosa and cecil went through. .....phew!!!! I almost died at that one...
  5. starblast wrote: Vocal mic: NAdySCM1000 condenser Preamp/compresser: behringer ultravoice Fender 1979 california acoustic Epiphone Les Paul Fender Bullet Behringer V-amp2 Drumkit from hell Stienway B grand piano giga Fruityloops 3.5.6 (now i upgraded to 4.1) shure sm57 BEhringer mixer all types of cheap stuff .;-. wrote i...... dont think so DAle north wrote cant wait to hear it Aaron comica wrote then my next remix is right up your alley, actually, the arrangement is exactly the opposite.... Atomic Dog wrote NOW were talking that would be cooool! this was page 2
  6. ok theres a LOT to respond to here, as I just lost my internet connection cause of no money. BTW, im 22, and I produce everything myself, this has been my first real year of recording on my computer, and I have a CD of 14 songs to show for it, most available at the website below from rob: true, but the thing is, I had nothing else to name it, and i wanted it to do something with the ff4 world, so this stuck, I understand your confusion from liquidsmoke: thank you for recognizing this, i think there are many out there that can criticize unfairly (which BTW I have not seen here) but not many who can actually walk the walk. skulkrasha said: oops... must be real dark over there I suggest you chk out my other stuff, perhaps ill seem older agreed. I was originally just on guitar, so my vocals need practice. yes, they are totally mine, and i dont plan to change them Dinobot 2 wrote" they are on the page of the song, the words "original lyrics" are underlined.... just clik on that. that was page one
  7. where is this???? it sounds cool!!! anyway, this is a hit over here, all my friends love it, and for good reason. The mix is quite rough imo, but the vocals are cool and instrumentation is really neat... excellent job!!!! I like it how all the songs in the game were incorporated. I will try that in my up and coming ninja gaiden remix,
  8. here i go again ... well, I recorded all the tracks myself, but each track (guitar1, guitar2, lead guitar and etc.) is indeed one take. its not a live band one take ie.. it wasnt a band in a room, as you can prolly tell, I layed down the drums and piano (both sampled, played thru midi keyboard or sequenced) in FL studio 4.1, and then played bass one take, and then acoustic guitar one take, lead one take, and so on... thanks noodle for your comments and definition.. I am tired and stupid. same here, I nearly choked on Eyes on Me, and Depend on You. but it grew on me lol
  9. you can bet on it I love this place, it inspires me. I could lyric by lyric give my interp, but just think of what cecil had to go thru in ff4 thank you andrew, for your compliments.. sorry if Im being annoying posting here over and over, but I like having an interchange wit ppl who chk my stuff out
  10. hello, and thank you so much dj pretzel for posting my song. as well as your candid review.. I am now doing a new version of this song, better mixed and better vocals (hopefully). I also have other plans for VG remixes, as well as some tidbits.... yes, indeed.. well, you see, not to make excuses, but I am a first take junkie, in the style of kurt cobain and neil young, and I have a problem with DOING THINGS OVER!! lol so, hopefully this as well as the unobstrusive (what does this mean anyway ) musicianship will be solved. I am not a perfectionist, but I really do appreciate criticizm as i will really help me. The lyrics were never meant to paralell the story of cecil the dark knight... it is certainly something i am going through.. but i realized later, thru the help of my friend, that these lyrics are very much like his plight in the game... I would appreciate more criticism, and thank you kamikaze noodle, for yours
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