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Everything posted by Warmech

  1. Thank you sir. How goes your questing to beat him? Hell, Omega Boost in general is win.
  2. Nah, Ninja Gaiden II isn't that difficult. Maybe it's because I play those games like they're going out of style though. Anyway, I've been playing Dragon Quest VIII recently and just got to where you get to actually fight Dhoulmagus. What I'm going to put here is probably one of the most frustrating fights I've ever been a part of (not like any game in this series is really easy anyway). So when the battle starts against him his very first move is probably the gayest. He clones himself...twice. So now you have three Dhoulmaguses to deal with. Luckily the two clones don't have near the HP that the real one does, but they're just as strong, and they sometimes get to attack twice in a round, so you're dealing with anywhere from 3-6 attacks against you in one round. Once you take down the clones the battle becomes much more manageable, and once I leveled a bit and took down the clones the real one fell easily. I was overjoyed and half spent on HP and MP. And then it happened... He transforms into a bird-like demon and attacks you again, without the chance to heal. And this form has more HP and is considerably more powerful than the last. This form always gets two attacks per round, and it could either be a harmful area attack that does 50-80+ damage to everyone, a powerful combo attack that does about 100 damage to a single character, or a wave of ice that cancels all status bonuses for the party, including psyche ups (the previous Dhoulmagus could use this as well). So psyching up is not advised in these fights, since by the time you get to a 20 or 50 tension level, he'll probably cancel it out and you'll have wasted three turns. If you can beat this guy without dying, congratu-freaking-lations. By not giving you the chance to heal, the game puts you in two very difficult fights back to back, and I just didn't have enough healing to outlast the second form. Good luck.
  3. I remember almost ALL the bosses in that game being hard. You know, fuck the haters, I kinda enjoyed that game.
  4. Don't forget the Blind Swordsman. That guy gave me a helluva hard time.
  5. what the hell are you talking about?? that never happened in mm2, i know cause i beat that game like 80 times. Yes it does. It's the level right after you fight the GutsDozer.
  6. I know there's a cheap way to beat Shinryuu from FFV, something involving some sort of rings that absorb it's water attacks and then having all dragoons in your party with powerful lances and jumping all the time. I never tried it. As for Omega Weapon...I'm not sure. I only fought it once and it beat me pretty soundly. And I've also beaten the original Metal Gear. You must've done something wrong.
  7. Well, despite all the hating on FFX-2, I beat it last night and enjoyed it. For everyone who says it's too girly and other various whinings, get over it. Anyway, the game was fairly easy for the most part. No bosses ever gave me too much trouble, until I went into the Bevelle secret dungeon in Chapter Five. This place is home to the nastiest creatures in the game. It's 100 floors with bosses on floors 20, 40, 60, 80, and two on floor 100. The first two bosses are easy, but the next two sport over 300,000 HP each and have attacks that do well over 9,999 points of damage to characters. However, with the Cat Nip accessory equipped you can down them in two rounds each without suffering much damage. The real pain comes at the last cloister. You see, you're in this dungeon to find a man named Trema. All the while you've been tailing this one apparition who is with all the bosses. You meet him at cloister 100 and he turns into a big Ultima Weapon-looking thing called Paragon. Well, he only has 200,000 HP, so a Cat Nipped gunner can down him in two turns, one if you hit him enough and have two strong characters attack after that. You want to make this battle quick though, because he has REALLY powerful attacks and you want to be at full strength when the battle is over because you immediately go into the fight with Trema. Trema...is one bad dude, to put it simply. He sports high HP too just like the other bosses in this place, but he has the whopping 999,999 HP! Still, that only means you have to get him with about 5-6 Trigger Happies with the Cat Nip, but that's the hard part. He is MUCH faster than everyone in your party, usually getting in two attacks before you have the chance to attack. He mainly uses physical attacks that combo a single character for 1500-4000 points of damage. After you take away about half of his hit points he starts busting out Meteor. If you have all three characters alive the damage is lessened, but the fewer characters you have, the harder it hits. It WILL kill just one character by herself, and could kill two if they have low HP. After that he goes back to beating on you for awhile. When he nears death, he breaks out Ultima, which does 9,999 damage to everyone. If you have the Break HP Limit in effect, this doesn't affect you, but I didn't. After trying MANY times to outlast him and beat him before he used Ultima (which never worked), I finally drained all his magic. Once I did that, and equipped my other two characters with an auto-protect accessory, he went down fairly easy.
