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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. The biggest problem when it comes to difficulty is you're now forced to hold your shield up when you lock on, and you can attack freely while doing it (as opposed to having to release the R button in previous games). It's too bad there isn't more horseback fighting since getting your ass knocked off your horse made it pretty difficult.
  2. Eh, you really can't complain about the easi-ness of TP's boss fights. There hasn't been a single difficult boss fight on any 3D Zelda. I had more fun fighting Iron Knuckles than I did any boss, including the final one. By the way, this has probably been said before, but an Iron Knuckle whipping his weapon at you is just pure badass.
  3. I liked it quite a bit, though that could just be fond memories of using the bow with the Wiimote for the first time. It was pretty diverse too, which was nice.
  4. Yeah, it does seem like there wasn't a lot of thought put into the Goron and Zora towns. I mean, there was more to do in those places in the N64 games than there is in TP. As far as the dungeons go...I really only liked the 2nd and 5th. And there were a few that just shouldn't have been considered dungeons. TP is pretty damn good, but Majora still owns it...in my opinion, of course.
  5. It definetly does. That, or it's just more noticeable because of the art style.
  6. I hate the lighting. It looks great, sure, but goddamn if it doesn't make it hard to see at night in Hyrule Field. I'm at the point now where I'm just going around looking for secrets and have to crank the brightness on my TV up.
  7. What's worse is that the character animations and other cut-scene stuff is done so well, it would be near perfect with voice acting... Regardless, I did not expect Twilight Princess to be this damn good. What a pleasant surprise.
  8. I'll play some Castlevania if anyone wants to. Code is 2448-9720-2848.
  9. If this is true...wow, that's sad. "HAVE YOU EVEN HEARD OF THE BLU-RAY? IT'S THE FUTURE!"
  10. It's a software problem and can be fixed through an update. Until Nintendo can figure out a fix, it only makes sense to replace the consoles for unlucky people.
  11. Does anyone still play Hunters? I recently got back into it again after getting a comfort stylus and it's as fun as ever...except for the disconnectors.
  12. The gameplay is okay. Pretty close to the other Mechassault games but with *very* precise aiming. I honestly wouldn't recommend it though...no online and every player in multiplayer needs a copy of the game.
  13. Since I can't play Wii yet...I really have to recommend Bomberman Land Touch. So many great mini-games plus online classic Bomberman ftw.
  14. I have both gold carts too, except the Ocarina of Time sticker is faded
  15. The music isn't terrible, it's just very, very weak. The sound effects are very good though.
  16. If you lift the stylus too early you'll get a 100 instead of a 300. When you get to the faster drags, it gets a bit easier.
  17. Yoshi's Island DS rules. It's better than New Super Mario Bros. The music sucks though, which seems to be common in a lot of newer Nintendo games lately.
  18. As does the 360, as does the Wii...except you're not paying extra for a DVD player you may never fully utilize.
  19. Very true. The only people that are going to be amazed by the PS3s visuals are people who have never seen a good PC game. The games look good, but PC players have been accustomed to visuals of that quality for a year now (F.E.A.R.). Until the PS3 can produce better visuals than the 360 puts out in Gears, I wonder how they can charge so much for it.
  20. Not really...imo.
  21. Keyboard and mouse > gamepad, except for fighters. I dare God to give me carpal tunnel syndrome.
  22. Done with Elite Beat Agents (if you don't count getting high scores and trying to beat easy mode). The final stage on the hardest mode is freaking crazy and blows the final stage of Ouendan out of the water in terms of difficulty. *spoilers* (no biggie if you don't click, obviously) Ouendan's final stage: EBA's final stage:
  23. As long as there can be Marth vs. Marth battles online, I'll be happy. <3 Marth.
  24. The last stage of EBA is pretty damn cool. If you have a decent taste in music, you'll be disappointed at first then really happy a few minutes later...
  25. Too bad Inis' next project is a PSP game. I would love for an Ouendan or EBA sequel to come out very soon.
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