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The Orichalcon

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Everything posted by The Orichalcon

  1. no worries klm. You got me hooked on Katatonia's music, so can't be displeased with you. Probably not the style of music you were hoping for with the turnout, but the project did turn out pretty well anyway.
  2. Let's not overshadow the efforts of the other mixers. Evilhorde and Mazedude have both proven themselves to be great mixers, but I'm hoping that each mixer on this project will make a piece worthy of that "****ing awesome" title.
  3. Haha, that's what I thought. It's just that the judges kept talking like this was a live performance. No, I wouldn't say that. Certainly not for me. Okay, so not you, Larry. But TO talking about the sustain pedal and analoq referring to it as a performance did give that impression. "The sustain pedal's certainly been well used here" shouldn't necessarily be taken literally, it's just a way of saying that the notes are well-drawn out. Whether it's played live or not. Either way, it's a nice piece, I still enjoy listening to it.
  4. Yes Evilhorde did E1M1 from the DSoP, his track will be kicking off this project as well. Danny B did The Dark Side of Phobos track, he hasn't been around much lately, and didn't show up for the track selections, so I guess he just missed out. Publicity will be great once the project nears completion.
  5. I've replied to all of you on your mixes. I'll be sending out an email about the next WIP phase shortly.
  6. I'll check the rest of the mixes that I haven't checked yet shortly. New WIP deadline will be decided once I've checked everyone. The next WIP phase will need the most work, I expect a close-to-finished piece by the next deadline, from which point I'll check them all again to point out things that might need drastic-changing before we finish up. You guys can run your pieces by me if you need help or need to check it over that time period.
  7. Those synths do sound rather nasty as an introduction. Probably could put something nicer there, maybe even just introducing with guitar. This is several steps below Hangarmageddon on the quality of the tune. You had such a nice clear sound with that one, so I know you're capable of producing a proper piece. The drums do sound very generic here. That might work here if they're properly mastered so the focus is on the guitar and it's not so hidden in the noise of the mix. The semi-drumsolo in the middle of the piece is probably unnecessary as it just alerts the non-observant listener that the drums are indeed rubbish. The guitar is clearly played well and would probably be very enjoyable to listen to if the track was just mastered better. Take this one back to the drawing board and work on remastering it. Replace the drums with something thicker and sharper if you can, less repetative, and then resubmit, 'cause I'm loving that guitar. NO
  8. Good old boobass. Had a listen through a couple of other mixes on your site, massive overuse of default boobass settings there. Try adjusting the lower end of it up and the higher end down, gives a punchier sound. As for the mix. Overall the sounds meld together all right, but the compression is really grating the mix right the way through, tearing sounds in the synthwork, especially in the more complex sections. Needs a lot of work just to bring it back to general standards of what's acceptably enjoyable to listen to. NO
  9. Wow, so getting a Jazz Jackrabbit vibe from the opening synth. Sounds like Medivo. This is way cool, sounds like old *.mod style mix. The changeup at 1:04 does sound a little strange, the percussion is causing that, though it builds up nicely at 1:29. The synths and such dotting the background of this mix are really nice. The guitar at 1:50... why oh why did you choose something that sounds so abbrassive and out of place for this style of mix? Seriously, get someone to record you some proper guitar there, and master it proper so it's in the background of the mix. That's the only major problem I have with this mix. If you fixed that, I'd give this a yes. The low-quality sound gives this mix character, as it fits the style nicely. Like Vig said, I'd like this mix to be longer, it has room to develop. Maybe head back into the guitar section with a few change-ups. Whatever works. Either way, please rework that guitar and resubmit this. I'd love to see this end up on OCR, and it would be a shame if it didn't. NO
  10. percussion is quite dry and not interesting enough to hold itself at that slow tempo. I could think of several things that would fill that gap better. Not to matter. The mix takes a while to come in properly, we get a rather groovy bassline that comes in around 0:55, even if it is buried beneath the weird sound effects that are over the mix. The general sound is an interesting concept, but it's just really poorly executed. The percussion sounds random and never really solidifies into anything that could be considered a pattern. The whingy synth thing from 2:00 is just awful. Concept? Yes. Execution? No. NO Seriously, take this one to WIP and get some help with it. The concept is nice, and I think it could be pulled off to be quite a nice minimalist mix with a LOT of work.