  8. List one game each character was in from one system. For example, you would list one Mario game for the NES, one for the SNES, one for the N64, etc. That would just trim down a lot IMO.
  9. Ah yes. Shadow Link. A bane to many old school gamers. I've beaten him before. Was quite hard indeed. Been playing Tales of Symphonia for awhile now. No bosses really worthwhile to mention in this thread yet but I'm about to go and take on some secret bosses, so I might be getting back to you.
  10. So, the Onimusha trilogy has made a pretty good reputation for itself on the PS2 wouldn't you say? I've really had no interest in the series until I actually was told by some reliable sources to check it out. So, I picked up Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny. I haven't played the first one yet, and someday sure I'll get it, but as of now I'm not to worried because I'm pretty sure I have an okay grasp on the story. So! The game provides a decent challenge throughout. Magic attacks will be your best friend in this game, without them...the game would take sooooo much longer. Anywho, all the bosses provide an okay challenge, but then you get to the big kahuna himself, Lord Nobunaga. He immediately transforms into a demon and the battle starts. He starts off on the ground just like you do, and while in this state, I found that he could not be hit by regular sword attacks. He blocked everything I threw at him. So, one-by-one, I went through my four weapons and hit him with all my magic attacks until he took off in the air. This is where the fun starts. He will then unleash a possibility of four magic attacks on you. The easiest to dodge is a lightning based attack where he sends four circles on the ground at you, and wherever they stop lightning strikes them. Easy enough to dodge, just run away from them. He can send up to three sets of four at you. His next move is to hurl four or five rocks at you. These are a little harder to dodge because they move really fast, but still simple if you just run. His third attack is to send a large tornado your way. The tornado itself is really slow, but travels a long distance before it dissipates. Make sure you are about fullscreen distance from him and you'll be fine. His final magic based attack is a ultra-fast downward strike towards you that when hitting the ground shoots up icicles from the ground in front of him. This reaches pretty far in front of him, so make sure you're far enough away or you'll get damaged and partially frozen for a time. Also at any time during the fight he can engage you in regular swordplay, either diving across the screen at you with some extreme force or just slashing at you. All I can say is block, block, block. Finally, you'll beat the dude, but is it over? Of course not! He then fuses with his big ass statue to become huge statue thing. For this round, you're in your transformed state as well, and all you can do is shoot lasers that automatically target something you have to destroy. The battle is also a head-on fight, with the boss behind you and you in a third person perspective looking behind Jubei. You have five targets total, two legs, two hands, and the head. The legs do nothing, just run at you every now and then, which is easily avoided by running away, same with the fire breath the base shoots, just keep running. The right hand will shoot four or five fireballs at you, which sort of home in on you, but can be avoided by running from one side of the screen to the next. The left hand, once it lightens up, will make spike pillars shoot out of the ground at various points. These points light up on the ground, so they're easy to spot too. The head can also shoot two lasers at you. These can be hard to dodge, because they move to pretty much where you are standing, but go real fast and are hard to dodge. Once you destroy the hands and legs, the head starts sending out some skulls to have some fun with you. The first wave goes in a straight line off the screen, then come back and turn around in front of you to emit some sort of gas that damages you. The second wave start off in a formation in front of the statue's face. Then, they start dive bombing you left and right. These are kinda hard to dodge, especially when you have both waves of skulls coming at you, and he decides to shoot some lasers as well. Just....keep running around and get your shots in when you can, and he'll fall eventually. [Edited for redundancy]
  11. Actually for Yunalesca I did leave the Zombie on my characters so her Mega Death attack wouldn't have any effect on them. Then I beat the crap out of her. Didn't take me that long either.
  12. That's teh game with the four warrior dudes right? Harpuia, the Neptune girl, and the other two? If I remember correctly, Harpuia had a really easy trick to beating him. I'd have to play it again to make sure, but I think that when he does his downward slash attack, you can power slide either under it or slide behind him before it hits you, then you can hit him with your sword. I forget what attack he always uses when he gets hit, but he might just go back to trying to downslash you, which you can avoid. Once I learned the trick, I beat him in about 10 seconds without getting hit.
