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Posts posted by L.T.W.

  1. Fighting AC Town Resident Team!


    Imagine a match on Pit's stage, with just pitfall seeds and proximity mines, items on very high. Breaking the platforms to force other players to go near your traps would make for an interesting match.

    Or all pitfall seeds in the DK icicle mountain-like stage they unveiled a while back (or any scrolling stage, really). Trap someone in the ground so they get killed by the scrolling.


    I was going to say the exact same thing :P

    I think that would make a very interesting and fun match

  2. They pretty much can't NOT include metroids, they'd be the most fun assist trophy. Besides Ridley and some of the classic enemies (zoomers, sidehoppers, etc.), there's really not much Metroid material to include as an assist trophy...

    What do you mean that theres not much material to include from Metroid Series?!

    What about Pirates, elite pirates, Chozo Ghosts, Dark Samus, Mother Brain, the ING?

    Pirates would be a really cool addition, specially those gold looking pirates that would jump arround and kick you or something? They would fit pretty well IMO.

  3. I need to buy a new iPod (because mine (nano 2gb) is out of space and I hate to have to delete music to fit in more)), but my problem is:

    Should I buy the 8gb Nano or the 30gb video, they cost the same, but really... how bulky is the 30gb one?

    Since I use my iPod at work a lot, the nano I got its perfect cuz I doesn't get in the way, you know? So thats why IDK if I should buy the 30gb or not...:???:

    Any suggestions?

  4. This update is so freaking cool!

    It opens up so many possibilities :D

    And looks so much fun!

    But yeah... I wonder if you have done both your jumps and you are falling, but theres someone below you, would you be able to perform the Footstool Jump?

  5. I just... I love to play competitively, I love tourneys, but seriously, some levels are about fun, and having a random element thrown in FORCES *ahem* "good" players to get out of their little comfort zones and actually do something different for a change. Seriously, some of these tournament players I've seen lose to people that aren't at that kind of expert level because they're "not comfortable with the stage"... all they play is battlefield and they can't compensate for any small changes or hazards or elevated areas. Much less things like moving platforms. I hate this idea that you can't strategically or competetively fight in a level that isn't "tourney style." It's a really ridiculous kind of thought, imo.

    Really, I just don't get why you can't "competetively" play on any stage that has no damage causing elements (or damage causing elements that essentially effect all players). For instance, Pokefloats, essentially at its core, its just a bunch of platforms in known sequence that move around and disappear. There's not a set size like those "tournament" style stages, but it seems to me like their is something valuable in a player that can adapt... which, unfortunately, a lot of competetive players cannot do. I think these rules that say "well you have to be on a flat level to be competitive" are ridiculous... in fact, if some of these tourney playing gamers would branch out a little, I thinkt they'd probably perform better in tourney stages anyway. Adapting, figuring out somthing; that's more strategic.

    I mean, someone may have higher ground than you, how do you defend or get the advantage? I think thoughts like this are more valuable and impressive than wavedashing on a flat level, then rolling around each other until you can find an opening. Sure there is skill required, but I personally think it's an error in thinking to say fighting on an incline is unfair, merely because you have an equal opportunity to use the same strategies against the enemy.

    Tourney stages have their place, true, but ... well, I just don't like the idea that some stages that don't meet tourney specs are n00b levels because their's something in it that tourney players don't like, IE moving platforms, cars, etc.


    Well said, I think the same way


  6. Yeah, I liked Rainbow Cruise and Poke Floats, but also hated Infinite Glacier. I hope this stage is more like Rainbow Cruise.

    Well, its not exactly like Infinite Glacier, because in this one you can only go up, and from what I can see, I'd say once you reach the top you go up on planes and stop climbing.

  7. The King's Quest games . . . but only if you can put up with the fact that you eventually will need an item that you forgot to pick up earlier and can no longer get, and you'll need to reload your game from 2/3 of the way back to get the item (and you do still have that save, right?)

    Im playing KQ6 right now, it seems pretty cool.

    And I also noticed that Sierra made the KQ series... so whatever happened to Sierra? Cuz I havent heard from it since I played "Lighthouse: The Dark Being" which was an awesome game btw.

    Were they eaten by EA or something?

  8. sure thing. well, what i think i understand of it is much like the two previous games both start with inanimate objects who then become into moving (living) things and start fighting each other.

    Smash Bros had Master Hand pick two random action figures/dolls and then construct a makeshift battle arena out of a desk.

    Melee in the intro have some arm grab mario in trophy form and it flips into the sky and tumbles to rest in an arena and you see he isn't alone. link, kirby and pikachu were also there to join in the... brawl? well yes.

    on to Brawl, it seems its actually going to go into the reasoning behind the toys/trophys and being a trophy seems to be like death. so they become real, fight (cause that's there main purpose) this world is at peace and is in balance. untill something unsettles it... oooO!

    so like previously stated. (one of the) adventure mode(s) should be a little more complete. and that they might go into the whole coming to life thing thats my understanding.

    Yeah, thats exactly what i thought of too, but I wasnt sure.

  9. Everything LucasArts made for DOS


    and a little bit into Windows

    Yeah, I've beaten Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis many times, DotT, and the Original Maniac.

    For some reason I seem to have deleted IJatFoAtlantis from my computer :(

    and No website seems to give anything but the stupid demo :(

    So I'll be forced to buy it on ebay for a stupidly expensive price :( (Ive seen it for 70 bucks!!)


    Captain Blood. (seriously, loads of awesome).

    Is it this one: (Cuz I found many results under that name on google)


  10. HOLY CRAP!!! thats awesome! i am LOVING this game already. this update alone has completely convinced me to buy a wii.

    *looks around*

    wait.. am i the only one who thinks they understand this totally sweet update?

    hello? hello? ... i think we may have a bad connection...

    Would you care explaining your understanding of this new update?

  11. WTF?!

    What is the new update supposed to be?


    Im confused :S

    EDIT to avoid double post:

    I think thats how the presentation video is gonna be like or something, kinda like Melee's was.

    The characters in Melee were trophies and then they turned into the chars.

    Maybe thats what this is.

  12. Look at this pic:


    It looks as if you might be able to direct the shot a bit. It looks to me as if she is shooting slightly upwards, dont you guys think?

    EDIT: To avoid the double post

    When Samus destroys her Power Suit, she’s left with the Zero Suit. What she’s lost in power and weaponry, she makes up for in speed!

    Once she turns that Paralyzer in her hand into a whip, she has quite a long reach as well! Not exactly the straightforward fight you thought it was, huh?

    Sound that shes gonna be fast.

  13. Oh, man. I was looking at the pics for the Samus final smash and realized, "Wait a minute... if her beam is on the ground..."

    You should totally be able to equip Samus' discarded Arm Cannon as if it were a gun item. Sure, nurf it, like take away the charge or something, or let it charge less, as long as you are able to shoot with it. That would be hella cool.

    (I wonder if the SSBB team reads forums, even if it's just the Japanese ones...?)

    --Jack Kieser

    That'd be really cool.

    And I wonder if ZSSamus will have a Final Smash of he own. Maybe she get her suit back on and do a Power Bomb kinda think, who knows?

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