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Everything posted by ktriton

  1. I have to say that I didn't like this the first time, but I dug it the second time around. I haven't heard or played 7th Guest, but I'll be damned if this loop isn't stuck in my head. If I run into some free time from projects, I just might do an arrangement of this remix Either way, Mr. Sanger, if you ever get to read this, I absolutely LOVED your book--it really was inspiring--and I hope to one day see another mix added from either you or Team Fat! Sincerely, Kunal Majmudar
  2. Was listening to this again, and I have to say that this is ridiculously skilled. Probably my fave on the site. Again, congrats! This piece is truly inspirational
  3. Niiiice. The descending pentatonic chords motif reminds me of "Colors of the Wind" by Judy Kuhn (the single from Disney's "Pocahontas"). Anyway, very nice work! Serene, tranquil--great voice leading, too
  4. Genius! Great impetus! Great execution! Great, great, great!
  5. This is pretty fucking awesome, dude! I haven't finished hearing it yet (I'm only half-way through), but as soon as I heard the "raptor cries" I just had to let you know that this is already brilliant! VERY innovative! Respect.
  6. Alright. People need to stop posting 0-size fonts. Why do we even HAVE that option? Nothing to read here. Move on. Seriously, stop reading this. Go away. PS: VGDJ interview: http://www.vgdj.net/Shows/VGDJ_ep_038.mp3 At about 7:30.
  7. Just a heads up, folks: This piece will be played live by Christian, Anthony "Miller" Lofton, Tim "TYarbreaux" Yarbrough, and I at the OneUps Live event in May. This'll probably be the only time to hear it played live and the concert will feature hits from plenty of other arrangers. With ticket prices now at $20, this should be an easier sell than the $30 tickets were. http://www.theoneupslive.com/ Hope to see you all there!
  8. Wow dude...thanks! I did one of those quick, minute-long interviews for VGDJ in which I briefly explain the instrumentation and the reverb, so definitely check it out next Monday if you were curious about 'em.
  9. Meccaneer: It's cool if you didn't like it, but could you maybe explain why you didn't like it so much? Like, for starters, what did you hate about the instrumentation?
  10. Thanks for the comments, peepz! I need to make a mainstream mix one of these days to throw you guys off
  11. Friggin' awesome work! I'd have like to hear the drums a little less in the mix though. Still, great, great work! Probably my favorite by you. Rock on.
  12. This is quite the effort! This is like Isao Tomita meets Stephen Reich meets breakbeat. VERY much unconventional and exciting. I'm going to be honest, I didn't like all the sections (ESPECIALLY the ending. I felt like it was a cop-out), but the ones I dug were enough to get me hooked. Great work. This must've been quite a workload. Congrats!
  13. Can anyone say "Danny Elfman"? This is awesome work. Superb arrangement!
  14. LOL Christian, you're my favoritest piano player. Seriously though, this is epic stuff. I feel like it was a bit underappreciated in the panel. I've been listening to this arrangement for a looong time now. Contrary to the panel, I definitely feel that the ideas in this are trademark Cpac and that it's definitely innovative. I agree that it's not his strongest, but to call it "trite" is, I think, underappreciating the creativity of this mix immensely--especially when you compare it to most of the mixes on this site. Anyway, I'm done ranting. Great job, C!
  15. Man, some of these ideas are incredible! LOVE that EP solo, dude. Whatever samples you used for the drums are PERFECT. I'm a big fan, bro. Keep it up!
  16. I personally loved this way more than Watermelon. The violin track is pretty sweet. I like how you guys have kept the mix relatively dry of reverb. I absolutely LOVE how you can hear the violin's 'grainyness'. I'd love to hear a classical remix by you guys just because the violin track is THAT good. Piano solo, as always, is smooooth. Great job, guys!
  17. Suhweet. Lots of cool progressions and nifty ideas that I don't often hear in this genre. A jorb well done, sir. And if you guys haven't checked out the rest of the tracks from this project, you should. They're really great! Everybody really put in a good effort and it definitely shows
  18. Hey KirbySSB, it's from a track called "Phantom Ganon" which, as explained in the writeup, is kind of transcendent theme going all the way back to Zelda 3. It's the theme that comes on every time you have to use your sword to reflect Ganon's energy blasts back at him (hence the title, "Hyrule Wimbledon"). Hope that clears things up!
  19. Yes. And I will turn France into a gigantic, croissant-themed amusement park. Anyway, thanks for the great comments everybody! This is such a ridiculous mix, but it was muy fun to make
  20. Well, I've had the pleasure of having this track on my hard drive for some time now. And I have to say that it's about time that OCR got this up on the site. I'll admit it. I'm a fan of most of CPac's stuff, but especially his piano arrangements. This one I'd have to say is one of my favorites of said category. This would go for most arrangments on this site or on VGmix, but the gripe I have with the piano arrangements is that they're not performed live. You can kind of tell and while that's upsetting, there's so much juicy substance to this piece that you'd have to be crazy not to love it. My favorite part is the section from 1:45 to 2:16. It's such strong material (partly because it's the same idea, but reworked in constantly shifting ways). I haven't heard much of the CT section, but this has been on my playlist for a while now. Congrats C, on a job well done. We're already waiting for the next one
  21. Damn, this is hot stuff, dude. I LOVE your intro to the piece. And you really do blend everything together seamlessly. Oh, by the way, the quality and production on this piece are nearly professional. Bottom line, this arrangement is tres awesome!
  22. Thanks for all the great feedback, guys. Glad you're all enjoying it. I just wanted to thank the judges, too, for being so great about this mix--it was backlogged for nearly two months and they were pretty cool about leaving it up there the whole while. So thanks guys Also, while Christian did a fantastic job encoding this for OCR regulations, some of you might want to check out the full 192 kbps resolution over at VGMix
  23. Yeah...thanks, Mini. ...I think...? Rexy: Seeing as Cpac somehow manages to put up with me, I think you can expect more from us in the near future
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