  13. Interesting story on this one. When I got to him to fight him, I realized that I had missed one of the dragons after I had already initiated battle with him. That meant that I could still have Ryu become the Kaiser Dragon of course, but I couldn't control him and therefore he would always use his Kaiser Breath attack. So for the first form I transformed Ryu into Kaiser Dragon and had him in the back using the breath attack all battle, and then I think Cray and Ershin/Scias just pound away at him. I totally played that battle to die, and intented to, so I could go back and get the last dragon, because I was sure I couldn't beat the final boss without having control of Kaiser's attacks. However, the fight went on and on, and sure enough, eventually the dragon fell. After some dialogue, he transforms into his second form. Now I'm pissed, because I didn't want to have to fight that first form again, so I played this one to win, and I beat that fucker without Kaiser by using just about all my healing items, especially the big time dragon form healers, because I used all of my other dragon forms twice.
  14. No, we actually have a whole thread dedicated to that topic. Just be specific to what you want, and it won't get dirty.
  15. Heh I knew this thread would be back. I personally didn't have a problem with Death in LoI I don't think. I'm pretty sure he didn't kill me......or maybe he did once because I got careless and was hit by an attack that I shouldn't have been, can't remember. However, a boss that does deserve a mention? Nyarlathotep. Now before you go and try to pronounce that name, he's the final boss of Persona 2, an otherwise fun game that has its fair share of challenging bosses, but I had never really run across one that just made me so freaking mad (with the exception of maybe three little fun guys you fight in this place called Torifune whose names will remain secret because it kinda is part of the story). Anywho, we all know that massive leveling is the trick that most of us try and pull whenever we run across bosses that are to strong for us to kill right? Well, a few games have found ways to remedy that situation. FFVIII and Lunar had the bosses level up as you did to prevent that far of a gap between power. Persona 2 went and did the other way of preventing mass leveling. They made the last boss level 99. My levels when I went up to fight him were mid-60s. Ouch! So, the guy's got 18,000 hit points, and my max spell which is this Nuclear Fusion spell only did around 800-900 damage to him, and that was after the magic attack up castings. The other three characters were there to heal and heal often. This boys attacks were no joke! Most of them were easy to survive sure, but you'd be pretty much dead and would require 2-3 healers to get you back to full health, which was a must to stay at at all points of this battle. However, two of his spells were instant kills on some characters. His uberspell, Shadow Kill, was a physical spell that did about 500 points of damage to everyone except Tatsuya, who had a Persona weak against physical stuff, so he took about 900 points of damage. And boy did he like casting that spell! There were times I'd face it three or four times in a row! His other spell I don't remember but it only would hit Ulala and Katsuya and would always kill him for some reason. As the battle wears on, I could tell that his attacks were getting stronger, because Shadow Kill started doing 550+ damage, and he also broke out this new attack called Crawling Chaos, which hurt everyone majorly and cancelled any actions of their's whatsoever. So no healing afterwards, except for items. He also has an attack that he uses early that disables your ability to switch Personas. After stocking about a dozen Somas, which revive and heal all characters, I was finally able to just outlast the beast.
  16. Oh the influx of newbs. How do to you all.
  17. Heh, I beat him.
  18. That it is... though it didn't stop people from banging on Brilliance Redux . Anyway... Well, every now and then people have to lash out at someone. She just......who knows. Drew the fire.
  19. Yes, a n00b with grammatical skills these days is a plus I find.
  20. Well, when I beat him, it was pure luck. You've just got to hope to not get raped to hard by status effects with his Grand Cross attack. However, I will say this. I forgot his other big attack, the actual attack one that does huge damage to everyone, but it seemed to me that when one character was dead it didn't deal fatal damage. So the more people you have, the more damage it did I think. If you can keep two people alive so that you don't get a game over from stonage, you might be able to beat him.
  21. No, but you can move out of the way and not get hit by it.
  22. I've beaten the first two Ninja Gaiden games so many times they don't really seem like much of a challenge to me anymore. I'll throw in my two cents for the final boss in Shadow Hearts. Man, that dude gave me hella trouble. My best friend was there when I was fighting that thing, and he was playing his GBA while I literally sat there about an hour fighting that thing before I won. And no, I did not have the best summon. I had crap for summons, so I basically sat there with Yuri and hit him and healed when I had to because my other two characters got killed real quick.
  23. sh2 first edition with 2 cd the game and the making of And is that available anywhere, did you have to preorder something, or what?
  24. Where's this DVD that you all keep talking about?
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