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Everything posted by ktriton

  1. Sorry, I thought he accepted. E-mailed him. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon. I think he'd be great fit to battle you!
  2. Another question...what is Axel's theme? Links plz, tx. EDIT: I guess Zyko's taking on TWO heroes. That's pretty badass! Okay, here's an update: CURRENT MATCHUPS: LEFTOVER CONTENDERS: BAD DUDES THAT ARE MIA: Two challenges and two bad dudes left? Seems perfect to me! Thanks to all who've sent me your email address. Just waiting to place these last couple of guys before sending out a mass email. DHSU/THE GUY: Let's wrap up this process so that we can start kicking ass and chewing bubble gum.
  3. Okay, let's wrap this thing up and get started by the end of this weekend. I have email addy's from: OA Zircon Jose the Bronx Rican Brandon Strader halc Audio Fidelity Willrock Still waiting on: Snappleman Another Soundscape Abadoss Malcos bLiNd ALL HEROES: please go to the OneUp Studios forum and sign up if you aren't already signed up. Please use your remixer name to keep things simple. Let me know if you already have an account at OUS under a different moniker.
  4. While we're waiting on the last few tracks, can ALL Heroes please PM me their email addresses? Already have the Bad Dudes emails. Thx!
  5. Bring it. Finally somebody stepped up to the plate! He may not be a veteran remixer, but the guy's got balls to take on the Kratos theme! Respect. PS. We need to make sure Fishy/Nutritious get theirs. They NEED to be in on this project!
  6. Right on, Joker! To those who were concerned earlier in the thread: BadAss is shooting for a Q3 deliverable, while HvV is shooting for a late Q4 deliverable. Hope that helps clear things up.
  7. Great...will send momentarily. Thanks!
  8. I wouldn't say invite only. But we are looking for OCR remixers. Also, still haven't heard back from The Joker. If anybody chats with him regularly, I'd appreciate it if you let him know that I'm trying to contact him.
  9. I've contacted The Joker who is the project lead for Badass. Thanks to all who have raised awareness of the issue. I'll work with him to find a solution that benefits all. That said, we're still waiting on: Also where are these remixers at? There are two outstanding challenges from OCR and one outstanding challenge from me. Let's get moving!
  10. You beat me to it. So what's the ETA on the Badass release? We're planning to release at the end of the year.
  11. Agreed totally. Not to mention that this is a different concept from the Badass project. So no overlap there. That should really be the main issue given your concern, Bahamut. I can see the similarity...Villain themes vs. Hero/Villain battles. But the concept is still unique for both projects. Also, I'm guessing that the remixes will reflect the conceptual differences. And to Mustin's point, as the projects are different, it really doesn't make sense to worry about the individual remixes. Hell, we put out an EP last year of nothing but Sagat remixes and that went over with fans just fine
  12. Sorry Jon; updating my previous post now. Mustin, this needs to be reflected in your first post as well. Lvl 99, okay. Not sure there's really anything either project can do to avoid further collisions. Especially on high-profile themes like those. Check in with us in a bit. Hopefully we'll have finalized our tracklist in the next couple of weeks.
  13. Yeah the more the merrier for sure. So right now we have the following tracks: As far as Bad Dudes I think we're still waiting on: Level 99, which tracks do you foresee overlapping with your project? There's probably going to be SOME overlap I'm sure. Unless you guys are focusing on lesser-known/less-iconic villains.
  14. Hey, haven't talked to you in a looong time...hope you're well!

  15. Great mix! Sounds like you've got some serious production chops, too!
  16. Yeah...strange considering how great the score is AND how under-represented it is in the remix community. I guess that means I'll have to reconsider my track. EDIT: Yeah, sorry Demonstray...but hope to see you on the front page of OCR soon.
  17. Wow, is there really no remixer who can take on the ??
  18. But seriously, no punking out halfway through! >: )
  19. Yup, Wrath Devine. CLAIMED.
  20. Shouldn't God of War be Kratos/Zeus?
  21. lol, that's not necessarily a bad thing though. At least this way we know what people REALLY are dying for!
  22. [The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past] Link/ Ganon
  23. As of right now, we're not sure. Still working out a lot of the fine details! When you list your battle suggestions, I recommend choosing characters with distinct/easily identifiable themes. That's probably the easiest way to go about it.
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