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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Since I'm not sure if you're saying the voice acting is bad when you say it made your ears bleed, is it just me or does the volume of the voices in those anime shorts sound really ... LOUD? They seem to overtop to the point where it's offputting. I find myself having to adjust the volume because it's so bad. I hope the actual game's recordings aren't this horrible.
  2. All the time! Some are really cool, yeah, but they're usually few and far between in a sea of ... er... less-good ideas. I won't link any directly but, off the top of my head, there's a capybara water/ground starter.. And a poison Eeveelution! Heh.
  3. Oh god, not the Charveelutions!
  4. Congratulations! It's cool how many puzzles they've added to the StreetPass Plaza too! I didn't even know there was one for Rhythm Heaven Fever! :3 Also awesome that you can only get the pink puzzle pieces through streetpassing (i.e. not via Play Coins).
  5. Pushmo is WELL worth its price, if you like quality titles that will engage you with clever blockpulling puzzles and expanded replayability (with QR coded user-generated puzzles); from the stellar developers of the Paper Mario and Fire Emblem series. As for JRPGs, I would REALLY love to see a new original 3DS-specific Tales game to be shown for the system. Before the system hit its stride, they were few and far between but nowadays I get at least 1 every time I go out (department stores, malls, grocery shopping, convenience stores; even just driving around).
  6. Luckily, Kid Icarus Uprising both a) comes out a little later this month, and is said to be PACKED with content. Bonus points for being made by the very sexual, the very toight, Masahiro Sakurai. And it's not a port! Always a plus. If that don't just tickle ya, there's the upcoming eShop painting application that looks fun as all get out, Colors 3D. Speaking of which, what eShop games do you have? I highly recommend VVVVVV, Mutant Mudds, Dillon's Rolling Western, and Pushmo. Luigi's Mansion should be right around the corner (prob after June, when Mario Tennis Open drops). And by that time, E3 will be rearing its beautiful head. I'd hold onto my 3DS if I were you.
  7. Technically it's Kyurem on both '2' covers. :3
  8. Seriously! Look at White Kyurem and tell me you don't see Gible's mouth.
  9. Black Kyurem's color scheme is just a lot more appealing than White Kyurem's. White, Gray, Yellow, Red and Ice Blue? Blegh! Black, Gray, Yellow, Electric Blue and Ice Blue? YES PLEASE. I also like Black Kyurem's mouth better. :3
  10. It's Monobrow's birthday too? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :3
  11. I'd like to stand up as the first non-Xavier(though very much an Xavier enthusiast) to wish you a happy birthday!
  12. It's workin'! Bonus points if you read them in his voice. Also: Holy cool! This eshop 'game'/art application looks sa-weet. And even if you're not that great an artist, I think it'll even be worth purchase price just to peruse the gallery, if awesome pictures like what are in the trailer are commonplace.
  13. It was confirmed for Europe as a 2012 release out of necessity. While North America got it's own Nintendo Direct with Reggie, Europe got a version of Iwata's Japanese presentation. When they were showing footage of Fire Emblem, the game was confirmed for this year. I'm sure we'll get it too; NoA most likely doesn't want to confirm something that's potentially Fall/Winter 2012 release material just yet. Of course, one region getting a confirmation and not the other makes people jump the gun and gloat that NoE is superior/worry about a North American release.
  14. EDIT: You know what. Nevermind. Beating a dead horse. See you around!
  15. If I could 'Like' your post I would.
  16. I would recommend Platinum or HeartGold.
  17. Oh, very cool. 3 FREE Kid Icarus Uprising AR Idol cards for Club Nintendo members(and there's no reason not to be; it's free). :3 Get 'em while they last. Also they have another page detailing other free cards they're giving away.
  18. Oh, lose the long faces, lads. I'm staying!
  19. Nooooo!!! Can we still be 3DS pals? Everybody's growing up.
  20. It would've been a bit better if Ralts had a male secondary form as well, rather than it be Kirlia who turns into Gallade, but that's just me. You know what two pokemon lines have an unecessary first form? Reuniclus and the Gothitelle.
  21. Shroomish is my new favorite. Also I don't think we should do the whole 'favorites' thing as that sort of thing is discouraged on these forums. Back on topic: Do you guys think Black Kyurem and White Kyurem will be the only alt Kyurem formes or do you think there'll be a forme that's the combination of all three dragons (Kyurem is said to be what's left over from the Original Dragon comprising Reshiram and Zekrom). B and W Kyurem are pretty much missing a whole 3rd each as they are: Remains + 1 dragon.
  22. bye also >music no longer interests me
  23. Nothing wrong with trying to figure out a timeline for the main series games since there are definite implications and references, but these split timelines that depend on Cipher from Colosseum are cooky.
  24. I don't remember anything personally. The only thing I can find from a few searches was the Celio machine FRLG/RSE connectivity, but that's not very concrete at all, is it? Hmm!
  25. That's right, the Sinnoh games start because the player trainers want to investigate whether their local lake has a red gyarados, like the newscast says has been seen in Johto's Lake of Rage, and that itself came about because Team Rocket exposed the lake to a radio frequency in G/S/C. Jasmine left Johto somewhere in the time after her defeat and before you meet her in Sunyshore.
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