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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. link_070618d-l.jpg

    Look at that pic, maybe thats how you can hit multiple opponents.

    Anyway, here's my educated guess of what Fox's final smash will be:


    Peppy: Do a barrel roll!


    (Fox then proceeds to do a barell roll, destroying all other players with his awsomeness)

    Lol, that would be really cool. :D

  2. My guess is 1 million years since google didnt pull anything up with my search, if you don't mind my asking, why do you want to know?
    I have pondered this same question myself, friend. The reason he asks, OCR, is because Samus' visor uses the term "cycles" in Echoes to refer to how long any given body has been dead...

    Indeed, thats why. I wasnt ever sure how long was a deca/millicycle. The word makes me feel as if it were a very long time. But I couldnt really tell.

  3. I really don't mind the new colors at all, I actually didn't pay to much attention to them until someone placed the modified pict with the old SC pallete, but I don't think this brighter coloration makes it more cartoony.

  4. Pray tell, what symbol are you talking about? The one we already discussed many, many pages ago, where it wasn't even close to any Fire Emblem symbol?

    I mean, yes, it's quite possible that it's a fire emblem stage, but we don't know for sure.

    It looks more like a FE stage than a KI stage, IMO


    Just a thought, but wouldnt it be cool if Samus could transform into Dark Samus (MP2 and/or MP3) and use her Phazon abilities when using her Smash Attack?

    This version of Samus is supposed to be more from The Metroid Prime series than the old series, so the Smash Attack could be Prime related.

  5. Well. the thing is that I'm moving on my own (and getting a better PC), so my lil bro will stay w/ the (4y/o) PC that Im using right now. Back in the day this PC was pretty good, but now its getting old.

    I think that the main problem w/ it is that the Motherboard does not allow more that 1GbRAM of memory (2 slots of 512). So I was thinking, what's the best solution, changing the Motherboard, or... ah... something else? :P

    Any advice?

  6. ... two cartoons from the good ol' days.

    The First one (an anime) was about 5 (I think) Samurai, (an orange one, green one and some other colors I cant remember) from present day Japan, each of them had different colored armor and the there was another that would become White when he had the power of the other 5.

    A friend of mine told me that it was Ronan Warriors, but nothing to what I remember the show used to be like shows up in a Google search.

    And the other cartoon is kinda hard to explain, but I'll try my best.

    It was about the people that had special suits with sume kind of half tube sticking out ouf their chest, arms and legs. The chars I remember where a guy in a green suit, a guy in a red suit and a guy in an orange suit.

    Well... so when there was trouble they would "fuse" with pieces of machines and become a human helicopter, motor bike and stuff of that sort.

    Please bear with me, I know the description is horrible, but I couldnt think of anything better :P

    I hope y'all can help me.

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