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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. This is why I could care less for games like Crysis. Tri-SLI($1800 worth of video cards) can't even run the game on max settings. So I'm not going to get a game where I have to run on medium to low settings to play, then it looks like ass.

    Personally, I dislike the whole multiple GPU solution. If you use two cards, you should get twice the performance.

  2. played a little more of it and im really considering stopping altogether

    the levels are WAY too small and linear

    when i play a 3d mario game i dont expect go here then here then here then boom heres the star

    i expect FREEDOM

    freedom to collect the stars in any order i wish and not be confined to the one i choose

    also i hate how i REALLY dont have enough time (or stars i guess) to really familiarize myself with each area

    there isnt much variety at all

    this game has done the impossible

    it has made me like and appreciate sunshine

    You make Sunshine sound like it was a terrible game or something.

  3. Sorry for the ignorance, but Nintendo's website isn't cooperating - does playing VC games require the Classic Controller, or can you just use a Gamecube controller? Thanks!

    Depends on the game, but most of them you can use either.

  4. Anyone remember Mission in Snowdriftland? It was a flash platformer that had a level for every day of December. After each stage you beat, you got downloads for different Nintendo games.

    Anyway, they aren't providing another flash based game this year, but I got this from their newsletter.

    "News from extra toxic!

    A lot of faithful fans have been waiting a whole year for the return of Chubby

    and his friends. But, unfortunately, Mission in Snowdriftland won’t be online

    this year due to organizational reasons.

    But there’s good news as well: extra toxic has been officially licensed for

    Nintendo Wii games development recently. We don’t want to reveal anything

    else at this point, but we’ll let you know as soon as there’s something new.

    The extra toxic team wishes you a wonderful Christmas time and a happy new year."

    If they can make a platformer that was as fun as MISDL, that'd be sweet.

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