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Posts posted by phill

  1. I will point to page 40 of the LG user manual for supported resoltuions. Note that it does not do proper 720 widescreen, instead it goes for the computer compatible widescreen 768. Make sure you select the proper res for both TV and Computer.

    Most video cards (laptop or PC) do support widescreen res, they however will not show up because your current screen does not support those resolutions. There are of course exceptions but they are becoming rare. Plus most laptops have gone to the widescreen displays anyway.

  2. It really depends on what you want. The shits per giggle ratio of the orange box is much higher. HL2, Portal, and TF2 are incredibly fun games to play, and the online game play is awesome for both HL2 and TF2. Puzzles, humor, and Alyx Vance make the collection well work the money.

    Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are much more artistic, more story driven and consuming. Very different then what you get in the Orange box and much more...niche?...sure that should work, much more of a niche game then Orange box contents. Depends on the style of game you want.

  3. Yay command prompt.

    first, to change directories, you have the mighty 'CD' command. Usually, My Documents will be in the 'c:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\<username>' folder. so you would type "cd c:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\<your username\my documents\Azureus Downloads\Final Fantasy VII - Voice of the Lifestream" WITH the quotes. dos doesn't like spaces so you need to include the quotes to make it work right.

    Then dir /X to get a list of files with short name. You should notice the second last column has the first 6 letters of the file name a ~ plus a number. As simple as del abcdef~1.mp3 for each file you want to delete

  4. I'm use to a network enviroment where you have to worry about server and share names on top of the file structure, and after seeing company data get fucked because projects would try to create file paths 300 or 400 characters long, i kinda got anal about it :).

  5. emot-words.gif

    If this is the problem, 256 characters is a stupid amount and you should really think about revising your download location...and naming practices...gah...

    Solution to this problem is using the dos short names and the 'Del' Command. If you don't know what the short names would be, use the 'Dir /X' command to display them.

    If the file name isn't 256+ characters long, something has locked the files and if a reboot does not work give 'unlocker' a try


  6. most don't, and pretty much if you ask too many questions most will just ban your ip for a short time until you stop asking said questions.

    And that is why you phone or talk face to face and avoid things like room number or computer name.

    As for the crappy network up-time, it may not actually be ITs fault (not to say there isn't a good chance of it). Lack of funding to upgrade network hardware is a problem among many schools and businesses. I've known a few places where the finance department has "forgotten" to pay the ISP, or the ISP contract says once the limit is reached, the connection is pretty much cut.

  7. I've decided to write myself my own flashcard program for Japanese, but I cannot figure out how to get the compiler to recognize Japanese characters. I've tried switching the character encoding to Cp930 (all I could find that is supposed to work) but that makes the rest of my code cease working. I've only been trying to get the Japanese to work with println functions so far.

    Anyways, I was wondering if there was anyone around here who knows how to do this sort of thing in Java--or if anyone knows how to do it in C++.


    If you are running this without a gui, you have to let the RTE know what encoding to use, the switch should be something like '-Dfile.encoding=UTF8'.

  8. Schwaltzvald is a n00b, I use DIN5

    I think I still have my old serial mouse sitting around someone, don't think it would be that hard to get working.

    As for the topic, may sound stupid but have you tried plugging the webcam into another port? something on the from perhaps?

    Oh and PS/2 is the suck, an all around crappy interface considering its short comings.

  9. Second point: I didn't recommend that one take out the battery while a laptop is ON, rather while it is off... lol.

    I didn't mean take it out well running either, laptop batteries are designed to be connected all the time with either a charge being applied or drawn from them. A battery that has gone through several charge cycles only to be left disconnected for extended periods will have issues. The batteries are way to picky at the moment and I really think they need to be fixed.

    And, if the voltage is tested while the computer is on and doing stuff with Prime95, as suggested here (first google result for "multimeter testing psu"), wouldn't that catch voltage issues - too low/too high?

    As intermittent as zircons problem is, I doubt it.

  10. Well the thing is, they tested the PSU with a multimeter and everything and came up with no problems... the voltage was perfect.

    I was going to address that in my post, but got lazy...turns out I am going to do it anyways...

    The multimeter will only address a very short time and a very specific condition(no load). I would put money on the cause being as intermittent as the effect it has on your system. If its a load problem, something like the PSU being unable to handle a sudden load or sustained heavy load, then the multimeter is completely useless. If its a problem with the PSU maintaining a constant output, then the multimeter could be used if you want to sit and watch it for a while...hence the 30 day return policy suggestion.

    When most hardware/software fails, it is reproducible, power problems on the other hand are a bitch to deal with. If its not completely dead, then its going to screw you around and probably damage other pieces of hardware in the process.

    Hell, there's so much going on in a computer IMO which makes pinpointing a problem difficult.

    ...and a laptop can be ran on AC power almost exactly like a desktop... if you take out the battery ;)

    I'd also like to address these two points. First, the vast majority of undesired events on a computer are caused by a limited number of problems, if you have enough information on the problem, like an error message, its generally pretty easy to find the cause. Second, laptop batteries are stupid, they are very picky about how they are dealt with and doing as you suggest can cause them damage.

  11. APC is nice, I got myself one a while back and haven't worried about brown outs, spikes or black outs since, a good investment for any decent computer system.

    You seem to be left with two options, you can beat up someone and take their PSU, perhaps not the best option, or find yourself a store with a 30 day return policy and decent PSU. You have gone out of your way to avoid replacing the PSU and if it is the PSU, all your left with is picking up a new one and hoping that it either crashes within 30days so you can return it or you fix the problem by picking up a new one.

  12. Be careful with BestBuy though, they have a history of screwing the customer, like selling services that are done by the manufacture or selling Office 2k7 for Linux.

    For me, BestBuy is the last place I would look for a computer, I do mean the last, and I would never touch geek squad with a 10 foot poll. Its not just the stories (search bestbuy on consumerist.com) its actually being there and hearing "advice" and "suggestions" and it scares me that they do such crappy things to customers.

    My suggestion would be go to the manufacture (HP, Dell, Compaq, whatever) and buy it direct. You won't have to worry about being sold useless software or services...well to many at least...and generally speaking there won't be a fight on who handles warranty work.

  13. Make sure the master/slave setup for your IDE drives is correct. Check the jumpers on each drive and make sure they are correct and the position on the IDE cable is also correct. Personally I use cable select and put the drives where they need to be (closer one being master? been a while actually..). Also, never hurts to make sure your bios is up to date.

    Just for the record, make sure the hard drives and the DVD drive are on seperate cables. Fast drive and slow drive on the same cable is bad.

    As for the "could not log on" error, did you change the Administrator account name or the name of an account with administrator access?

  14. For the record, compatibility mode doesn't emulate anything, it just gives you access to libraries and functions that have been removed or changed in Vista along with few tweaks that have been known to cause issues.

    You won't need it for every program, a good number of WinXP programs will still work with out any problems well others still need a little help getting going. However, because of some of the new security measures put into vista to keep user level programs out of places they shouldn't be (like the kernel), Compatibility mode will not help every program. In those cases, most companies have put out new versions for Vista.


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