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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. I think it's been said multiple times that a list has been made, but that wasn't what was asked - the point is to not only have the name for the character, but the background information as well, like system, game, company, and a short blurb on the character's role.

  2. Ok, failure to come up with anything in the last 3 CompoSTs led me to the conclusion that I need some non-instrumental sounds - all I've got right now is instruments and FL's default samples.

    While I could go around free sample sites and pick and choose what I want, right now I'm not exactly sure of everything I'll need, and I'm not online all the time either, so I won't be able to get a certain sound if I don't have it in the middle of the night.

    So I want to look around and get a sample CD of some kind. Notforanythingspecific,justafairly "general" one with various types of s amples. Can anyone recommend one, or at least where to start looking for o

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  3. Ok, I will take my track through to completion, so please take that "tentative" off. Also, although someone else may do a better remix, I'm going to make 3 songs: Lava Reef alone, Hidden Palace alone, and then a single combined track, since when I started working I assumed Hidden Palace was part of Lava Reef.

  4. And that my freind, will be up to the Lava Reef remixer.

    Which I was going to work in anyway. Start out really rocking the piano, with the main bit from Lava Reef, then calm down for Hidden Palace, then build up to a kickass ending. Whatever the piano-equivalant word for "shred" is, that's what it'll be doing.

    And why aren't we remixing the bonus stages, anyway? At least the one with the spheres, I really liked that(and was really really good at it too--almost always could get to 999 rings and several extra lives in there).

  5. It's a sticky, for crying out loud.

    Anyway, got another 3 measures done, nothing worth rendering another mp3 though.

    I can set up an FTP account on LG to host WiPs and the like, but there's no access control(we can make it read only or read-write, that's it), so it'd have to run on the honor system that you won't delete/overwrite other people's WiPs and only use it for THIS project. I'd only give out the FTP info to the mixers anyway, in private, so it doesn't get flooded with junk files.

  6. It's spelt "Hadyn" - I know, my parents can't spell too good... :P

    Oh, and yeah. I herby proclaim Lava Reef as mine. ^^

    Edit: oh crap, someone already claimed it.

    Well then, i'll take... let me get back to you on that one. *goes to listen to the ost*

    Well, if you want to collab, we can share it. I'm not sure about the timeframe that this project's going to take on, so I'm not even sure if I'll be able to get it done if it's a very short timeframe. Hopefully it won't be as long as the S2 project, but I don't want it to be like 3 weeks long either.

  7. Like I said, it's a matter of 1) being online and 2) demand on my machine. The parents cut off the internet about 18 hours of the day(on average--some days they might let me get online as early as 4pm). But I've got the 21-25 torrent running whenever I'm on(it's the only one that I've got complete). I've uploaded about 85% of the total amount of the torrent since my last reboot, so people have been downloading it. I can start up any of the other pre-40 torrents on demand as well, but just having the 21-25 torrent open hogs about 100 megs of ram at all times.

  8. I'm using FL 4 right now I'm going to actually by FL5, in a week or 2 when I get my paycheck in. But I don't actually "have" FL4, so that's why I'm still using it. and was wondering if there was any way to manually program new patterns into the arpeggiator, or if this has been added in FL5, or if it's not possible at all.

    I mean, 121 pages is a lot to read

    If a few other people want to help me with it, I'd like to go through, figure out what's on each page, what's still relevant, and then make an index of the thread. If it's divided up amongst a few people it wouldn't be nearly as much work. (I recently mentioned something similar in the Sample & Soundfont request thread.)

  9. (Off-topic) You can also just select the soundfont on the tree, and drag it into an empty spot on the step sequencer(or overtop an exsisting sample/soundfont).

    (on-topic) I probably missed it, but I went through the first 10 pages looking for an organ and didn't see one. Preferably a set of organs so I can pick what I want to use, if anyone knows of any.

    (semi-on-and-off-topic) Anyone want to help me go through and catalog all of the links in the thread and then maybe we can talk to someone about getting them put in a single post so people don't have to search through the whole thread to find something? We can divide it up into like sections of 5 pages if we get enough people, and this would really help reduce duplicate requests.

  10. After much positive feedback on Streets of Tracheon, I've decided the next place to go is a live version. Bladiator's going to do the piano part first, and then from there I'll get the other parts(since the piano part pretty much remains constant, it'd be something for the other instrumentalists to play along with and be able to stay synched up).

    I haven't finished making sheets yet, but here's the complete list:

    Complete Sheet Music(21 pages)

    Piano Sheets(3 pages)

    Guitar Sheets(2 pages)




    Low String instrument("Bass" on complete sheets)

    Right now I need an acoustic guitarist to do the guitar part, since the piano part's probably going to be ready either within a few minutes or a couple of weeks. But there's some pretty fast 16th-note runs there so you might want to practice first.

    After that I'd need people to do the winds and strings. I can probably take a replacement or two, although the flute's pretty much a given that I'll need one.

    A few notes on the song:

    -The song's actually 106 bpm, not 110(at least the mp3 version is). Blad's gonna play at 106, so we'll go with that.

    -The ending is a little messed up on the sheets, basically it slows to about 80, although once again I changed that in the mp3. Like I said, it's up to how Bladiator interprets it.

    -It's about 4:15-4:30, note the repeat back to measure 13.

    Anyway, I appreciate any help I get in advance, I just love this song to death and can't wait to hear the live version when it's done(and I'm sure a few other people do too).

    EDIT: Ok, the piano part's ready. http://www.lggaming.com/user/xerol/escape is where the file is, and where I'm going to put the individual track files as I get them in.

  11. Right click on the tempo display, and hit "Edit Events". Then click at the points where you want the tempo to change and set the tempo to what you want. Unless it's at a 'breaking point' in the song you probably want to gradually increase the tempo throughout about the second half of measure 8 or the first half of measure 9, so right click and drag to 'draw' a line going from 88 to 103 for a smooth transition.


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