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Posts posted by Binjovi

  1. We were sorta thinking she could look like the Tron 2 girl, only her neons were the same color as our logo's and she had super-nerd glasses on.

    She uses a mouse and gamepad nunchuck.

    I'll try doodling some stuff up, maybe.

    Also, before I hit the hay, here's another preview of my progress:


    1's still giving me trouble. I'll probably end up redrawing her entirely.

  2. So uhhh..... OCAD-Tan maybe?


    I would have way too much fun with that.

    I need ideas for stages, and music would be nice as well!

    Initially, the idea was for the game to take place in OCR as if it were a city. Each separate facet of the site (including forum sections) would be represented as some zone/section of the city. Trolling Vulture would probably hang out in PPR, a hellish war zone with burning churches and crumbled buildings. Queue Tortoise, in order to more effectively slow down the queue, spends his time in the Judges' Decisions section which would be represented as a sort of city hall/courthouse. Midi-Rip Chimp would most likely be in the WIP forums represented as a construction site. Baudline Badger may be on the main page taking the form of a bustling downtown area with a lot of billboards, shops, and cars.

    Community Discussion is a park, or other recreational area. Off Topic might be the sewers, or possibly a landfill. Competitions could be a carnival. Help and Newbies might be represented as a major port with ships full of new citizens coming in. There are tons of other things these places could be, but this should be more than plenty to start with.

    Music should be all original. That way we can have an OverClocked ReMix of a song from an OverClocked game. =P

  3. Would that be the one that Rama did?

    So when are we getting Hentai of OCR-tan?

    1. When you make it yourself.

    2. When you pay me ridiculous sums of money.


    So all this OCR-Tan game talk got me thinking about other game genres the gals could star in. I started doodling the OCR ladies as if they were in a typical fantasy JRPG and liked the results. Here's a little preview:


    It's pretty sloppy work, but whatever.

    3 is a healer, 4 is a rogue, 2 is a paladin, and 1 is a mage. These classes seemed to fit them quite well (and make a well-balanced party). I still haven't come up with a good background idea for 1.

  4. Not sure on the name. Most of the original mavericks had pretty simple designations. Sting, storm, flame, launch, etc.. We should probably try to keep the names as simple as we can.

    I wanted to mention that the reason I said Trolling Vulture earlier, is because I already worked on a few designs at one point for him. :razz: I decided to go ahead and do a quick sketch of what I came up with:


    It should also be noted that I actually designed Queue Tortoise and did a base sprite for him. I'll have to dig that out again....

  5. If you're going for a Mega Man X type game, you should stick with animal robots as the bosses. That's why we were using Queue Tortoise (tortoises being typically seen as slow animals).

    How about Midi-rip Chimpanzee (monkey see, monkey do), or Trolling Vulture? Perhaps a judge-hating hyena as well. Iconic animals also make designing the bad guys a lot easier.

  6. One of the bosses should represent the people who steal music from OCR and claim they made it. Other than that base idea I got nothing.

    Totally. Plagiarizing Platypus. :<

  7. There's already one in the works.

    Actually, it hasn't been in the works for quite some time now. The project just kinda died out, sadly.

    I can't make my own game? Awww.... I really wanted to flex my programming muscles too...

    Go ahead and give it a shot, I say. What type of game were you planning on doing anyway?

    As far as bad guys are concerned, the only real villains that she might possibly have would be things that would hinder/threaten OCR and its mission statement. I think this is where things became difficult for us last time. We tried to come up with 8 different bosses that would represent troubles that OCR has. The one that was most fleshed out was Queue Tortoise, who was able to slow the ReMix queue way down, keeping mixes from being posted at a regular basis. Other problems discussed were forum flamers and trolls, judge haters, and midi rips.

    I believe there was an alternate plot that mentioned a music industry big-wig who was trying to get mainstream music to replace the music in video games, which OCR-Tan wasn't going to stand for.

    If you can come up with anything else, feel free.

  8. FAC 23 expansion pack?

    In a way, yes. There should be a lot more room for freedom this time around, however. The idea is to show a character doing something that they normally wouldn't do, or in a situation not typical for them. This goes for any character as well; not just heroes being villains (though you're free to give it another go, if it suits your fancy). I'm all for creativity, so if you can come up with any other ways that could potentially fit the theme, go for it!

