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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. sonys is free as well

    as is most pc games

    they aint as good as xbl but a WHOLE LOT BETTER than nintendo

    Virtua Fighter 5 for PS3 doesn't even have online where Xbox's does.

    So what's up with that?

    Anyway, this will go on forever.

    Nintendo's Online service isn't amazing, we've all known this for quite some time :P






    ok yeah the next time i play halo ill remember to not talk to my teammate

    and to be honest im pretty much sick of all of you idiots saying YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL IT HAS ONLINE

    if a game comes out for ps3 xbox 360 or pc that is FOCUSED ON MULTIPLAYER is online ever even a question?

    if it were excluded on those platforms people would be UP IN ARMS

    so why does nintendo get the special treatment

    We should be thankful. They don't even have to give us any form of online service, but they do and it's free. If we were paying for Nintendo's current online system, I'd be pissed. I know, it's not that great of a system. People pay for XBL, so I expect it to be good, and it is. I don't care if it is only $50 a year.

    I know, I know. Nintendo's online sucks. I'm not paying for it, so it's not like I should be bitching about something that is free. Bitching about it isn't going to change it. Maybe if Nintendo did a huge online survey that asked their customers how they felt about their online system, they'd see all the negative feedback. Maybe then they could change something.

  3. oh so without voice chat what about team battles

    if youre playing a 2 on 2 match how do you talk to your partner

    since without that its retarded

    Since when do people in Team Smash matches talk to their partner about strategy or what to do? megadave said it perfectly.

  4. I've always had this theory, it's kind of silly, but it's a theory. The Wii is basically making Nintendo a ton of money, right? It's casual. It's successful, but for how long? Nintendo has made it clear that they are attracting the more casual crowd for this console, and it's obvious the little machine isn't "next-gen" graphics.

    Now, what if, say in 2-4 years, Nintendo announces a console for the "hardcore". It's the powerhouse that everyone has wanted from Nintendo. Gaming in 1080p with noticeably better graphics than the 360/PS3 , multi-media center, and online gaming service that is like XBL. Didn't Nintendo say they didn't go the HD road because HDTVs aren't that common in households? That % is quickly getting bigger every day, so they'd have more reason now. They would then have control of both markets: the casual, and hardcore gamer. I guess this seems more like a fantasy, but anyway. Sorry about derailing the thread :P

    Go giant frozen Snorlax-like final smash :P

  5. I honestly couldn't care if Brawl has online or not. Ok, that's not entirely true, but I'm not looking forward this game for the sole purpose of playing online. When I get Brawl, I'm going to be playing with my 6 other friends that have been eagerly waiting for this game too. I don't want to have to wait for a match up, play, wait again, and play, etc. This usually takes a few minutes per match with my experience in wi-fi games. I'd rather just have guaranteed matches whenever I want when we're at someone's house.

    Having online play is just a bonus to me.

    Xbox Live is amazing, but everyone knows Nintendo's online service will never be like this on the Wii. I love how people still complain about it like it's just being acknowledged as to what Nintendo's online service is. We're always going to have friend codes. It's not like someday Nintendo is going to announce "OK everyone, if you have a mynintendo account, that will now be your Wii online name! People can just add your name to your friend's list and it'll keep track of all of your games/online activity!".

    Maybe some day Nintendo will get their feet wet in this online gaming world. I wish the next time when some game blog or whatever has an interview with someone big at Nintendo that they'll ask when or if they'll ever produce an online service that is on par with Xbox Live.

  6. Does the Wii support any size SD card? Don't they have 8gb or 16gb ones out now?

    I don't really get their big fuss over anonymity, do they really think it's security issue for some stalker/pedophile to know a kid's online handle?

    They really need to get over it. There's this thing called parental controls, and parents need to get involved and use them so it'll stop ruining things for everyone else :P

  7. There's a half-snow level...


    Basically you have a lava planet and an ice planet in the same level, and the stars sort of alternate between the two. Really, they should have had a purely ice level (there's a purely lava level, but no purely ice level).

    I'm at 111 stars. The prankster comet stars can be quite difficult, especially the purple coin star in the toy galaxy. That took me so many tries I was practically screaming at the tv. :3

    And about the swimming: Thank goodness I'm not the only one. Galaxy has a terrible swimming system; the fixed perspectives can be weird and I'm always jumping out when I don't want to (or vice versa).

    text: Yeah, the purple coin stage on the luigi planet pissed me off sooooo much. I didn't realize the first time I got 100 coins that the star goes back to the beginning. I had no platforms to jump that far to get it haha.

  8. ya see this would be a good idea if they let you PICK A CERTAIN PLAYER WHOSE MATCHES YOU WANNA WATCH

    seriously for the love of god what idiot is going to sit around and watch completely anonymous smash matches

    I'm sure plenty of people are.

    How would they execute this player search function that you desire? Do you know how many people use the same name, or how many people would pose as a good player by using their name?

  9. I hope you guys are in your teens still, because a 20-30 year old getting this excited over a super nintendo gamepad and a mario soundtrack is somewhat odd. I grew up in the nintendo/super nintendo era and I never thought that controller was really anything special. In fact, it wasn't until the PS1's dual shock controller that I really thought someone had finally done it right. Now I would say the X-box 360 is king of controller.

    Also, a Mario soundtrack? Really? I bet you could make something better with a keyboard with only 2 keys. Anyway...

    Have you even heard any of the pieces from Super Mario Galaxy?

  10. Are you implying the game is really that short?

    As for Sunshine, I agree with some people earlier on saying the game was better than expected. Then again, the camera in Sunshine was really, really bad. Legendarily bad. So that could have irked a lot of people.

    No, I'm just trying to drive as little as possible, so what better way than to stay inside most of the day and play video games? Gas is nearing $3.20 a gallon here, so screw that.

  11. anyone else having fun long jumping between graviational pulls, making you spin around the planet a few times before you land? especially when a black hole in the center of one planet became a star, I long jumped in and orbited many many times

    I was actually getting ready to post about this.

  12. "This is the power button the Wii. You use this to power on your console to play Super Smash Bros. Brawl! There's is also a power button on the Wii controller."

    I had a thought recently, not sure if it's already been brought up, but imagine if the usual process of changing the colours, actually changed the characters and their movesets themselves. I know this'll never happen, but imagine if Link's alternate costumes were like WindWaker Link, OOT Link, Young Link, Dark Link etc. each with different movesets. It would save character slots and would be awesome, though it won't happen. You'd have Mario, SMB 3 Mario, Shadow Mario from Sunshine. I guess it would only work for some characters though... ah well just a pointless rant to make up for the boredom of this update.

    Some people are thinking the exact same thing for Lucas/Ness.

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