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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. There's more than just audio problems. We've taken down the videos because a ton of technical things are going wrong with the .mp4 encoding. Sorry guys, you'll just have to sit tight. Please be patient. Kroze and I have been at this thing for the last 48 hours, literally.

    Do you need any help? I've got a lot of experience with video conversion and all that crap.

  2. I could probably code up a program that would take game controller input (basically anything that's set up as a "joystick" in windows) and make it output midi, but I'm not sure if I can output it to the SYSTEM itself. If you had a way to loopback your midi out, it would work. I'll look into it. (Like I really need more projects right now.)

  3. When I got the FFXII PSF a few days ago, there was one track (#065) that I instantly knew I wanted to remix.

    I got most of the melody of it worked out just fine, but it's the background notes that are killing me here. What's worse is that the melody and background use pretty much the same sample, so it's hard to tell which is which sometimes.

    So far, what I have is this: http://www.lggaming.com/downloads/065.MID

    And here's the original PSF: http://downloads.lggaming.com/065.psf2

    I don't think I'll really need the exact notes as much as just the chords. I've been trying at this for about 4 hours now and that's as much as I've managed to get done; my ears just suck. So, if anyone can help me with this, I'd really appreciate it.

  4. 27" 1024x768 LCD TV. Crisp as nails.

    Sorry Xerol, but how can this screen be LCD if the borders of the screen indicate that this is a CRT screen/TV hybrid

    The shape and thickness of the TV scream "OMG CRT!!" as well, since it's been a decade or two since LCD screens were that big.

    My brother picked it up for $5 used (the power button was broken, 2 minutes of soldering and it was good as new). It's an LCD projection TV, and it's about 10-12 years old, according to my brother. I don't know the exact specs on it.

  5. So, next weeks show... Video Podcast of a deathmatch between Zircon and Pixie for Yankees/Red Sox supremacy? :)

    Wait, I'm from Baltimore... so I think they both suck :P

    A winning ain't happening as long as we've got those clowns in the front office. Look at it this way: There's TWO VICE-PRESIDENTS. And no president. They're running the team into the ground and everyone knows it.

  6. Is anyone running a torrent for 1251 to 1467 currently?

    There are torrents, in batches of 25 from 1251-1450, here: http://bt.thasauce.net/torrents.php?search=&category=0&active=0

    The 1401-1425 torrent was removed because for some reason it was corrupted, and there's no seeds on 1426-1450, but at least everything through 1400 is there. We'll put up batches through 1475 and 1500 when they become available, and then remove them when OCR's torrent goes up (which will most likely be at least some time after #1500 is posted).

  7. Not to be a douche, but I figure everyone's had a lot of opportunities to call during past shows since #61. I'm about ready to wrap the show up my way, and that way is with rather minimal talkies.

    Since Verizon's been a bitch, Sunday would've been the first chance I would've had to call in since about October. I don't have a cellphone, and I rarely had dialtones on Saturday nights. I was going to have someone else call in about what I wanted to talk about on this show, but it's too late for them as well.

    EDIT: Actually, I wouldn't've been able to call in anyway. Rama lost my phonecard at MAGFest so I can only make local calls.

  8. IRC had a wierd split and people can't log in.

    This seems really really bad for vgf.

    What should people do, larry?

    [20 February 22:51:51] Xerol Oplan: you gonna do an AIM chat since ETG is down?
    [20 February 22:51:53] Xerol Oplan: or just no chat
    [20 February 22:52:24] > AIM it is, then

  9. Does the MOTD hang before you get disconnected or is it instant during the MOTD? My timestamps have seconds so I can tell what's happening better. Does this happen on every server? The problem is your hostmask seems to be pretty general so it might just be an autokill, but you usually get a message.

    I can connect to other servers just fine (well, I only tried irc.vgmix.com). I /do/ get this message though:

    [21:21] *** :Services.EnterTheGame.Com KILL Darangen :([Ref#:66644 - Expires:3/10/06 11:47:00 PM] new trojaned machine)
    [21:21] *** Error: Closing Link: 154-175.119-70.tampabay.res.rr.com Darangen (Killed (Services.EnterTheGame.Com ([Ref#:66644 - Expires:3/10/06 11:47:00 PM] new trojaned machine)))

    I meant the other ETG servers, but that last message pretty much means you're banned until March 10th, unless you go to ETG's forums and complain (which will probably be just about as quick as waiting until 3/10), or try to go through a proxy of some kind (probably not a good idea unless you can get permission from someone on ETG, but once again this can take months).

  10. Does the MOTD hang before you get disconnected or is it instant during the MOTD? My timestamps have seconds so I can tell what's happening better. Does this happen on every server? The problem is your hostmask seems to be pretty general so it might just be an autokill, but you usually get a message.

  11. I just hope the enterthegame irc server lets me connect sometime before the show :(





    Those always connect much more reliably than irc.enterthegame.com.

  12. Speaking of which, what happened to Larry's web folder??? 8O

    Gone! I'm not a student at Emory anymore, so *POOF*. :lol: I've still got one free webspace area, so it's not a total loss, but I can't help but feel that my time doing the show is officially winding down (for good this time). Perhaps I'll wrap it up with #80 or #85, but it's too soon to say anything definitive, so no worries for now.

    I did tell you I had 8.5 gigs of space and 390 gigs of bandwidth, didn't I?

  13. :arrow: Unfortunately bad news too: Restreaming via Shoutcast isn't possible for me anymore. Hereby goes a big "sorry" to the users on dialup.

    i listened on my dialup towards the end of the show, and i didn't have a problem. it hardly ever buffered.

    The stream seems to be greatly improved over last semester. Panned correctly, volume's just right (I just had my speakers up too loud from CompoST 50) and only buffered twice (and during both times I was uploading crap to our server).

  14. I'm astounded by how few of those I've even seen on the the site, nevermind recognize. At least 15-20 of those I don't think I've ever spotted.

    Well, only one is ever displayed on the forums, although DJP changed it a few months(?) ago. It's random around the rest of the site.

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