You're absolutely right, he *doesn't* care what I or anyone wants in the game. He's one of those guys who thinks "Games are art, maaaaaaaan." That's why Killer 7 was so tedious at times. "Master." -3 seconds- "We're in a tight spot!" -5 seconds- "Tighter than tight, even!" Yeah, that's real cool. Characters who use catch phrases. Oooh, you're different you rebel you.
But Killer 7 was good because it was unique in how it played, had a great story that was backed up by great animated sequences and decent voice acting. NMH doesn't look like there's much at all unique about it. It looks incredibly generic. Even the Wiimote actions for the wrestling moves are being used in games like the Godfather port. This seems like another GTA clone with a director who promises "This game will be more violent than Manhunt 2!"
Yeah, will it? Focus on the game instead of trying to be to make something artistic, extremely violent or intentionally stupid. Everyone is aware he's capable of making good, "different" games, but this isn't Killer 7. It's something new and unproven and right now, it just doesn't look all that impressive.
And bad voice acting, even if intentional, is stupid. It's not cool or funny, it's an excuse to not spend the cash to hire professionals.