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Everything posted by KakTheInfected

  1. Can you elaborate on that? Never heard anything like that.
  2. Got a game of Texas Hold Em going if any CHG players are interested. If I already added you, the room is open. If not, PM me your code.
  3. Well, like I said, this is happening to pretty much everyone I know who plays. While there's a definetly slight chance, I doubt we're all so blind that we're missing the cracks.
  4. Another Animal Crossing question...is it normal for the past few days there have been no fossils or even cracks in the ground to dig up? Everyone else I know who plays is having the same problem, but I'm wondering why it's happening.
  5. MGS4.
  6. The PSP launch has "created a frenzy of buyers"? Anyway...I don't see (if this is indeed intentional) how Sony can benefit at all. Aside from some exclusives (and I do mean some since a lot of series are multiplatform now), the 360 and PS3 are basically clones of each other. To launch a year late with only 500,000 units, especially when you're relying on the system to push your own DVD format, would be very stupid if it was on purpose.
  7. I got so bored of Children of Mana so I doubt I'll play the English version. The boss fights were fun, but 90% of the game is button mashing to kill enemies that respawn almost continuously on harder levels. Got an Advance Wars DS question...is there any reason to use Adder over Koal? Both are similiar, charge their powers at the same rate, but Koal has a firing bonus on roads...
  8. I liked that Chrono game.
  9. Contact is a dull game that somehow keeps my interest. Fighting in it is sort of like playing a Warrior/Rogue in World of Warcraft, where you just auto-attack and are able to use skills every so often.
  10. My code is 4639-3697-1968. I'm working on unlocking special themes and stuff for the game at the moment but if anyone wants to play, PM me
  11. I haven't gotten a damn thing and can't check the game for hours now...looks like I'm screwed out of a crappy chair.
  12. My cousin just got a watermelon chair meant for last week...what the...
  13. A friend said she got a letter from Nintendo last week that said something about the last day of the acorn festival and some item (escapes me atm) so I doubt that's it. But it would make sense since Clubhouse Games came out last week.
  14. Tried that, then had a friend come over. Still no luck...
  15. I wonder if it's screwed up since connecting in AC takes so long lately... I really couldn't care less actually since it's probably bowling pins, a dart board or a chess piece...all things I've passed one when I've seen them at Nook's.
  16. Trying to come back but Animal Crossing WFC is so laggy when trying to connect lately...plus it keeps giving error messages. I wish they'd fix this. Edit: As of 2:30PM EST, no Nintendo prize...do they show up at 5-6PM?
  17. Sorry, going to bed right now. I'll post my code tomorrow though.
  18. I planted all of my flowers today and arranged them so there would be 3 in each acre...then the first person who came to my town accidently trampled through 4 of them On a happier note...Custom Robo Rumble is pretty fun. It's odd how the 3D visuals in it are damn good but the 2D are so plain and just terrible looking.
  19. Try planting more flowers and trees. And make sure there's no trash or weeds or anything on the ground. Thanks. A friend said something about needing at least 3 flowers in each "acre", so that's probably it.
  20. Okay, Animal Crossing question...when I ask Pelly about the enviroment, she reads a letter that says "Blahblah is clean and all, but something is missing." then says "We need to all work together to make blahblah a great place to live!" The question...what the hell is missing?
  21. Hunters rules. Except for the fact that it can't be patched (to fix some bugs and deliver updates), it's pretty much a perfect online DS game. It deserves all the praise it gets.
  22. I am playing CG...still looking to build a friend code list but the game seems rather unpopular. And I thought Contact was coming Thursday?
  23. Pretty sure it has to be in the house. As far as I've seen, luck only increases the amount of money neighbors give you for certain tasks. There is a Feng Shui FAQ on Gamefaqs so you can probably find out more there.
  24. Clovers add to your luck rating no matter where you place them in the house. Back to EBA bitching...you guys can defend the song list all you want, but when roughly half the songs in the game are garbage to the people that are likely to buy it, there is a reason to be a bit miffed.
  25. I won't be depriving myself because I'm a snob, I'll be doing it because I shouldn't have to play a video game and see the name "Ashlee Simpson" pop up...ever.
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