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Posts posted by phill

  1. Then do show me how the hell to do it please.

    The first thing you wanted was to view the folder structured.

    As you can see, once you select "Show More Views" you get the option to view the folder structure.


    Next you wanted the media player to watch your folders, this isn't an instant thing in WMP11 but you don't want it to be. The constant reading of your drive will shorten its life span and increase the risk of drive failure...just look at the pics and know that new media will be added to your library if it is in one of those folders


    After that you wanted to customize columns for play lists, just go into a play list, right click on the column header and click 'Choose Columns' not that hard.

    For the last one....I am starting to think that the booze was getting to me last night. I could have sworn that you could make your own views...but now I can't seem to find an option for that....right now the only thing I can think of is going into the Songs view and sorting all music based on a column of your choice...I am going to have to find out what I was doing last night...

    oh and as for WMP not playing certain audio files....why not take the 5 fucking seconds and download the required codecs.

  2. Could have been stuck to a peice of paper that went through (based on your second image, that makes sense) or it could have floated in there...or could have been in your printer since you purchased it and has just now fallen on to the rollers (or where ever it was)

  3. I believe that has to do with what computer setup you're using. At my workplace, we use Dell computers (POS's) and we have had nothing but problems with the Lexmarks. On the other hand, the Dell printers work like a charm.

    What is the model name of the printer? I could then give you some resources that may help you,

    ...not to be mean or anything....but you are a moron for believing that the failure to set up the printer...or just the fact that Lexmarks are shit has anything to do with the Dell Hardware....1500 to 2000 dells in this office (not to mention the other offices) and not a single Dell printer...bunch of MFDs and HP printers and not a single printer problem caused by the Dell.

    The OP problem would appear to be a print head...roller..or something to that effect. If you don't want to buy a new one (I'd suggest a Brother MFC-240c since I love mine) I would look at taking it apart if you can and cleaning and fixing everything.

  4. Because there shouldn't have been a CD key to begin with. That's being "screwed by the company" because they all use/used this form of protection. The irony is that the true pirates will just break it anyway. The little guy always gets screwed, but you're too elitist to see that.

    The true irony is that by creating serial gens and game fixes, the pirates have caused the need for such protection. At any rate, the little guy doesn't get screwed unless he is stupid, buy a game, get a serial, play the game, Always works. When you introduce little guy stupid into that chain of events is when little guy screws himself.

  5. The CD key actually faded after five years on one of my games. Not my fault. Totally unexpected. Having to keep track of some secret code should not be the responsibility of Joe Citizen. In this case, the guy threw them away. He still owns the game.

    You're ignoring the principle that he payed for the game, so he should have access to it. Period. Therefore, you're wrong, and the little guy gets screwed as always.

    The lengths you people go through to defend this crap is incredible...

    Fun fact, you do not own the game, you own a license to use the game. He payed for the license, not the game, he should have access to the game only if he has the license and if he loses part of the license (the CD-key) then he screwed himself, he was not screwed by the evil man. Like every other time you buy a license, it is your responsibility to maintain that license, you get to keep track of every part of that license and it is your fault if you lose all or part of that license. If you are too lazy or too stupid to pull a CD sleeve out of a case or pull a pencil out to write something down, then you should just go find yourself a nice corner and stand there for a while.

    What you should be bitching about is when you purchase something and it does not work because of restrictions put onto whatever you purchased. Your new DVD doesn't work in your HTPC because you use Component and not HDMI or the music you downloaded from ITunes doesn't work because you don't use an ipod.

  6. Well your cleaning things up, might as well run disk clean up (\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\System Tools) on your c:\. When the disk cleanup window is open, pop over to the More Options tab and clean up the System Restores. Not only do they take up alot of space, if you aren't having major issues now having more then the last one isn't going to help.

    Depending on how much and what type of crap is laying around, this might also help.

  7. Sadly, there is no good way to do a scalable gradient on a web page. Using JavaScript or server side scripts tend to puke out garbage code for this sort of thing (unless someone has a good example to the contrary)

    My suggest for your web page is to first create a gradient in PhotoShop or Gimp that is maybe two or three pixels wide and 600px tall. Then copy the following code into your page in the header (or link to a .css file) and replace image.jpg with the gradient file name and yellow with the color at the bottom of the gradient.

