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Posts posted by Binjovi

  1. How does it feel to do this when there is a strong possibility people (*cough*Gollgagh*cough*) will masturbate while looking a them?

    Y'know, I never really thought about it before, but I guess it doesn't bother me all that much. I mean, I just draw the pictures; however someone else wants to take it, is up to them. Besides, anime girls are typically supposed to be cute/attractive, so I suppose I should just look at it from a "I did my job right" kind of perspective. If they're doing it to 1-Tan... then I might be creeped out.

    hurry Benjovi, you need to draw halloween costum, then winter costume and probably Xmas clothes too... :-P

    Believe it or not, I've had a halloween costume design for 3-Tan finished for a while now, 1-Tan and 4-Tan are about finished as well. 2-Tan's still up in the air. I have an idea, but I don't know how to make it work so that her normal design is still present. I'll probably figure something out.

    EDIT: I decided to scan in the quick sketch I did of 3-Tan. You can find it here.

    im strangely really interested in this when normally i would be like "ew animu"

    something about tan 3....

    Thank you for the compliment. It makes my day.

  2. I managed to begin the shading/highlighting of the summer pic. 3 is finished at the moment. I'll probably be working on 2, then 1, then 4 if I can get around to it. I still don't know how I'm gonna do the background.

  3. I haven't even been able to get back to the swimsuit pic so time is still scarce for me, but I've still got the boss sprite I did, as well as the face sprites. I think I'd like to design another boss at the least, though, whether it gets used or not.

  4. You can block specific web addresses as well, if I'm not mistaken. You could just block wherever the offender is hosting their images. For example, mine would be "http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v428/Binjovi/" Of course with this setup, you're also ruining your chance to see any other images they might post.

    Also: It pained me to reduce mine down even further than it already was.

  5. Also Illustrator works fine if you know how to use it.

    If you're not willing to dish out over 600 US dollars for a vector program, Inkscape is a free alternative. I'm pretty sure there's at least one other free one out there, but Inkscape's the one I'm familiar with. I'm sure it pales in comparison to Illustrator, but you can't beat free. It takes some getting used to, and can be very daunting at first (What isn't, really?), but after playing around a bit, you should start getting the hang of it.

    Art Rage is a cheap program that mimics real mediums rather well, and the program Expression3 is a vector art program that mimics real mediums, however, it goes for about $150.00.

    For everything I do, though, it's Photoshop all the way.

  6. Anyone know if the bass drum pedal for rb2 still feels cheap and will fall apart if you even use any force?

    Maybe it's just 'cause I never used a real bass pedal, but it seemed the part of the drum set I was least scared to really put a lot of force behind. I'm more interested in the squishy drums. I'll probably be buying a set of those when I pick up the game.

  7. You miss the small orange link called "Douli's Archive" :roll:

    EDIT: My bad it's orange only with the dark skin :x

    Looks orange to me...

    Also, Douli, when your sig shows as 4-Tan, it still says "OCR-Tan art: Bean." Shouldn't it say Blackmyst since he's the one that did that particular drawing?

  8. Does anyone have archived all the previous finished versions of the various OCR-tan incarnations? I'd like to put together an image displaying a bunch of different ones, for Otakon.

    Douli's got a nice collection going. I think you can find the link to it in his sig.

  9. Tsk tsk, you guys. Letting this thread get to page two... =(

    Well, I've managed to finally get both 3 and 4's base colors blocked in, so I guess I might as well bump the thread to show them off a bit.


  10. I was avoiding it because I didn't want someone to throw a fit and ask you to change it.

    When I get to coloring her, I plan on changing the waveform to a light silver like it is on her actual outfit which should help reduce the appearance significantly, but for the line art versions, I just went with traditional black lines.

    Also, who knew there was an official moe anthropomorphism of FL Studio? I found that somewhat surprising.

  11. I find the audio squigglies on OCR4-tan's swimsuit to be quite humorous.

    Y'know, I tried to push it off to the side as much as I could, but it's still looks... erm... odd. Can't be helped, really. I was wondering when someone would mention it though.

