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Posts posted by phill

  1. Gman has a good idea there, hit up the manufactures website to see what they have in terms of tools.

    Also, the freezer solution does work...for specific problems. It is not a cure all solution like some people think it is and really only works for a short time(ie. stops helping once the drive warms up again). If you do give it a try (last resort type of thing) put it in a zip lock bag and get as much of the air out of the bag before putting it in the freezer. If it does help, work fast and get any and all the data you can off of the drive and buy a new one.

  2. True, if it was DDR2 memory we were talking about. DDR memory is actually more expensive right now

    I guess we define expensive differently, considering the age of DDR, $30-60 for 1GB to 2GB of RAM really isn't that bad. Its not like you need high performance RAM for you HTPC so you could save cash by not buying something with heat spreaders and pimped out timing.

  3. Considering it plays small files fine but struggles with large ones leads me to think that it's probably not a problem with the speed of my CPU or GPU but rather related to the fact I'm using only 1.5GB of RAM with Vista.

    I would put my money on the fact that all your memory is running at 133mhz (including the PC3200) and not the lack of memory.

    At any rate, memory is cheap, couple good sticks of PC3200 won't cost all that much and will be the best thing for your computer.

  4. Either go ask management(not the new guy) about the rumors or continue to charge for the TL position until management tells you otherwise/till the changes show up on your pay stub(then talk to the management and still not the new guy).

    Now, I am not a master of state or federal employment laws, but I do believe that unless you have a formal contract you are considered an 'At Will' employee. This basically gives your employer the right to screw you as they see fit, eg. firing with or without cause as long as it does not break the law (ie.discrimination). If you did sign a contract, it should include information about what the employer will tell you when you are promoted/demoted.

  5. but you might have to argue with m$ for a while to get a working key if it rejects yours on the re-authentication procedure (which it might).

    If it comes down to actually talking to someone, normally you hit the automated activation service when phoning in, they generally don't care enough to cause problems. To be honest, I don't think I have ever had to answer any questions about a second or third....or tenth activation.

    Oh and if you are looking for a UPS(the battery backup device), take a look at APC. Mine has been a god-send in my apartment, and the company I worked for ran most of their servers off of them.

  6. I was tempted to try this, despite never being one for beta testing OSes. But the 32bit file size (3+ GB? Damn...), coupled with my XP being an OEM version, pulled me back to reality. I had too may questions in my head, and since I know OEM OSes don't get the same treatment as full-on purchased ones, I figured I'd leave well enough alone.

    Could always try dual booting XP and 7 or pick up the free VMware gsx/esx? server and install it on that. And if you are worried about not being able to reinstall XP OEM, as long as its the same computer same user, it will work, even if it requires a quick call to MS to activate.

  7. Try running firefox under a different profile and see what happens.

    Open the Windows "Start" menu, select "Run" then type and enter one of the following:

    * firefox.exe -profilemanager

    * firefox.exe -P

    if that doesn't help, try doing the uninstall rituals, (firefox and flash)

  8. dx11 is some crap that nvidia's pushing so that when it has it and everyone's got those dx10.1 cards that they bought when ati was the rage, they'll get pissed. at current it's not even a finalized standard yet, it's still be worked out. it won't be available for w7's release.


    I may be grossly misinformed, but DirectX 11 is a Microsoft graphics API that will be available for Windows Vista (SP2-ish) and Windows 7. The new DirectX will include all the features from DirectX 10.1 and those DX10 features will run on both DX10 and DX11 video cards. DX11 will also include several new features, some which are said to be compatible with DX10 cards, well others, will not. However, from what I have seen of the feature list, its not a big deal.

  9. emot-words.gif

    The so called Mac vs. PC debate or what really ends up being a Microsoft vs. Apple debate is a sad part of the internet. Often the debate ends up being just a fanatical expression of brand loyalty with little substance. Other OS's do not generally get dragged into this debate for so many reason, limited effect on popular culture, fragmented user base(its not Linux, it's Ubuntu, it's Gentoo, etc.), smaller user base, the quite little geek voices just don't get heard :P

    The hardware and the basic principles between Windows PCs and Mac PCs may be the same now, but what each OS is attempting to do and how they go about doing it is still very different. Each has its uses, each do something things very well and others very poorly. Each has its place.

  10. Ive got an ipod and a macbook pro and man that stuff just works without any problems at all.

    That reminds me of a guy I worked with for a short time, he told me that he liked Macs because they didn't have problems, period. It wasn't that fact that he was one of the Mac support guys for the school board(if they didn't have problems, why is he there?) that made me giggle, it was the fact he was actively fixing printer problems on 30(give or take) Macs.

    Not taking a shot at you or anything, a lot of people go through the life of their computer without problems, be it OSX, Windows, Linux or Unix.

    edit:Oh, and I refuse to use ipods because they are over priced MP3 players. You can pay less and get more from other brands.

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