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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. I'm starting to think this isn't going to work. However, here's the client:


    Whatever you put it up on needs:


    Access to a mySQL database

    2-3 megs for the client + torrent files.

    I'll keep trying, since I do want my own tracker up anyway. Also, sometime in the next 2-3 months I'm going to be getting a large personal webspace on 1and1 so that should work, since you're allowed to do things more directly with them. (I think they've got a 200MB plan for less than $10/month)

  2. Is this likely to become a permenant archive for all the VG Frequency episodes?

    As long as we've got enough webspace to keep the .torrent files up. Since they're just single files, they shouldn't be too big. I'm trying to get the mySQL db up again, and hopefully it'll work this time. Wish me luck!

  3. Ok, I'm in the process of setting up the Tracker on the site. If people want to start making .torrent files of the episodes, the announce url will be(once it's set up):


    (this is coming out of the setup files for the tracker, so if there's any other info that's needed, tell me.)

    Right now it's telling me I can't create a mySQL Database admin because "The system is either busy or unavailable. Please try again later."

    So it might be a while...

    EDIT: Yep, gonna be a while. I can't remember the password to the mySQL account we created 3 months ago, so i need to set up a new one, that's where we're getting the "The system is either busy or unavailable. Please try again later." errors. I'll try again once more before I get offline tonight, and if it still doesn't work, tomorrow then.

  4. Hm, I'm interested in collecting the older episodes(everything prior to #24), and I'm not sure if you're going to have access to your webspace over the summer. So here's an idea: Bittorrent.

    If someone knows how to set it up, I can run the tracker off of www.lggaming.com, and all of the eps can get distributed that way. Also, future episodes could also get distributed in the same manner. Whaddya think?

  5. Any chance of getting the final version of Overdriven Traffic in? The final mp3 will be uploaded by sometime tomorrow afternoon, is that too late?

    Here's the most recent version, it's just about final except the ending needs to be 'played out' and I need to adjust a few levels here and there:


    EDIT: Ok, I lied. It's ready now:


    Slightly bigger file because I bumped up the bitrate in the final version, and it's about 6 seconds longer.

  6. Is there any possibility at all that you could start using underscores (_'s) instead of spaces in the mp3 urls? I'm on dialup and while I can get the whole thing in 14 hours I can't stay online for a single session that long, and any download manager I've tried doesn't like the spaces(or %20's) in the URLs.

    (I was at a friend's college over the weekend and downloaded it there through IE, but this is for in the future. I'm hooked now.)

  7. How did I miss this? Over the last week I've gone through and pulled down every FF, SoM, and CT song, between 1000 and the present, and somehow I passed over this.

    Anyway, if I tried to post under the old Star system, I'd be over the post length limit. Even in decimal or hex numbers, I'd be pushing it.

    And for those who want to see a 'video' with this in it, just wait...FF6 3D Project is well under way...

    EDIT: I'm a ditz. I thought the remixes were into the 1200's, thats why I thought this was an older one. Then I looked at the date and realised it was still Feb.

  8. At 2:41 (though my player is often off with it's time keeper) those strings (I think) change chords, and become almost dissonant what with that sharp-sounding bit.

    actually i think that's also part of the original to some extent, although i've got this so "confused" with the original(mostly due to the fact that i dont listen to it anymore, because this is better).

    anyway, nice! and i resurrect the star system with giving this one....fifteen stars.

  9. Not having a PS2(and therefore not having played FFX), I normally wouldn't have downloaded this song. But I got a friend of mine to use his college network to get the Torrent of all of the songs, and added all of them to my playlist(which is the reason for my soon-to-come flood of reviews).

    Well, ever since this one came up, i've repeatedly cloned it onto the playlist so that it comes up just about every other song. It's just...great. Well, "great" is not strong enough of a word. I think ssjtoo said it best:

    HOLY (Beep), this is (Beepen) Awesome. Great (Beepen) job.