  12. The last one looks a lot like Sakaki-san from Azumanga Daioh. Same body type, hair, and especially the arms folded pose.

    Did you know I like Sakaki-san? I also like Yohtsuba!


    You guys should know the drill by now...

    Whew! Finally finished with the lineart. Time to color!

  13. 4-Tan's lines are complete and ready for colors! 2-Tan's lines are up next, followed by 1. Then it's coloring time for me.


    Go ahead! Click her and see what happens!

  14. Yay! 3-Tan is ready for your coloring enjoyment. If you don't have a good image editing program, you can print her out and use good ol' crayons! Just like when you were a kid, only this time you get to color boobies!


    Just give her a little click, and you can get the full size!

  15. Ok, this may be oddly placed, but...

    Anyone else here use WACOM? If so, do you know how to fix a problem where the tablet just stops working with the PC and the driver says to reinstall the software? I reinstalled and everything but no dice >.< I'm using an Intuos 2 Serial tablet (old school eh?)

    I really wanna do something this month too but can't until my WACOM is working... Any help would be awesome.

    I own a Wacom Intuos 3, so I can't help too much. The only problem I've had with it that sounds any bit similar is the tablet -- after my computer's been on for a while -- stops recognizing the pressure sensitivity. When that happens, I usually just reset my computer, and everything's back to normal. It's like the drivers timed out or something. Try looking for newer, or updated drivers for your specific model. That's really the only help I can give. I feel your pain!

  16. This is just me, but the ages attributed to the 'chans' looks odd in spots. OCR4 would be the youngest (left), OCR3 would be the next youngest (mid-left), OCR2 would be next in age (mid-right, since she looks like she's a little older than the one to her right), and OCR1 would be the oldest (right). It's not intended as nit picky garbage, it's just something I noticed.


    Heh. Have OCR1 be about 65, OCR2 in her early 40s, OCR3 in her late teens, and OCR4 at about 9 years old :lol:

    Well, I really had considered that at first, and then entertained the idea of doing it based on the site's maturity. But when I thought about it, the OS-Tans aren't that way at all. For example, ME-Tan is very young, however, 2000-Tan and XP-Tan are older than her. 95-Tan is older still. With the OS-Tans, it would seem that their age is based on the System's "personality" which they, themselves also carry. Since you can't really put a singular personality onto a community-based website, I decided to just do whatever age and personality seemed to fit the website's visual look.

    The vibrant oranges and yellows from V1 seemed, to me, to reflect a more vibrant personality. Here, 1-Tan seems full of life; quite fitting of a young child (And even works as a metaphor for the website's maturity! Bonus!). The cold, metallic blues of V2 related a tougher, quieter demeanor, thus the sort of detached amusement shown in 2-Tan's expression. V3 was still blue, but of a warmer hue, so I made 3-Tan somewhat quiet, but cuter and gentler than 2-Tan. Finally, 4-Tan was designed by Blackmyst, but seems to follow similar guidelines. The vibrant orange gives her a lot of "spunk" but the cooler silver lends a slightly older, more professional feel.

    That's just my take on it. Others may feel differently, but as Dhsu so eloquently said, "They're as old as the artist says they are!" And since I'm drawing them, I get to decide. :<

    Oh! As far as wallpapers go, that enlarged size I posted earlier is actually only 50% of the image's actual dimensions, so this should work really well for wallpapers. When (if) I finish, I'll probably give out each girl's image individually at full resolution so people can use them to make their own wallpapers, OCR album art, signatures, or whatever else. An office cubicle might not be so far off the mark!

  17. I clicked and it enlarged.

    I bet it did!

    Anyway, things will be moving slowly for the rest of the pic. Sketching is easy, lineart and coloring, not as much. I did do a quick color mock-up just to make sure everything is going to work out nice when I get it all finished up.


    No enlargement here. I just roughed in the colors anyway.

  18. Glad to see my work is appreciated! I finally added the last two girls, and made some tweaks and corrections to 3, and 4.


    Click to enlarge.

    Still a WIP. Hopefully, I can get them all fully colored and on a background. Actually, now that I think about it, this is the first image created in which all four versions are together. =O

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