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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. Not every older Windows game runs well in compatibility mode, and some of the user-made patches, hacks and fixes you have to try and apply/get working don't always work well either. Plus, with a real DOS environment, it can run a lot of older games without the need of tinkering with DOSBox (a program I'm throughly thankful for).

    Not everyone is only interested in the current game crop. Some of us like playing the older games too... especially those that aren't made for DOS, but XP hates with a passion. And really, MechWarrior 2: Titanium Edition is worth having Windows 95 for by itself ;)

    Thats basically why I want it, I want to play the greatest adventure game ever (imho)

    Maniac Mansion: The Day of the Tentacle

    I find its an incredible game, but XP fails terribly to emulate DOS, which I find very stupid.

    I also have many other games that run on DOS and they are incredible.

  2. So...

    Let's say we get 1 new character reveal a week.

    As of this post there is 17 weeks to Dec 3. (3 weeks taken off for the 3 veiled confirmed characters)

    So 17 more characters, plus the 13 already confirmed.

    30 characters plus secret characters.

    I'm guessing 35, give or take a few.

    I dont think they will give us only 5 secret characters, I'm thinking at least 10.

  3. That is so not going to happen. If it does though, I will proceed to drink an entire bottle of hot sauce.

    Edit: 'That' being a new wavebird with rumble.

    Why not? they can make it as an add-on for the wiimote so it can use the wiimote's rumble instead of waving its own. Kinda like the GCN controller the IGN showed back in 2006, lemme see if I can find it.

    EDIT: Here it is:


  4. You should be glad I deleted my original post, it was far more harsh on the fact that the unbearable stench coming out of your wet pants affected your already decayed irrational fanboyism riddled brain with the illusionary thoughts that creating a new thread on a topic already covered in another that is already in the front page would be so awesome that everybody would shit their pants at its glance, just like you obviously did when reading the aforementioned news.

    Lurking is not as bad as your urges to post stupidly tell you.

    What in the name of all that is holy is fucking wrong with you?!!!!!

    What did I do to you to get attacked like this?

    Just go to hell and refrain from posting comments like that again, please.

  5. I was on the edge of my seat. I was hoping he'd say "It will release... TOMMOROW!"


    Yeah... I was thinking he was gonna say: "...I'm pleased to announce that Brawl will come our Next Month" or something like that, I was so excited :D

  6. Ouch. Here's some aloe vera for that nasty burn. *hands anne some creme* ;)

    Really, though... eight years old? I fail to see the accuracy of that statement. I, for one, have not known for eight years that Brawl would contain that particular item.

    Oh, you mean we knew about the ITEM for eight years. Right. Still, I don't see how that's pointless information, especially how the bumper, in my opinion, is way better than the spinny Melee bumper-thing. Or, at least, more useful. And controllable.

    --Jack Kieser


    And WTF is wrong with you Anne M. If you hate all these updates so much then, why don't you just check it once a week? So you can only appreciate the good ones.

  7. Originally Posted by anne amère viewpost.gif

    I am disapointed.

    I am BEYOND disapointed.

    I feel INSULTED.

    I can't believe that Sakurai put something so RIDICULOUS-looking in the game. A man with two giant orbs of green hair...and a Hitler moustache. Dear GOD, so LAME.

    I do not want to play some kiddy cartoony childish game made for little babies.

    This information isn't exciting. It doesn't impact gameplay in very significant way. It's not interesting at all, it's just tiny inconsequential info. Another minor, lame update of no importance.

    Sakurai, you are seriously making me angry. Show us something that actually matters.


    I think that was a lil too much... I mean the update wasn't that bad... I think that the one before yesterday's was far worse (imo)

  8. ...

    To the angry kid who couldn't handle today's update: if you weren't joking... just relax! :) NOW!! ;-)

    I'd say "don't worry, tommorow's update is going to be better!", but chances are I'd be lying. To be honest, that was a great update. Obscure characters ahoy!


    I was partly joking, but in a way I was excited about using him... I really didn't notice the item icon on the top-right corner :sad:

    Oh well...

    About tomorrow's E3. It sucks that Brawl won't be in it :sad:

  9. And so we witness the death of a dream. :razz:




    My heart just splitted in two:cry:

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