  10. Excellent :)

    Rated at 14 out of 10 stars, which is the top rating for a FF5 mix(well, it's the only rating for an FF5 mix, but it's still the best, and I wouldn't call it the worst)

    I've had a few ideas for FF5 mixes but lacking equipment/software all I've been able to do is MIDI work. But I was thinking I could put the midi up and let someone else take over the job of turning it into something OCR-worthy(the piece, btw, was of the Ancient Library theme, but I can't find the midi i did)

  11. Wow. I've had this one for a while but finally decided to do a search for the review topic. I'm surprised that it's only on the beginning of the second page. Probably people being turned away because of the length. That's what download pausers/resumers are for. IT'S WORTH THE DAMN DOWNLOAD! From reading the posts I can tell that the error I have in it is probably from my download, but here it is anyway:

    When you load the file into any mp3 player, be it Windows Media Player, Winamp, or anything else, the song length is listed as "5:11". WMP and my mp3 player will cut it off at this point, but Winamp just keeps playing, and winamp is all I use most of the time(at home) so it's not really a problem. If I'm not mistaken, the song is around 6:33, if it is something different, someone please correct me.

    Anyway, here's the rating:

    ************1/2 (12.5)

    It's near the top of my list of best OCRs, and even best songs overall. (It beat out every Staind song I have, and a bunch of other non-game music..and i really like Staind)

  12. Wow. This song put me to sleep faster than the FF6 "Tent Theme"(Anyone who's ever played FF6 knows that this whole 'song' is less than 10 seconds). I'm not saying this in a bad way, as I was awake for 33 hours straight and only had the first 6-8 seconds of the song downloaded(crappy 56k, gets abotu 500bytes/second) But when I finally awakened(by my winamp playlist going past the piano section and blasting into staind, rudely awakening me) I went back to the song, as it had gotten through over a minute of it now(in 3 hours of downloading) and enjoyed the first 88 seconds. Which is where I'm at right now. Having recently discovered Secret of Mana, which has a damn good soundtrack to begin with, I searched for songs on WinMX and this was the only one that came up. So it makes for a good change from the MIDIs I've been getting. The fact that the water palace theme is one of my favorite songs helps too. However, I really didn't like the drums too much, although if they were perhaps more backgroundish then it would have been better IMO. Overall, though,

    ************ 13 stars(on a 10 scale)

    Keep up the good work :)

  13. Got a midi of this one too? I've been looking for a good version of sheet music or midi of this song since yesterday and i d/l'd it off of WinMX not realising it was exactly what i was looking for. The fact that this song appeared in every final fantasy i've played(4,6-9) doesn't shed its value one bit, partly because it's one of the greatest(yet rarely appreciated, due to the length of the games) songs in any game ever. Placed next to the Piano versions of the ending music of FF7 and FF8 it stands out as being more free-flowing than the others, while still respecting the greatness of the piece.

    *********** 11 stars!

  14. You're saying you DON"T like the trumpet? I think it adds character to the intro, and while it's not exactly smoothly integrated, works well to build up into the main melody.

    Anyway, this is 100% Kick ass and then some.

    Just one more thing: Does this remind anyone of the Law & Order opening theme at all? I thought it did slightly, and I'm not saying anything specific here, but it brings the latest episode into my mind every time I hear it...but i'm a big law & order freak, so that might have something to do with it too...

  15. Kuja Posted: Wed 07-2-03 8:34 pm Post subject:


    This is an amazing remix. I've always loved it. It was one of the first I downloaded when I found this site, and still one of my favorites. This is also why I registered here as well, so now you know who to blame: Klutz has inflicted me upon you all! It is all Klutz's fault!


    Me too :) Except I just joined yesterday. So I haven't had much of a chance to post a lot yet.

    But anyway...yes, this is one of the best piano arrangements of any song on this site or anywhere else. FF7 lacked a Piano Collection but if it did have one or if Square ever got around to putting one out, they should take serious consideration of this one.

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