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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. I dunno, I wouldn't mind being able to play custom MP3s, imagine playing some OC ReMixes of the regular stage tunes. :)

    It'd be nice, sure. But positive changes to gameplay are what I'm more worried about. I can always listen to my music on my PC which is right where my consoles are. My PC has much better speakers than my TV.

  2. Why do you guys think Duke Nukem Forever is taking...forever? It's going to be the perfect game that ends all games. 100s across every game review site.

    But on a serious note, Nintendo isn't the only one delaying games. Many highly anticipated games have been delayed this year.

  3. That sucks... Is there any inventory after people are there, I am sure after what people want is gone some people will just buy junk cause they are there...

    Id Hate to work That day, I mean.... Are you kidding... That has gotta be the single worst day for retail workers, And I am assuming you dont even get some sort of pay bonous or incentive....

    Nah, we don't get any kind of bonus cash wise. Just a free lunch so we don't have to drive off somewhere. Black Friday is so dumb. People wait in line to buy $200 computers that are junk.

    I don't plan on going to bed tonight. I work 4am-3:30pm.

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