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Posts posted by phill

  1. I have read a few people having problems when they upgrade to the Q9450, most of them due to voltage problems. You did say the tech flashed the bios, but you may want to double check that he got the newest version for your mobo and then reset everything back to the default settings. I think intel even has a couple of utilities for check and testing your processor, may be work a look at.

  2. F@ck, never mind

    Try the faq

    When I click the Record button, I get an "Error Creating AVI file" message.

    Try going to Options : Video Options, and select a different compressor.

    If this still fails even after repeated attempts at different compressors, the reason may be due to a few corrupted registry entries for the Video for Windows (VFW) component in your system. You can try repairing your registry with the following file:


    To apply the file, simply download and double click it. Important: Please make sure to backup your registry before applying the fixreg.reg file.

  3. To be honest, it sounds like a bad memory module. Bad processors tend to...pooch your system completely where memory does just what you describe. My suggestion, pull out something like memtest86+ and run it for a while and see what comes up. If you have large amount of memory 3GB+, pull a couple of sticks out to speed the process up a little. Hopefully the system locks up or reports errors early in the test process.

  4. emot-words.gif

    Short story is that the update in question, changes the way Windows handles DNS enough that it confused zone alarm and led to the internet lock down. If I recall correctly, it was a problem with the DNS standard and not Windows handling of it and also required a massive roll out across everything that uses DNS (Windows, Linux, OSX, and all DNS Servers big or small).

    I'd check some sources so I had something to back that last bit up with...but Im lazy and I spent all day driver.

  5. Since my external HD is over 2 GB, that's not going to work.

    Like GA Jedi Knight mentioned, FAT32 is not limited to 2GB

    I was watching a video off a DVD image from my 750 GB NTFS drive last night, and it started skipping on me. Sure enough, I checked the drive and it needed a defrag.

    Like I said, heavy fragmentation is not the issue it once way, and if you are having issues with it, it might be caused by something other then typical writing of files. You always get some fragmentation, its a given, but it is rare to have it slow down your computer.

    (BTW, when mentioning specific hardware/software it's nice to provide a link like I did).

    I'm not your mom, do your own searches.

  6. I've partitioned my hard drive, and you can't use one external HD for both OS's. They use different file systems, it will just ask you to reformat it. You can afaik copy stuff from said hard drive onto either system, you just can't write to it... I think. Flash drives are no problem though, either can write to it.

    ...Flash drives aren't a problem because they are FAT or FAT32 which both OSs and can read or write. Format any drive to that file system and both Windows and OSX will read/write it. Or install third party "drivers" on either Windows or OSX and you will be able to read HFS+ one windows and NTFS on OSX...

  7. Couple of options for you, first format the drive as FAT32, both Win and OSX can read it and other then formatting it, nothing you need to do. Second format it as NTFS and get NTFS-3G for OSX. Third, format it as HFS+ and get HFSExplorer or pay for MacDrive7 and install it on the windows computer.

    I would pick either option two or three since FAT32 is a crappy file system when compared to NTFS or HFS+.

    Thanks to the new types of file systems (HFS+ NTFS EXT3 etc) defrags don't do much anymore. Its rare to get heavy fragmentation in files these days, and if you are having problems with it, it may be a sign of other problems. These Journaling file system are designed for quick access regardless of fragmentation.

    As for the life span question, it is all about the hardware quality, better it is longer it lasts. There are main frames, servers and desktop computer out there that have been running for years because they didn't use cheap hardware to build them, its not a matter of who makes them, its what their made of.

  8. Take a look at the browsers connection settings as Falchion suggested, being able to ping a site but not browse it shows that the problem is likely with the browser(connection settings) or the data being transferred(ie. filtered or blocked).

    Also, if you have IE7 you will have a "Diagnose Connection problems" under the tools menu, run that and see what happens.

  9. Awesome! Now I'm official! Now to find me my own Marion Ravenwood, & become Raiders of the Lost Remix! Exclamation Point!

    I can see the movie now, 80mins of a guy in front of a computer reading vague remix descriptions and hunting through the site finding the remixs

  10. To add stuff like quotes to the OCR Quirks site, which sadly I just learned about a short time ago... you would have to change the format to something wiki ish. At which point it could include events, notable users (like judges, coop and..me :P) and their notable quotes, faqs, howto, and other site related things.

  11. I am paying almost nothing for a decent amount of bandwidth and a stupid amount of space. I have planned to put up a page for image hosting (and some file hosting cough*remixes perhaps*cough) but I'm a lazy tit right now....

  12. Intel chips have a nice feature where the hotter they get, the slower the clock speed goes, you know, to protect themselves without nuking your system completly. If it gets to 95C without running like a bitch...you might want to make sure that the feature is working (bios should tell you)

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