  9. I've mentioned it before, but I think Metroid would work as an animated series akin to Samurai Jack, or Star Wars: Clone Wars. Little to no voices? Check. Very ambient? Check. Top-notch action? Check. All the things that are required for Metroid to be Metroid are present in those series, both of which seemed to pull it off marvelously and were well-received. On top of that, it's presented in a slick, animated format that I can see Metroid working extremely well in. Make it just a collection of random bounty hunting missions that she has to go on. Some are epic, some are light-hearted funny things she's asked to do.

  10. Funny. I typed in the correct name for the daisy many times, but it must have timed out on me or something, 'cause I had to refresh for it to accept it.

    I was thinking of rush, or rushing...but I can't seem to get it.

    You're getting closer. Also, don't just think of synonyms for run...

    EDIT: Just got the pink car. Think less of the car and more about what the "D" bubble is pointing to in particular.

  11. I lack only 3! The rock which looks like it's running (jumping?)

    It's running. Try to think of synonyms for what seems to be going on there.

    Still can't get the dangling eye.

    What sound might an eye coming out of someone's socket make?

    And the pink car... :(

    I'm stuck on that one as well. The only other one I need is the daisy.

  12. I got the violinists and the guy with his eye out. For the violinists, think about the name of the things they're holding up. For the eye guy, think about the action that his eye is making.

  13. I've generally found that you can avoid a large percentage of the youngsters simply by picking which games you play online carefully.

    This is actually something I've noticed as well. I played Final Fantasy XI back in the day, and everyone there seemed really nice. A lot of people were more than willing to help newbies out and get them familiar with the game mechanics. I also noticed that if there were any immature players, they usually didn't last too far into levels before giving up. The game could be brutal, and seemed to weed out all but the most "hardcore". From what I've heard a lot of those people have become elitist jerks now. How accurate this is, I don't know.

    On the flip side, Phantasy Star Universe is a very relaxed, and easy game to get into. I've seen way more "asshattery" there than in a lot of the online games I've played. However, at this point, with most of the player base gone, and the servers shutting down at the end of the month, the few people that remain have formed a really close-knit sense of camaraderie.

    Is this a common association - maturity and studiousness, thereby immaturity and video games in youth?

    Personally, I don't think you can really label it as simply as that. A person can be mature in many different ways. I can be mature in one aspect (obeying speed limits), while immature in another (procrastinating on homework). Maturity isn't an on and off switch either. There can be many levels to is as well.

    Just because a kid does the mature thing, like study for a test, doesn't mean that he won't play a game, or that that maturity carries over to the game he plays. Who knows? The game might even be an outlet for someone; letting them be a kid once in a while.

    I'm getting a sense too that people are playing different games; is there a difference there? Put another way, does it make a big difference whether a game is co-operative (TF2, for example) versus non-competitive (say a free-for-all)?
    I mentioned FFXI and PSU above. Both games are almost solely co-op games. There is importance placed on using teamwork to overcome the trials the game has put in front of you. However, in both games, the attitudes of the players tend to be different. There was a thread a while back about people being mean to each other over online games (I think Arcana started the thread). In it, Aion was the original game in question, but the thread expanded to WoW and other various online games. I played a little of WoW and Aion, and I did get a sense of people trying to tout their superiority over others. To make matters worse, those particular games were separated into two rivaling factions. Honestly, I haven't noticed anything that says one way or the other whether one style of gameplay makes people more irate than any other. I think that, when it comes down to it, if nothing exists, people will find something, no matter what their age.
    I'm also interested in what sort of 'asshattery' older versus younger gamers engage in. For example, in your experience, do kids or adults swear more? Which group tends to be tactically stupid (i.e.: stealing vehicles/items)? Or is there a difference - does a stupid adult gamer do the same things that a stupid kid gamer does?

    I would say, most of the time, there's really no difference.

    Finally, is there a difference in your mind as to why people do this? For example, is the kid gamer cursing everyone for the same reason that an adult gamer would?

    From my experience, both do the same kinds of things for the same reasons.

  14. Like SotSS, I judge based on the person. I've had more problems with 20 and older than kids. I tend to just let things play out the way they do, and not worry myself over it. It is just a game after all. I just try to focus on what I need to be doing, and if needed, pick up any slack from inexperienced players, whether it's an MMO, or a more action-oriented game.

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