    <style type="text/css">
    background-image: url('image.jpg');
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    background-color: yellow;

    That will give you the background gradient you want. From there I would use css and div tags to position a block similar to how your iframe is with the dimensions you want.

    edit: Looks like the reason your iframe is not showing up is because it is hidden behind the gradient image...

  8. required you to have both hard drives with you or even to be in separate computers.QUOTE]

    Maybe I am reading that wrong, but does the first half of that contradict the second half? At any rate, all programs and commands I have used or seen will allow you to create/restore disk backup to local drives OR to network drives

  9. you can use a linux bootable cd and use the dd command to do what you need.

    I think it would be something like "dd if=/dev/hdb | gzip >/mnt/hda3/system_drive_backup.img.gz" to make the image and "gunzip </mnt/hda3/system_drive_backup.img.gz | dd of=/dev/hdb" to put it back on to the drive. Replacing hdb and hda3 with the correct drive of course

  10. He also said that he could not explain it with word, but mathematical equations.

    And then is when I figured that he was bullshitting.

    ....I would call him on that, for no other reason then to see what he pulls out of his ass. Your only worries when gaming on LCDs are stuck/dead pixels, both rare(dead being even more rare), both have a chance of being fixed.

  11. if youre behind a router youre already behind a firewall. having another one locally, especially one thats too overprotective like windows firewall, hinders more than helps. just use your router settings to control which ports are open/closed/forwarded.

    You assume his(router or switch) has a decent firewall...or a firewall period, there are a lot out there that don't have them or are piss poor and don't actually help at all. You also assume its set up correctly...and I am not putting much faith in that (no offense to anyone). Also, there is wireless involved and that really screws your network security regardless of mac filtering, wep, etc. Local firewalls are a must in the consumer world..that is unless you want to set up a decent firewall between your modem and router/switch.

    At any rate you only want one firewall running at a time, since you purchased Nortons, you might as well use it and turn the windows firewall off. Once thats done, all you have to do is figure out how to allow incoming connections from your buddies computer (there should be some place to add an ip or computer name)

  12. On his computer, go start >> run and type \\<youcomputername>

    If that bring up Windows Explorer with Scheduled Tasks and maybe printers and a list of shared resources then you have a permissions problem with your shared resources.

    If doing that gives you an error then you have a firewall problem.

    My guess is that you will have a firewall issue here, make sure that the norton firewall AND the windows firewall are set to allow file sharing.

  13. Task Manager is stupid for this sort of shit. Switch to SysInternals Process Explorer. Then you can find out if any processes named "svchost.exe" are being loaded by explorer.exe (these are the ones you want killed) as opposed to the normal svchosts that are loaded by services.exe. Process Explorer displays everything in a tree listing, child processes underneath parent processes and so forth. Also hovering over a process name with the mouse will tell you, if it's a service, what services each svchost.exe process is responsible for.

    Also, read this, and stop bitching about your memory usage. Really, a 30MB working set size for a svchost is nothing.

    EDIT: This is typical for my system. Vista Ultimate x64.


    Considering how Often this question comes up, it should be added to some sort of FAQ that is pinned to the top of the forum

  14. First, the video card. I admit, I know very little about vid cards. I'd like something that can handle the high-end graphics options for Civilization IV, and any good strategy games that might come out in the next year or two--without any slowdown.

    If you want to play games, buy a desktop, if you are going to use it like a desktop, buy a desktop, if you want to upgrade like a desktop...buy a god damn desktop. I suggest you really evaluate if you actually need a notebook(ya, I saw mobile studio, but how often?), if you don't need a notebook then its a HUGE waste of money.

    Second, I really like the idea of having 4 gigs of RAM. This model was originally configured with 2 gigs (2 1GB processors). Does the 2×2GB processors seem like overkill? I don't mind the extra expense here (made up for it by going down from 2.16GHz to 2).

    A purchase of 4gigs of memory is currently a waste of money, 32-bit systems will only ever see 3.25gigs of it and on average you never get near 2gigs anyways. There are exceptions, I am just going with regular use here.

    Third, Windows Vista. Has anyone had any real bad experiences with this? Should I just stick with Windows XP Home, or should I go ahead and have Vista on here? (I'm not going with a Mac or installing Ubuntu on here, so please don't suggest those, even if they might be better.)

    Vista has been kinda hit or miss depending on the person, some love it, some hate it, a lot sit in between the two extremes. If you can go to a store and play with it for a couple of minutes, that may give you some idea.

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