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Everything posted by ocre

  1. :3 (Note that, again, this game is not played using gestures, but with button presses!)
  2. Now $149.99 on newegg too. Free shipping. :3 Am I the only one here that loves the 3DS browser? Only thing missing is Flash. Posting from my 3DS, bishes.
  3. Apparently you can now go to GameStop and get a 3DS in your choice of four colors (Red, Pink**, Black or Blue) for $149.99 (as opposed to $169.99 at other retailers) [until the 12th! **Pink system available starting on 2/10
  4. It really irks me when a game that comes out 10 years after it's contemporaries has less features and stuff to do in it. And that's a general statement, not necessarily about the Zelda serie.
  5. This just in! $5 off if you preorder from Canadian BestBuy.com! Note: Only works for Canadians!
  6. According to a translated interview Linked here., this has been confirmed by Square Enix to be an HD rerelease (read: port) and not a ground-up remake. You can change the topic title now.
  7. New Rhythm Heaven game coming out for the Wii on February 13th(Ship date)! You pay $29.99! From the makers of the WarioWare series and Rhythm Heaven on the Nintendo DS, comes this game where you play through 50 rhythm-based stages (each stage features some form of narrative or zany activity presented with catchy music and great visual style!) by keeping the beat of the catchy song and attempting as few mistakes as possible. For those of you worried that this game might be hindered by questionable motion controls? Fear not! You input your beats with the A and B buttons exclusively! Also, new to this game are some stages where 2 people can play! February 13(ship date)! $29.99! No waggle! What's to think about? Gameplay Video -NEW!-: Gamexplain Video Review: (this guy claims he is horrible at keeping a beat but still loves the game, so I imagine us music-afficionados will be far more adept at it! I've played and loved the original and I'm not a musician by any means)Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhythm_Heaven_Fever
  8. Happy birthday friend porter.
  9. Oh, you just made my night. I'll be looking forward to that.
  10. That lobster monster was being a dick! Also, Kabuki Kirby? What the heck?!
  11. Huzzah! Very good of Capcom to do that.
  12. Funny how everyone keeps treating that AC 3DS information as new when its been known for quite a while now. But yeah, RELEASE IT ALREADY. Anyhoo, Mutant Mudds is pretty cool so far. Clean pixel art graphics! Great chiptune soundtrack as well. Get it! Also: I think I need a bigger SD card.
  13. Yeah, I think 30 startups is plenty to get through it enough times to decide whether you like the taste you're getting of the game. I've opened the demo 4 times so far and I'm sure it will have worn out its purpose by the time the game is released.
  14. Must've been the exploding 'zombie' that set off somehow. In case you fellas didn't notice, when you clear 'Normal' mode, you unlock a very-hard 'Hell mode' where the enemies are more deadly/numerous and resources are fewer. Speaking generally, I love my 3DS. Can't wait to play all the games coming out for it this year and also see what surprises they unveil at e3.
  15. Happy birthday to two great OCR family members.
  16. I guess there's a reason why Adventure of Link is my favorite of the NES Ambassador games.
  17. I downloaded Mighty Switch Force, giving WayForward another chance to wow me with a meatier game (after Shantae Risky's Revenge which was enjoyable if basic and NOT LONG ENOUGH) I was expecting something like Mega Man ZX buuuut I got a "mission-based" "rescue all people (arrest all criminals) in a level (which is self-contained) as fast as you can to beat the high score (lowest time)" puzzle/platformer game. Though I wil say to it's credit, it can be rather inventive and the visuals are very good. For the amount of praise the company gets, I would expect them to take their good concepts (in this case a helmet which makes blocks pull out or regress from the background) and make a deep game around them. I don't know how many people made this game but I think they could benefit from a larger team who would get a bigger game together. I got VVVVVV at the same time as this and I much prefer VVVVVV, since it's a platformer built around a great concept (gravity manipulation and hopping around the screen through dimensional abnormalities) and gives you a world to play with it in. If you get Mighty Switch Force, don't expect Mega Man ZX or even Mega Man 1. Goes without saying but the music is stellar, at least. Go virt! Mighty Switch Force gets a 7.5 while VVVVVV gets a solid 8.5(would've given it a 8.9 but it loses some points due to it's non-functioning 'Flip Mode' which doesn't work on the 3DS version of the game and has not yet been patched).
  18. I suspect RE 6's double main leads are the product of Capcom's inability to decide which of the two games in progress they would go with and just mashed them together into one big ball of testosterone. Not that I'm too worried about it. As for games that have done globe-trotting before, MGS4 had Snake visit a few locales.
  19. Are you kidding? I think it feels more Resident Evil 1 than Resident Evil 5.
  20. At the time of my posting it was half a day in advance of the release so, yeah it wasn't out yet. Can't wait to get home so I can get it.
  21. I know this is a case of "it WILL be true eventually" (much like Square Enix's "WE'RE MAKING FINAL FANTASY X HD" announcement was back in September) but that thread title is a bit misleading. Reads like the demos are OUT right this second. Made me check the eshop and I was sorely disappointed.
  22. I like that they used the Sonic 3 invincibility music and 1up fanfare. :3 Also, it's not like Sonic doesn't need car insurance too.
  23. Here here! Happy birceday!
  24. Note that this is NOT a hate thread. Also I would never remix Excitebike for reasons I'll leave up to your imagination.
  25. Get out of here. That's Nintendo and as everyone knows, Nintendo doesn't count toward anything. (/sarcasm) But seriously, I agree. Great soundtracks.
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