  11. Drowned in reverb to start off with. Vig is right about that delay being out of tempo, it's distracting to the overall sound of the mix, which isn't too fab in itself. You need to sit down and learn how to properly master your tracks and use effects before submitting songs like this. You have some interesting sounds in there hidden beneath all the clipping and delay echo's, but as it is, it's just full of basic mistakes and poor execution. Please read through the ReMixing forum for general help with this and post your mixes in the WIP forum to get a general idea on the public perception. If they don't accept your music, then there's basically no chance of it passing onto OCR under it's current form. NO
  12. very plain intro. There are better ways to introduce an ambient sound. The piano sounded all right when it came in, but it kept the reverb after the drums came in which sounded odd. The drums themselves sound like they're played manually, rather than programmed which is giving the jerky, randomly-out-of-time rhythm. Fix that with auto-snap or something please. The mix doesn't really change out of that basic ambient style even when the drums come in, keeping the piano and synth going. Biggest problem here? Simplicity, there are only two or three things going on at any one time, and they're usually not interesting enough to enjoy. If you want an example of simplicity at it's best, take a listen to zyko's "Of Transformants And Brevity." Need to stimulate the listener. The drumgroove you introduced halfway in the piece was pretty decent, but nothing really builds up around it, except for a really dry and jerky synth. Needs a lot more work before it would be acceptable NO
  13. Fake piano, bad bass-synth, bad vocal sample, bad reverbed beats. Then from 0:55 it gets seemingly better (in the context set by the first 55 seconds.) The bass seems lacking, but that's probably just because my headphones suck at emulating bass. The trancey-synths you used in the main sections were the only nice part of this mix to be perfectly honest, and it's not enough to save the mix. Everything else has such a basic and fake sound to it. You really need to work on the drumwork to make it sound more fitting to a techno/dance style song like this, the samples are so small in the mix, they're hidden away behind the synths, bring them out of hiding. NO
  14. The percussion in this mix is a good basis, it needs to build up to something more interesting though. That pretty much sums up everything in the mix, it keeps this mellow tone for the majority of the mix. Try spicing it up by building up to a proper groove/climactic section or something. If you want a chillout style piece, it needs to be more complex. Needs more stuff to capture the listeners attention, right now it's rather bland. The production is pretty good as far as I can tell on my headphones, everything is fairly mellow. Nothing that stands out as needing a great deal of work. The sounds are balanced well. If you do have another go at this, just try building on the arrangement and percussion, and you could have a really nice chillout song here. NO
  15. See, I hate it when people do this. Is it pure laziness? Are you just trying to be a jerk? It's supposedly "witty", the "in thing" to do when someone asks a common question on a forum. Unfortunately a lot of people are unable to determine an appropriate time for a such a thing, which as a result cheapens the entire idea.
  16. I'm not sure about any German sites. But you'd probably be better off checking out the ReMixing forum here anyway to get answers to the questions for that. You write english well enough that I think you'd be fine reading the topics there. http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=7 Check the Stickied threads. If you can't get the answers, then searching on Google would probably be a good idea.
  17. received yours, Nuts' and Myth's, waiting on Prophecy now.
  18. First post is updated with received mixes. Still waiting on Prophecy, Myth, Nuts and Rexy. I'll start checking some more of the pieces today and send some feedback.
  19. Can you resend it, Txai? I thought I received it, but my inbox is void of a WIP.
  20. I've started sending feedback to people, and I've posted a new column in the first post and this post. The WIP column states whether the artist has submitted a WIP to me, and the "Checked" column states whether I've sent feedback or not. As you can see, I still need a lot of people to even submit their WIP. Trk # - In-Game Level - Track Title - Artist(s) Covering WIP / Checked * / 0 - Intro - Title - (The Orichalcon) YES / NO * / 00 - Inter - Intermission - (Sir NutS) NO / NO * / 01 - Entryway - Running from Evil - (EvilHorde) YES / YES * / 02 - Underhalls - The Healer Stalks - (Txai) YES / NO * / 03 - Gantlet - Countdown to Death - (Rexy) NO / NO * / 04 - The Focus - Between Levels - (Cubed777) YES / NO * / 05 - The Waste Tunnels - DOOM - (nousentre) YES / YES * / 06 - The Crusher - In the Dark - (The Orichalcon & Nasenmann) YES / NO * / 07 - Dead Simple - Shawn's got the Shotgun - (RoeTaKa & EvilHorde) YES / YES * / 08 - Tricks and Traps - The Dave D. Taylor Blues - (EvilHorde) YES / YES * / 09 - The Pit - Into Sandy's City - (Joker) YES / YES * / 10 - Refueling Base - The Demon's Dead - (Prophecy) NO / NO * / 18 - Courtyard - Waiting for Romero to Play - (The Orichalcon & Bladiator) YES / NO * / 20 - Gotcha! - Message for the Archvile - (Mazedude) YES / YES * / 23 - Barrels O Fun - Bye Bye American Pie - (RoeTaKa) YES / YES * / 25 - Bloodfalls - Adrian's Asleep - (Mythril Nazgul) NO / NO * / 28 - The Spirit World - Getting too Tense - (Hemophiliac) YES / YES * / 30 - Icon of Sin - Opening to Hell - (OverCoat) YES / NO * / 99 - Readme - End Game - (Prophecy) NO / NO
  21. Woops, I probably wrote the wrong word. I'll check my vote later. Edit: Fixed.
  22. I got the PM too. I'm interested in how Larry noticed the added Electric Guitars if they weren't actually there.
  23. 3 days to get your WIP's in to me. I'll post a checklist up on Feb 6th.
  24. Short Jingles work well for intro's and outro's to different CD's.
  25. Cubed has it spot on. The majority of the tracks will probably still end up roughly in the correct position. I'd like to start the project off with Evilhorde's Map01 rendition, and end the project with EndGame. The rest will be divvy'ed up depending on the styles.
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