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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Happy ToNday!
  2. I've honestly been enjoying this so far. My favorite track being Ocean Riff.
  3. - 'North American Intro'Oh heck yeah. This music perfectly introduces you back into the world of Mega Man X and Zero some time after the events of MMX3 where a new threat of the 'Repliforce' has arisen. The opening music has what I like to call a "Repliforce" feel to it and indeed, all the music of this game was written in a way that, for me, gives that faction a 'sound', if that makes sense. Great intro! Too bad the Japanese got .
  4. Luke meeting Angry VG Nerd. Best pic ever.
  5. They wanna know why they haven't seen you.
  6. Just when you thought the obsession was dying down. If you're aching for more pushmo puzzles, I picked up this little tip from NeoGAF. 1) Go to Pushmo Studio 2) Press 'Create' on a blank pushmo design space. 3) Tap "Copy" then select "... from Papa Blox" 4) He gives you a new mural pushmo. :3 Now you know what he meant when he said he had a new Pushmo ready in the studio! So far I've found a Mitten and a Gingerbread Man. P cool.
  7. Me, Amphibious, wildfire, Arek and Overflow all raced (some at different times) yesterday. :3 It was a gas.
  8. A NEW CHALLENGER APPEARS! I'm now a part of the OCR Community!
  9. Was wondering if you could send me some of the swapnotes I missed, Overflow. Thanks :3
  10. Much like everything I own, they are all tossed into one giant pile, whose properties are lovingly memorized, for easy access and enjoyment.
  11. The first design looks so... ME! How about adjusting it so it's in it's traditional "ReMix" format and making that word 'white' so it reads OC in black and ReMix in white. Even without any of the suggested edits, I think it's great. Would wear. I love the minimalist look and the Positive Space/Negative Space direction.
  12. I got a delicious pie! Happy C to you all!
  13. Happy brithday to a great friend!
  14. ocre


    Let us know how you end up liking it. :3
  15. Of course it was sarcasm. He's a Yamori, not some block-headed Bracegirdle from Harbottle.
  16. I've only seen the trailer and the Company of Dwarves is already overwhelming my senses. Nevertheless, I wish I could seal myself up for 2 years til both of these things come out.
  17. Thumbs up if you're still listening to this in 2011.
  18. ocre


    Here's my 2nd puzzle. This one is based on the 8bit MetaKnight sprite from Kirby's Adventure; a sprite that I keep near and dear to my heart. Enjoy! (also, nice, Mirb)
  19. You pretty much summed up my experience learning about the title. Oh vell. Maybe it'll be good anyway. I've enjoyed other TD games (Pixeljunk Monsters) but yeah, you're right, that other direction would've been very cool.
  20. I just barely realized Dillon's Rolling Western has a heavy tower defense play mechanic. Hmm.
  21. Seeing Sacred Stones with blown up resolution is pretty cool. Me happy.
  22. THEY'RE UP! Get 'em while they're hot. Same way we got the NES games, only now they can download while the 3DS is in sleep mode.
  23. Though I kind of expected the original GBA Fire Emblem, I'm grateful the series is included on the list at all. Gives me some hope that they intend to bring FE 3DS to North America and at the very least exposes the series to a new generation that may not have had the chance to get into the GBA.
  24. ocre


    Tried yer Link puzzle. It was p cool and provided a pretty good challenge throughout. Nice job.
  25. Hoorayyy!! Sacred Stones! Minish Cap!! Beautiful! Ah, me so happy. Me love Nintendo long time. (unless NoA flubs this up and decides to switch out some of those gems)
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