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Everything posted by Booken

  1. Toady One posted the guitar tabs on the Dwarf Fortress forums a couple years ago. But to date no one considered remixing it. I'm sure we could smelt out some masterwork-quality metal remixs out of it. Youtube link to songs: - - Guitar Tab/Piano Sheet: (Title Screen) Alternate: http://tabnabber.com/view_Tab.asp?tabID=10171&sArtist=Toady+One&sName=Dwarf+Fortress Unfortunatly the Fortress Mode tabs were lost on a computer crash.
  2. Evening of the Undead on Piano would be awesome.
  3. This could easily be one of the most beautiful mix on this site. You got me addicted.
  4. Its breathtaking, mate. Finish it.
  5. I've got to say it. I absolutely hate the lead. It sounds aweful, synthetic, in an otherwise superb melody. Either try to smooth it, or change to lead instrument. I'm thinking of either Piano or Flute, maybe both.
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