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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. Dark Samus at the very end of Metroid Prime 2, I think he was a joke compared to other bosses from that game.

    Omega Metroid at the end of Metroid Fusion, he was way to easy.

    And every boss from LoZ OOT was easy, specially the one from the Water Temple.

  2. I would really like the Step on the Platforms game from the N64 Smash to make a comeback.

    And I'd love for Dark Samus from MP2 to be an Assist Trophy. I think I'd be really cool.Or maybe even the 2nd form of Mother Brain from Super Metroid, they might even throw Kraid in there, although he's to big, I'm sure they can make it work :)

  3. I think I remember reading somewhere on Smashbros.com that he said if you think your character will play the same as it did on Melee, then think again. I'm sure that's something they'll complain about from the get-go.

    The biggest and the heaviest of fighters, Bowser has a slightly different flavor this time around!

    To be honest, there are a LOT of characters that offer a slightly different flavor this time around. If you think they’re all going to be the same as they have been, it’ll be rough for you.

    Is that what you were talking about?

  4. Wow, I actually agree with atma for once.

    I hope not - Wario has so many awesome things to pull from I'd find it kind of dull for two of this attacks to be wasted on farting.

    Yeah you're right on that one. Then I'd like some Wario Land series moves.

  5. ...

    ...any ideas what Pit, Fox, Wario, Yoshi, Zelda, or Metaknight might do? I'm looking at you, Vidilian!

    Yoshi should totally throw bouncy eggs everywhere, like in Yoshi's Island. Would be great fun both to shoot and to dodge =)

    Im thinking that Zelda will shoot the light arrows at everyone; and Warrio will have his Nuclear like fart.

  6. And you don't find 5 months a long wait? :D

    Well, not really. Considering that we have already waited a lot more than that.

    so you live under a rock and dont know that halo 3 is dated for late september, the 26th im pretty sure

    and I had no idea about that cuz I dont care about Halo, I've never owned a XBox and I never will own a 360.

    Nintendo FTfW!

  7. I'm pretty sure this movie will be awesome simply because it has lots of Starscream.

    Yeah the Starscream parts are sweet, and a lil spoiler here for whoever wants to read it(only a line in the movie tho, not much of a thing, but very memorable):

    "Megatron: "You fail me yet again Starscream!""

  8. I just found out my friend (a giant Transformers fan) scored tickets to a special advance screening.

    Fucking fucking-fuck-fucker, fucking, fucker-fucker.

    Oh yeah, and since my mother works on TV, she gets me tickets for special screenings every week or so :-P

    I had tickets for FantasticFour2, Shrek3, Evan Almighty and so on :D

  9. I wonder how long it will take for Wario's gas attack to build up to the max though. Because it's very easy to make a KO usually and I imagine the charge to be gone when you lose a life.

    On that same note; is it really worth waiting just to make one KO with the attack?

    Ugh, it's no use even discussing that x_x. We just need this game already and judging by how little we know, we have a long wait ahead of us.

    Not really. We are already on the 7th month (not technically, but very close) of the year, and I'm positively sure that this game will come out at the same time that Halo3 will. Which should be November 2007.

  10. I watched it yesterday in a special presentation, and I tell ya its THE best movie I've seen this year so far.


    And I would definitely watch it again, and again.


    I am, but I'm pretty much expecting it'll be shit. I want it to be good, I really do, but the odds of it being so are low. I'm all for a good action movie, but I'm already assuming this is going to be another Michael Bay shakey-cam fest so that kinda takes that fun out of that. The film is sure to have good visuals and whatnot, and that's all well and good but it's going to have to give me more than just good CG to satisfy me (especially considering all the fight scenes are probably going to be full of shakey-cam, so it reduces them down to brightly-colored blurs and not much else). I'll see it next weekend most likely, and then I'll pass judgement on it; who knows, I might be pleasantly suprised.

    You will be "pleasantly suprised" :P. Excellent CG and action, excellent car chasing scenes, simply put... Amazing

  11. Oh right. I'm sure it will still be a fun way of playing the game, no doubt. I'm talking about for serious tounament play where every advantage you can get over your opponent, you take it.

    You got a point there

    You know... Unless the custom configuration with e GC controller allows me to say.... assign X as wavedash forward, and Y as wavedash backwards... It won't be in the least useful. (and I sincerely doubt THAT will be an option)

    That would be really cool!

    yes we do

    heres how its gonna work

    the gamecube controller is just the same as it is now

    the classic controller is similar to the gamecube controller but the analog stick is in an annoying place, and the grip isnt as good

    the wiimote nunchuck will also be similar but the b button will have to be the trigger which is just odd and to jump i guess youd use the d pad which would suck

    the wiimote will be all motion and trust me i think anyone could press a button to kick you in the face a heck of a lot faster than you could move your hand to do pretty much anything

    plus motion can be unreliable

    and i play 2-3 hours a day because i am bored and have no job

    And you could be right about that...

    Trying to do a forward +A and then you hit your friend in the stomach or something :P

  12. Yes I agree. Everyone who is playing in tounament play will most likely be using controler. However, some gamers may like the classic Controler layout better (I think it sucks, just like the PS2 Controler)

    One thing though. We dont know how good (or bad) the Wiimote config will be, it might simplify the way to play the game, yet be effective

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